The Millennium of the TRUTH


[6] Sinister






1-10    |    11-20    |        22    23    24    25    2→6    →999    9991    1991










Google  Facebook  YouTube  Twitter  Pinterest ..

Globalist anti-fairness censor machinery ?

[..] I have connections throughout the conservative media, and just about everyone I know has been censored, banned, shadowbanned or deplatformed in some way, shape or form. Over the past two and a half years we have witnessed the greatest purge in the history of the Internet, and it has been absolutely brutal.
Some conservative voices are still able to use social media, but the heavy hand of censorship is always present. For example, every time Dr. Michael Brown posts a video on YouTube, it is immediately “flagged as unsuitable for most advertisers”…

Of course other conservative voices have been targeted for elimination from social media altogether. Mike Adams of Natural News is an incredibly genuine guy and one of the most articulate conservative voices on the entire Internet, and he has been deplatformed by just about every social media platform that exists…
In response to a coordinated, heavily-funded smear campaign against Natural News and myself, the Health Ranger, Facebook has now permanently banned Natural News from posting content. The channel name that has been banned is, which was our primary channel reaching over 2.5 million people.
This is on top of the permanent bans of Natural News content from Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google News, Apple and other techno-fascists that now represent the greatest threat to human freedom the world has ever seen.
There is no reason why Mike Adams should have ever been banned by anyone. I have had the opportunity to sit down with him in person, and he is someone that cares deeply for America and for those around him. What the big social media companies have done to him is absolutely disgusting.
But of course he is far from alone. One study found that since the 2016 presidential election, social media traffic to a group of some of the most conservative websites on the Internet was down by 93 percent. You can find the full study right here, and it is definitely worth reading. [..] 


14.08.19 [..] He warned that tech companies such as Google and Facebook were “overconfident” in 2016, but “in 2020, you can bet that all of these companies are going to go all out.” 

“If these companies all support the same candidate, they will have the power to shift 15 million votes to that candidate,” he said. [..]



16.08.19  [..]“I thought that our election system is going to be compromised forever by this company that told the American public that it was not going to do any evil,” he told Project Veritas in a video published Aug. 14. “And I saw that they were making really quick moves. … They were intending to scope the information landscape so that they could create their own version of what was objectively true.” [..] Google engineer Zach Vorhies



France government going to ever greater lengths in its war against its folk.


Epstein (*)- "suicide"  re "coincidences", here we go again

It's the "Sanctuary policy" ..


13.08.19 Where The Heck Is Ghislaine Maxwell?
This should be the top question right now – Where is Ghislaine Maxwell (and why isn’t she in custody)?

Look like she had the wrong friends. As usual in this kind of environment.






[..]  Epsteins Tod wirft Fragen auf“ – das berichten in diesen Tagen stinknormale deutsche Tageszeitungen, wie die Mittelbadische Presse (12.08.2019) oder auch andere Medien. 

Doch sichtlich wird der Ball flach gehalten, man kommt an dem Megaskandal zwar nicht völlig vorbei, doch allzu tief will man hier in den Redaktionen des Mainstreams nicht bohren. Denn am Ende könnte diese ganze Geschichte den Kritikern des sich „links/weltrettend“ gebenden Establishments zum peinlichen Desaster geraten. Zur niederschmetternden Enthüllung über das wahre Innenleben der sich gerne oft hypermoralisch gebenden Strippenzieher des politisch korrekten Mainstream, nicht wenige sagen sogar: Hier wird Licht ins Dunkel jener satanischen Kreise geworfen, welche eine „Neue Weltordnung“ planen und dieses in ihrer Eigenschaft als vermutlich größte Halunken aller Zeiten tun.

DIE ELITE HÄNGT VOLL DRIN (*): Trilaterale Kommission, Council on Foreign Relations u.e.m. – „Ab 1996 hieß sein Unternehmen The Financial Trust Co. Bis heute ist nicht schlussendlich bekannt, wodurch und durch wen Jeffrey Epstein ab den 1990ern seinen immensen Reichtum erlangte. Vor allem sein Immobilienbesitz in Manhattan, Palm Beach, Mexiko, Frankreich und einer privaten Insel in der Karibik diente dem späteren System Epstein. Apartments, Anlagen, Paläste, die nachweislich nur dazu dienten, über ein perfides Konstrukt, massenhaft Minderjährige zu missbrauchen, bzw. so ekelhaft es klingt, zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die mehr als explosive Tatsache: Epstein bewirtete, ja bediente Personen, die eindeutig nachzuweisen sind, jedoch einhellig behaupten mit den Missbrauchsvorwürfen nicht in Verbindung gebracht werden zu dürfen. Es geht um Prominenz der A-Liga aus den Bereichen der US-Politik, der Schönen und der Reichen, bis nach Europa wirkend. Menschen, die sich für unangreifbar hielten und sicherlich auch noch halten … Die gesellschaftliche Stellung zeigt sich dahingehend, wo Jeffrey Epstein gelistetes Mitglied war, Zitat seiner Homepage: Jeffrey Epstein war Mitglied des Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee in Harvard, der Trilateralen Kommission, des Council on Foreign Relations, der New York Academy of Science und ehemaliges Vorstandsmitglied der Rockefeller University. Herr Epstein ist auch aktives Mitglied der Edge Organization.“ [..] 


(*) Die Elite des GutmenschenMainstream- u. der NoBorder-Heiligen! 


NYT article says: Not Epstein-global sex-abuse-machinery was the poison but the so called 'conspiracy theories' around him. How corrupt are those people ?




[..] "Seine Königliche Hoheit verurteilt die Ausbeutung eines jeden Menschen, und die Andeutung, dass er ein solches Verhalten dulden, daran teilnehmen oder es unterstützen würde, ist abscheulich", erklärte der Buckingham Palast. [..] 

[..] Das Interview von Prinz Andrew, in dem er alle Anschuldigungen gegen sich abstritt, aber keinerlei Bedauern für die Opfer zeigte, tat seinem Ruf nicht gut. Bekannte britische Institutionen und Unternehmen wenden sich öffentlich von ihm ab. [..]

Prince Andrew To Officially Disappear From Public Life After Interview Disaster 

Epstein Accuser Hits Out Against Prince Andrew, Dershowitz In Wake Of Potential New Evidence





[..]  Jeffrey Epstein's former cellmate has asked a New York judge to move him to a new prison after he says prison guards have been threatening him in the wake of the registered sex offender's death [..] 



Grand Jury Subpoenas Issued For Up To 20 Officers At NYC Prison Where Epstein Died 
Several witnesses "were not cooperative..."

They removed his cell mate on the day before, sabotaged all  related surveillance cameras, both guards allegedly fell asleep, then Epstines three broken neck bones pointing to homicidal hanging and finally all the missing / hidden away forensic information. It worked out perfectly. 



Anyway: What a luck that we have back again a jurisdiction leader in America that deserves this definition, by at least trying to go after those seemingly untouchable  people. HOW was it possible for the Winestein's and Epsteins' to operate their stinky business over so many years under the eyes of everyone, including the goodist their holy Cintons and Obamas  !?!


33 | 555 | 75


[..] And then there is Carpenter’s film They Live, in which two migrant workers discover that the world is not as it seems. In fact, the population is actually being controlled and exploited by aliens working in partnership with an oligarchic elite. All the while, the populace—blissfully unaware of the real agenda at work in their lives—has been lulled into complacency, indoctrinated into compliance, bombarded with media distractions, and hypnotized by subliminal messages beamed out of television and various electronic devices, billboards and the like.
It is only when homeless drifter John Nada (played to the hilt by the late Roddy Piper) discovers a pair of doctored sunglasses— Hoffman lenses—that Nada sees what lies beneath the elite’s fabricated reality: control and bondage. [..]




Epstein Was A Mossad Agent Used To Blackmail American Politicians, Former Israeli Spy Claims
“They were agents of the Israeli Intelligence Services.” [..]
This is exactly what happens when you open the pandora box of corruption. And how do you open it ? By voting socialism! Socialism is the home of the most hypocritical, corrupt minds. And with the most corrupt minds on the rudders, the different snakes always take over the Nation. 



Video of outside Epsteins cell no longer esists, government says.



(translated) Forensic physician Jeffrey Epstein reveals, "Here is evidence that he was assassinated"



Big money and power washed everything white..




Der manipulative Kampf um Amerikas Seele – Der weiße Mann als Feindbild
[..]  Liberale, sozialistische und kommunistische Politiker und Medien haben eine neue manipulative Strategie auf den Plan gerufen im Kampf um Amerikas Seele. Sie beginnen systematisch alles, was Amerika verkörpert, als „rassistisch“ und „weißen Nationalismus“ anzuprangern mit dem Ziel, auf diese Weise eine reflexartige Zustimmung der Öffentlichkeit herbeizuführen. [..] 



DoJ: 64% Of All Federal Arrests In 2018 Were Non-Citizens



Bill Dudley Shocker: Ex-NY Fed President Urges Fed's Powell To Prevent Trump Re-election 

The globalist socialist manipulators letting their pants down. If you re unable to keep your monetary system decently working without letting your country being robbed, then the problem is with your system.

28.08.19 Update


Clinton fans trolling Trump website


What a level ..



Mueller Helped Saudis Cover Up Involvement In 9/11 Attacks: Lawsuit 
"He was the master when it came to covering up the kingdom’s role in 9/11,"



Chinas chemical warfare against USA and Europe. DE




Iran (Steinmeiner's beloved friends) -in cooperation with the Yemeni Huthi rebels- attacks Saudi Arabia oil production with BOUT 30 drones and cruise missiles, then threatens to attack Dubai and Abu Dhabi.



18|22|8      63

2|45    15

289 px




48|2 px

4|99 px

"I am Greta, I am 16 years old, and I want you to panic."

Panic is the last thing we need. Stupid people do panic.

1. this isn't a personal offence (Greta is too young to be held responsible) but a general statement, and it is the truth

2. when I say don't panic, that does not mean to keep sleeping but to wake

up and fight for the right thing.

3. a letter from Frank Haubold to Greta Thunberg


Both, gesture and rhetoric (the rhetoric of the masses against the critical minds - the pure populism) remind me on something typical sinister. Wonder that they begin 

to leave their pants down in this very early stage.

The sinister and so far most system addicted 

part of mankind will love this, no matter

what the facts are. With the sinister

mind it is never about the facts.

Since they have zero self esteem, it is about the desire and emotion of being part of something big (and for some of them -the most extremist one- possibly make a career with it.)

Whatever way that goes.



317 px


Greta without script

Should Greta once realize how she was abused for a political agenda, no one will inform us about it, because the big corrupted media will not give her a voice anymore.


24.09.19 Apropos panic:
Wegen Klimaalarmismus: 18-jährige Kanadierin setzt Politiker weltweit unter Druck
"Denn obwohl ich Kinder mehr als alles andere auf der Welt haben möchte - was für eine Mutter wäre ich, wenn ich ein Baby in eine Welt setzen würde, wo ich nicht garantieren könnte, dass sie sicher sind?" [..]

Dies sind in der Regel dieselben Personen die ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste (importiertes Chaos, Segregation, islamische Clanwirtschaft, Einzel- und Massenvergewaltigungen, Terrorakte, Morde, Kriminalität, Messerstechereien, Drogen, Prostitution..- obendrauf als zusätzliche Folgekonsequenz: Massenüberwachung, allgegenwärtige Einschränkungen durch Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, Eingriff und Abbau der fundamentalsten Bürgerrechte, Willkühr, Täter vor Opfer-Justiz.. ) alle zivilisatorischen Grenzen niederreissen möchten.

26.09.19: [..] Bei der Aufnahme von Migranten an der Küste Nordafrikas mit anschließendem Transport nach Italien wurden offenbar auch Mörder, Vergewaltiger und Folterknechte mitgebracht. Jetzt stellt sich heraus, dass es wohl ausgerechnet Carola Rackete mit der "Sea-Watch 3" war, die die Kriminellen an Bord hatte. [..]

So, panicking here (for a lie), but everything under the rug there (in the face of the brutal reality). Now tell me. What kind of logic is that? Isn't it perhaps the logic of the ignorant one and the manipulators, but also of the psychologically unstable individuals among us ?


Let us be clear: The climate is beyond the reach of humanity. Mankinds C02- influence is far below the mentionworth. (Even wind turbines mathematically influence the climate by slowing the natural winds. Not to mention via their production and disposal) 

However, it will be good to definitely stop those stupid attempts of TOXIC CHEMICAL weather-manipulation, poisoning both nature and creatures.


Mankind has not to panic, but to roll up its sleeves, dismantle the lies, and sweep the dirt out from under the rug.

 updated 26.09.19



[..] (Greta) also filed a legal complaint with the UN on Monday, demanding five countries (Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and Turkey) more swiftly adopt larger cuts in carbon emissions. The complaint is legally based on a 1989 agreement, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, under which Thunberg claims the human rights of children are being violated by too-high carbon emissions.

Thunberg seems unaware, however, that in poor and developing countries, carbon emissions are more a lifeline to children than they are a threat.

It's one thing to criticize France and Germany for their carbon emissions. Those are relatively wealthy countries where few families are reduced to third-world-style grinding poverty when their governments make energy production — and thus most consumer goods and services — more expensive through carbon-reduction mandates and regulations. But even in the rich world, a drastic cut like that demanded by Thunberg would relegate many households now living on the margins to a life of greatly increased hardship.

That's a price Thunberg is clearly willing to have first-world poor people pay.

But her inclusion of countries like Brazil and Turkey on this list is bizarre and borders on the sadistic — assuming she actually knows about the situation in those places.

While some areas of Brazil and Turkey contain some areas that approach first-world conditions, both countries are still characterized by large populations living in the sorts of poverty that European schoolgirls could scarcely comprehend. [..]


Extremist behaviour. It's not normal. Especially right now after their juridical backlash with their fake hockeygraph. So, UN & Co letting their pants down?

Some of those guys in UN and the BIC & Co Cabal seem to be under extreme pressure with their globalization agenda or otherwise want collapsing the global economy via CO2 religion. On this way after the collapse it wouldn't be the financial system but the CO2 to emerge as the guilty one, and would have been the price to be paid. So, this could be an attempt by some to arrange the long needed financial reset while washing their hands white yet cover the real guilty one (=bubble money), then putting you all definitely into their chains. They need China for this their game. It is their natural ally. This is why they spare this communist regime from criticism although it is the greatest environmental polluter. 


N.b:Auch in Deutschland pfeift genau dieser selbe Wind  eines kommunistischen Klimas aus allen Löchern.

updated 29.09.19



09.10.19 [..]  I "gretini" hanno lanciato una petizione online per chiedere che sui media venga censurato chi osa esporre "tesi antiscientifiche", cioè chi non la pensa come loro  [..]  I "gretini" chiedono dunque la censura e che venga silenziato ogni tipo di dibattito sul tema. Non sono sufficienti le prese di posizione di studiosi di fama internazionale come Franco Prodi, Franco Battaglia, Alberto Prestininzi, Antonino Zichichi, Carlo Rubbia: no, la "scienza" è tutta con i gretini e nessuno può metterlo in discussione. Chi non si piega al climaticamente corretto va silenziato, oscurato, non deve avere spazio. Ma che concetto "scinetifico" è questo? [..]


Their fear before the freedom and fairness must be a horror for these people. As it is for all leftists, ideologists.



Quote "We too love (easy) money more than freedom"

  TheET     ET

[..] The controversy was also picked up by international media, with U.S. officials lambasting the National Basketball Association for issuing an apology [..]



no comment



"Shouldn't the Bidens push for an investigation if there was no wrongdoing?"


Ukrainian Indictment Claims $7.4 Billion Obama-Linked Laundering, Puts Biden Group Take At $16.5 Million 
"Biden received money that did not come from the company’s successful operation but rather from money stolen from citizens" [..]
This is how globalism looks like in reality, behind the curtains!



Burisma landed lucrative USAID contract months after Hunter Biden joined board.

Anyone among the Biden fans cares ?

Anyone cares of anything at all ?


[..] The argument for barring China from U.S. capital markets is simple but compelling: Why should the United States government allow U.S. capital markets and the American people to fund the world’s most powerful adversary of freedom in the world and which threatens the very markets it participates in, as well as the entire global financial system? [..]

Trump: WTO braucht „drastischen Wandel“
[..] Bei seiner Rede vor den Vereinten Nationen am Dienstag hatte Trump eine Reform des internationalen Handelssystems gefordert und China erneut unfaires Wirtschaften vorgeworfen. Seine Regierung werde eine „ehrgeizige Kampagne“ zur Reform des Welthandels vorantreiben. Die Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) brauche „drastischen Wandel“. Es könne zum Beispiel nicht sein, dass China als zweitgrößte Volkswirtschaft der Welt bei den Handelsbeziehungen nach WTO-Regeln die Vorteile eines Entwicklungslandes für sich geltend machen könne, so Trump. [..]



Best First Lady, best wife



Is lawless existence the most valuable asset? Higher than the integrity of a Nation and the health of a society ?

A New York City law has new guidance that states the use of the term "illegal alien" to "demean, humiliate or harass a person" is illegal, according to the New York City Commission on Human Rights. 
Guess who decides if those words are humiliating or not for him.
Those found in violation of the law can be fined up to $250,000

In a land in which you can humiliate the President in the most obvious expressions of hatred and many other things without being fined, such exaggerations are an abuse in itself and so far typical for any form of totalitarianism. Zero respect before the founding fathers of this country. So, I would rather turn these fines on those who put the muzzle, no matter what kind of political side they claim to be part of, because from the principle the bigger evil lies in the muzzle than in the word, and this is the principle that made this country great. Those muzzle guys instead have always led from bad to much worse.



Smart congressman to Pelosi

22|77    2|46  49


I think the democrats are losing all their credibility

if they do not change their course.


Elon Musk  ~ Elan Must (be) Musk(el)

Prosperity does not come out of the blue.

If the American, and hereby especially the Democrats do not realize this message and continue with their games and gambling, everything has consequences.




China Uses Deception to Fight a War Against US Without Actual Combat, Retired US General Says

.. a War Against Humanity..



Fentanyl massacre

[..] „Grauzonenkriegsführung“: China übersät USA mit Fentanyl – chinesische Staatsbürger verhaftet
Allein im vergangenen Jahr verursachten synthetische Opioide wie Fentanyl den Tod von mehr als 32.000 Amerikanern. Chinas Fentanylhandel ist nur eine von vielen "wachsenden Aktivitäten der 'Grauzonenkriegsführung'", die sich an die Vereinigten Staaten richten. [..] 


CNN - Anti Trump hate&propaganda machine

6|2|5 x 610 px



CNN-Chief: "US-voters stupid like sh^^" wished Donald Trump death "Hopefully soon"

[..] In another secret recording was heard CNN producer John Bonifield. He admitted that Russia's story against President Trump was "mostly bullshit" and was invented by CNN chief Jeff Zucker, "to boost quotas".
At the time, Bonifield also said he saw no evidence against President Trump that might point to a crime. Then Bonifield was asked where the journalistic ethics would be about which would be spoken so much in the journalism schools. He replied, "That's fine and beautiful there, but here's business!" [..]


This is what we define as SINISTER. 

Tell me: How fact-based can such media propaganda leaflet be ?


[..] The letter from the White House counsel Cipollone states that the (impeachment) inquiry runs afoul of congressional norms, and accuses the Democrats of failing to afford the president due process protections and fairness.

“You have designed and implemented your inquiry in a manner that violates fundamental fairness and constitutionally mandated due process,” the letter said.

“You have denied the President the right to cross-examine witnesses to call witnesses, to receive transcripts of testimony, to have access to evidence, to have counsel present, and many other basic rights guaranteed to all Americans.

“You have conducted your proceedings in secret. You have violated civil liberties and the separation of powers by threatening Executive Branch officials, claiming that you will seek to punish those who exercise fundamental constitutional rights and prerogatives. All of this violates the Constitution, the rule of law, and every past precedent.”

The letter states that for these reasons, the White House won’t comply with the demands of House lawmakers. [..]


Left-Wing Groups Seek to Sell Impeachment to American Public

The sinister 911-establishment is losing its nerves. 

They act as if they were above the rule and law by ignoring the custom rule to ask the U.S. House of Representatives to vote to open a formal impeachment inquiry. 


179  993  2|3




Rand Paul: 'Subpoena Whistleblower, He May Be Involved In Corrupt Ukraine Dealings' 

(translation) Lawyer of the "whistleblower" is Soros activist: "coup d'état in progress - impeachment will follow"

[..] The whistleblower's lawyer Eric Ciaramella, Mark Zaid, is also a longtime anti-Trump activist with his own NGO and connections to John Podesta and George Soros. Interestingly, Zaid already tweeted in 2017 of a "coup d'état".
Facebook and YouTube blocked all posts and videos containing the name of CIA employee Eric Ciaramella, who had written an official complaint against the US president on August 12.
It has now been revealed that Ciaramella's lawyer Mark Zaid also belongs to the anti-Trump camp and wrote on Twitter on January 30, 2017, just eleven days after Trump's inauguration: "Coup d'état in progress. First step of many. Impeachment will inevitably follow. #lawyers". [..]


[..] "I predict that CNN will play a key role in the premature termination of Trump's term, "Zaid wrote on Twitter in July 2017.


[..] Zaid also founded the John Madison Foundation with Clinton Soros consultant John Podesta. His "Whistleblower Aid" co-founder is John Tye, who works with several Soros-funded NGOs.
Epoch Times has pointed out that the whistleblower Eric Ciaramella's complaint has relied heavily on information provided by the Soros NGO OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project). The OCCRP is one of the sources of the Trump-Russia plot [..]


[..] In a commentary in the New York Times in 2018, Zaid has called on special investigator Robert Mueller to commit "legal secret betrayal" to the Trump administration. [..]

13.11.19 Update: Re Horowitz report

Dems Impeachment Theater is on

13.11.19 USA: Impeachment-Bemühungen gegen Trump auf anonyme Denunzianten und Zeugen vom Hörensagen gestützt
[..] Am Mittwoch fand im Geheimdienstausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses die erste Anhörung zum Amtsenthebungsverfahren statt, das die Demokraten gegen US-Präsident Donald Trump anstrengen. Dieser reagierte darauf mit maximaler Gelassenheit. [..]

15.11.19 2nd day of hearings:

Devin Nunes: Impeachment ABUSE based on pure RUMORS.

Unbelievable stuff!



69|2  176  52


Stop this. Care about your country!

Security aid Vindmann:"I was concerned by the call. .. Is it improper for the President of the United States to demand a foreign government investigate US-citizen at a political opponent ?

The fact that one is a political opponent, does not make that person immune against the POTUS' concerns of corruption.

To not act would rather make the POTUS look like a companion!

If you're so sure there is no Biden corruption

then why you overreact like that ?

The fact that against all the evidence you don't do 

anything with Biden makes the this whole your 

agenda twice as bad.

STOP the witch hunt!

Put the Bidens under urgent investigation

since there is reason ^ ^ !


149  71  77

"the truth is, the attacks actually started before the inauguration, even before the election!"

Dems: Destroying your Nation while playing into the hands of the Chinese communist party.

694    16|69 1839  33




695  27|88  74



[..] The EU ambassador also said Trump never told him directly that aid was conditioned on meetings or investigations. “Trump never told me aid was conditioned,” he said in the hearing, adding it was his “personal guess.” [..]
Does this mean we are witnessing an impeachment procedure on the President of the United States of America based on some "personal guesses" and hearsays ? Are you serious ? Listen again this one to the end.


Why the today Democrats are in a war with their own people and its President.

2|99  198 



Adam Schiff: "We are better than that"

I am not so sure. I would really recommend to change.

The Republicans didn't like but still respected Obama as the ELECTED PRESIDENT BY THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES

 for 8 years without such boring games.


Rudi Giuliani: "It's Joe Biden himself who confessed committing bribery in the Ukraine" "Appointed by Obama, the Biden family came away with millions. And nobody wants to look at it because

the Washington press protection"


"This is the fifth time you have interrupted

the members of the congress"

33|2|33   3|2|3

12|95   38

There are limits.






Traubenhof check-in around 17:00

Mr Adam



 Mr 'Adam Burisma'  ^


White House Blasts Democrats’ Impeachment Report
[..] The White House slammed the Democrats’ report on the findings of the House Intelligence Committee impeachment inquiry on Dec. 3, saying the document “reads like the ramblings of a basement blogger straining to prove something when there is evidence of nothing.”
“At the end of a one-sided sham process, Chairman Schiff and the Democrats utterly failed to produce any evidence of wrongdoing by President Trump. This report reflects nothing more than their frustrations,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement. [..]


Nunes Sues CNN for $435 Million Over ‘Hit Piece’




YT  (5 days back)




Exposing The False Statements Made In The Trump-Impeachment Hearings 
and the totally partisan reporting of the mainstream media like Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post, and the New York Times, and to other media that are controlled by America’s billionaires.




Schiff had access to same documents as Nunes, yet chose to misinform the public. 

This is the guy who just ran impeachment proceedings.




Wall Street Journal Blasts "Willing Press Echo Chamber" For Enabling Schiff To "Distort Truth For Political Gain" 
"[Schiff] gets away with distorting the truth for political purposes...because he has a willing echo chamber in the Washington press corps..."



China Wants the NBA to Kneel

[..] The Chinese regime is testing the people and businesses of the United States where it hurts them the most: in the wallet [..]


First the NBA, then the USA.



1    2|39|2  333

stay with combustion tech

oil, hydrogen, natural gas.  Not battery.





286  468  2|8|2  94  377

498 px





12  5

They are missing a lesson.




12  5


12  45





Former Clinton Adviser: Hillary sees herself as "God-sent" to become US President

 Pizzaclinton ^ ^



Despite sex scandal: Hillary Clinton held to Harvey Weinstein - one of her biggest patrons


'Mr Amazon begged Bloomberg to run for President'

Just ask why.



What pressure do the American journalists have with their China deal ?
I hear them say 'yeah but while waiting we are going to lose with the economy'
(even though the American economy is currently flourishing like never before.)

So my question: Do you wanna get eaten by the Chinese regime ? It seems like yes, easily.  Do you think China is already stronger than the The United States of America ?
It seems like yes, you believe that. That means you poor people in your minds are already eaten by them. In other words you are on your best way to become the Beijing regime's prolonged arms in America (Update). Aren't you already ? 



Kissinger: Handelsstreit zwischen den USA und China könnte realen Krieg auslösen
Ich weiss nicht was er damit sagen will (there are different types of war).



Ich kann nur eines dazu sagen: Ich kann Leute nicht riechen die für (schlechtes) Geld mit jedem packtieren und die Oma verkaufen würden.

Es gibt gesunde Nationen die sich vor Feinden schützen und es gibt ungesunde Nationen in den Händen korrupter Regimes die sich ihre Feinde suchen.

Wenn einer zu meinen Konditionen mit mir nicht Handel treiben will brauche ich deshalb keinen Krieg gegen ihn anzetteln. Es sei denn ich suche einen Vorwand. Dann aber ist das Problem anders gelagert. Dann nämlich stehen von Anbeginn unfaire oder feindliche Intentionen dahinter. Deshalb ist es in dem Falle umso wichtiger dass man sich schützt bevor man ohne es zu merken nicht mehr Herr im eigenen Hause ist und geplündert wird.




[..] Analyst Chang, meanwhile, advises US President Donald Trump to use the situation (of the successful election for the democrats in HK) to further increase his pressure on Beijing. The US government should continue to raise tariffs while addressing human rights violations and corruption in China - until Beijing agrees to a trade deal. [..]


The lie

(translated) [..] This week, former members of the National Security Council Fiona Hill  intervened in Congress with the statement Ukraine's meddling in the 2016 US election, being "a fiction". The House Mail of George Soros 'The Guardian' agreed: "Some Republicans on the Intelligence Committee represent a long-worn conspiracy theory that repeats Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the recent US election. "

George Soros&Ukraine

The fact that Ukrainians such as Serhiy Leschenko and US-born Alexandra Chalupa have tried to influence the 2016 US election in favor of Hillary Clinton is well documented. By John Solomon, Politico and even by a Ukrainian court verdict. In April, the 'Deutschland Kurier' disclosed the links between Leschenko, Chalupa, George Soros's Open Society and the Democratic National Committee. Neither the Guardian nor Fiona Hill felt obliged to cite any evidence to the contrary.

Fiona Hill&George Soros

The conservative alternative media in the US soon discovered a possible explanation for Fiona Hills bold lie in front of the congress. Hill served on the board of Soros' Open Society Institute for Russian and European Affairs from 2000-2006, as evidenced by her curriculum vitae at the Brookings Institute, and has also admitted to working with Christopher Steele, the creator of the notorious Steele dossier,  which was commissioned by the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee, to depict Trump as a "Russian puppet".


Moles everywhere
Former Trump consultant Roger Stone said in an interview with Alex Jones in 2017, "George Soros has infiltrated Donald Trump's White House. Soros has a mole in the intelligence apparatus - a lady named Fiona Hill who comes from Harvard University and has worked for Soros and the Open Society Institute. " Stone and Jones were then routinely dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Now they appear like prophets. Presumably, the entanglements between George Soros and the Trump-Russia conspiracy will occupy generations of historians.  [..]


[..] Thomas says those values are what sustain him in the face of persistent criticism as a black conservative.
"There's different sets of rules for different people," he says. "If you criticize a black person who's more liberal, you're a racist. Whereas you can do whatever to me, or to now (HUD Secretary) Ben Carson, and that's fine, because you're not really black because you're not doing what we expect black people to do."


sinister games


2|6  6|2    24|57  21:21

484 px




copy China regime ?                          512  




Strategy of the Democrats: Creation of local propaganda papers covered as local newspapers to promote the political agenda
"Nothing points to readers that Courier's media editions are not traditional local newspapers but political instruments designed to influence voters to vote for the Democrats."


sinister games





5|619  5|468  156


The damage the Democrats are doing to this Nation in these times -and to their own credibility-  is beyond any measure.

They act as if their asses were burning.


Report On FBI Spying Exposes "Scandal Of Historic Magnitude" For US Media 
[..] Before evaluating the media component of this scandal, the FBI’s gross abuse of its power – its serial deceit – is so grave and manifest that it requires little effort to demonstrate it. In sum, the IG Report documents multiple instances in which the FBI – in order to convince a FISA court to allow it spy on former Trump campaign operative Carter Page during the 2016 election – manipulated documents, concealed crucial exonerating evidence, and touted what it knew were unreliable if not outright false claims.
[..] If you don’t consider FBI lying, concealment of evidence, and manipulation of documents in order to spy on a U.S. citizen in the middle of a presidential campaign to be a major scandal, what is? [..] 
After all, would you still believe the American mainstream media is still working for the interests of the American people ?


Horowitz report about FBI election interference.
[..] Forget about foreigners influencing our elections; it was us.
[..] is a detailed description of America’s domestic intelligence apparatus, aided by its overseas intelligence apparatus, and assisted by its Five Eyes allies’ intelligence apparatuses. And the conclusion is that they unleashed a full-spectrum spying campaign against a presidential candidate in order to influence an election, and when that failed, they tried to delegitimize a president. [..]



Interference for Donald Trump?

"All 17 mistakes going in the same direction!"


Interference for Donald Trump?. (translated) [..]  In the past seven years alone, more than 1.3 billion US dollars from countries such as Qatar, the PR China and Russia have flowed to six universities. Helping Donald Trump was obviously not the reason.  [..]




Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) -leading and pushing Trump impeachment affords- can't admit when he's wrong.



Second Damning FBI Lie About Carter Page Revealed In IG Report: Sperry 
Mountains of corruption and dirt among the highest ranks. Now guess, where this Nation was heading toward, without the truthers digging out the truth.



68  73|2



Whistleblower Alleges Mormon Church Has Secretly Stockpiled $100 Billion 
[..] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of the most economically successful religious organizations in the United States. It now turns out it may have been even more successful than anyone imagined... [..]

You guys, turn 9 !


496|77    12



sinister games


So, The house -under democrat majority- voted for impeachment.

Note: In the house not one single republican voted for impeachment. In contrary, there were a couple of democrats who abstained from voting while few days back one democrat even changed to the republican party because he decided to support Donald Trump in this so obvious dishonest game.

Some Democrats voices
- Democrat Rep. already [..] while being sworn in: "we are going to impeach".[..] (Trump)

- [..] in May 2019 Democrat Rep. Alan Green: "I am concerned if we don't impeach this President he will get re-elected" [..]

- another Democrat Rep. [..] "It will be dangerous to leave it to the voters"  [..] (if Donald Trump will be re-elected or not)

If for "Democrats" this is the meaning of their own definition and of the definition of democracy in general, then I think there is nothing else to be added. It is jut up to the American people to decide if they agree.


[..] .. also the American founder were very concerned about a partisan impeachment in which politics of the majority who have the strength can do what they want to do irregardless of any facts. [..] 

One thing is certain: If this sort of "impeachment" based on allegations which again are based on suspicions, lies and hearsayings, or on the simple fact that some Americans do not like him, .. if this becomes the new standard for impeachments, this country will become completely ungovernable. It will be this Nations suicide.
So, the degree of irresponsibility among the gone mad Democrats has indeed gone to an unprecedented level in the history of this Nation.







Pelosi: “so far, we haven’t seen anything that looks fair to us” in the Senate. 


Senate will be fair under democrat majority only ? So, with that it is official that the whole circus of the so called "democrats" has one sole purpose: Damaging Donald Trump in order to get back to power themselves. And they put all their power into this circus, and the whole Nation with it. Unbelievable. I still can't believe it!





It has become so obvious that the Democrats via their completely unfounded impeachment theatre are trying to protect their totally corrupt Bidens.


 The Great Cover Up Of The Biggest Scandal In American History 
[..] The sheer number of people involved in just the FBI scandal is phenomenal... [..]

Iran-backed attack on American embassy in Baghdad:

This Is Not 1979, And Donald Trump Is Not Jimmy Carter
Update 03.01.20)



03.01.20 (translated)
Hadi al-Amiri: Soleimani confidant was behind the attack on the US embassy and Obama guest in the White House.

Nice guests.

Russia: USA broke international law with rocket attack
Russia is not well off as a defender of (religious) terrorists. And the Europeans are out of balance anyway.

In times of a UN going pro-islamic yet anti-Christian, anti-Jewish spirit, climate lie, globalization, mass migration, international law is being deprived of its own fundamentals.  
The world must go ahead. Guess if this kind of individuals get into their hands those kind of technologies. So, technical advancement is impossible with religious terrorists threatening mankind. This has to be clear. No one is talking about war, but mankind has to make its choice.


[..] I think deep down, the contemporary western mind,.. it's not that we don't get it, it's that when you get it than what. 


08.01.20 | 09.01.20

re the 'world must go ahead'

What do you do if the siphon is blocked..


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2|.81MB (2|,949, 120 bytes) have to free it.


Megajob done by Christian.

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I would say he is a racist.

Real racists have a kind of filter in their brain, which

allows them to see the world and everything happening 

around them only through the eye glasses

of races.





As you can see the leftist islamophile Donald Trump haters (those who always wanted his head) have their companions.


Iran Will "No Longer Observe Any Limits" On Uranium Enrichment 

In regard to Soleimani liquidation, the Iranians can not say that the Americans should stay out of this because they have nothing to do with it, or because these are things that the Iranians have to settle among themselves.
In reality it's not that easy. 
The Americans and the rest of the world -especially Israel- can stay out only as long as there is no upcoming direct threat to them. 
Also the western citizen have a vital interest in drawing the lines, because our own European elites are corrupt too. They do not have a home * * (except of their wallet). If (ex)Soleimani & mafia companions would get too powerful, our corrupt elites may bow down in front of them -as they already do so for the sake of the false peace- and finally get into the bed with them.
I don't know if one realizes what that means.


11.01.2020 The unstable manipulators now talking about "war" .. Those are the same people who would bring the war directly to your home without hesitation.  

There has been done an excellent job with Soleimanis liquidation in contrast to that long track of failures left behind by the left over the recent decade. The only thing that Obama Co managed is that the ayatollahs could forge alliance not only with China regime but also with Russia thanks to the leftists their pathetic russiaphobia. However, for some (left) people the outcomes do not matter, the only thing that counts for them is to be on power themselves at any price, at any outcome. 



Iranian MPs Pass Bill Labeling All US Military Personnel

"Terrorist Entities"


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11.01.10 Update   11.01.10 "Death To Liars!" Iran Swept By Wave Of Protests Demanding Ayatollah Quit Over Airplane Downing



at the 'double-137'-house



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15.01.19: Step down of some Iranian regime media journalists" Sorry for 13 years of lies".



[..] (translated) The US Democrats want to limit the power of command of the US President through targeted drone deployments against terrorists, by resolution, and make it dependent on prior agreement with Congress [..]

Who and which party was the king of the drones in power killing many small fishes while letting some of the big one in power and position? (When you want to kill a monster you hit it at the head not at the tail, right) So, why is all what the current Democrats do such unauthentic gambling?

update 15.01.20: Obama's National Security Advisor Admits Trump "Absolutely Correct" To Kill Soleimani 


Behind the Democrats Russiaphobia
There is no doubt that China regime is doing everything (corrupting Americas Universities, media manipulation, election meddling etc.(here a resp. update)) to push the Democrats back into power position, so that they can do 'Biden-business' and buy America and put it into their pocket. A nightmare for this country and not only.



Rep. Adam Schiff: NYT New Russian Hacking Report 'Deeply Disturbing' 

Check out. There is an ongoing cyberwar out there all over the globe. But no doubt they will go to the greatest length with this made up non-issue anyway. And so, it's impossible to keep pace with all the new alleged sensations, circus news and newer ending new lies spread by the elitist media just to cover their former →  one  . The whole thing is getting really disgusting to say the least.



Ukraine Launches Criminal Probe Into 'Illegal Surveillance' Of American Ambassador Fired By Trump 


Typical CNN show: Lev Parnas interview with Anderson Cooper
Who is Lev Parnas

5 children, while failing to pay back a loan of half a million $, (“He conned us from day one… He financially ruined us. Our lives have not been the same since the day we met him.”) + 15.000$ for the rental of a property. Usually such a person is defined as "impostor". I mean, in such a case, it can be assumed that every single word is a lie, unless proven otherwise. Should the Democrats rely on the words of a proven impostor or let me ask if this is the Democrats and the CNN-showmasters their crown prince to bring down the current President of the United States of America ?

And one more question: Can those guys do these games without end? Is this all they can offer to the people of the United States of America. It's so sick. They must be full of hatred. (28.01.20 Did you say you need that proven ? (Update 05.02.20)




And once again the totally corrupted main stream media.

You can't believe them even one single word anymore.

Who is still believing them ? It seems to me impossible, isn't it ?

[..] Forty-five years later, having reached the top of my profession, I generally despise my own industry, something I never could have predicted. Here’s why... [..]
Please understand this: the primary reason the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump is that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat members knew the national press would give them cover and blatant support. The media portrayed Adam Schiff and other anti-Trump zealots as heroes. This despite strong evidence the Ukraine whistle-blower secretly coordinated with Schiff, a blatantly political and deceptive act.
From the very beginning, there was no balanced coverage of the impeachment story, no attempt to put forth both sides or to provide perspective. Mr. Trump was portrayed as guilty of “high crimes” in the Times and Post, as well as on television, in Hollywood, and in the publishing industry. Any high profile person who had the temerity to disagree was mocked or worse. [..]



Bolton has been fired by Donald Trump. How credible can his claims be under such conditions, when they contradict with all other testimonies. How can he know better than the concerned persons themselves ? One more joke. Right Schiff ? "Trump dictator" ? Donald Trump doesn't have more power than any other President before him. So, do YOU and your party have a problem ?



569   93  35

16|2  67

205 px

Welcome to "California's shitopia"

[..]  Let us talk about the authorities for a moment. What exactly are they doing to help? First, they threw open the borders and created sanctuary cities so that people that do not belong here can not be molested by law enforcement. Next, they decriminalized camping in public. People camping in public need something to do to while away the hours so they decriminalized drugs even going so far as to give away free needles. If that were not enough, they decriminalized theft up to $950 per day. This way any homeless person can walk into any business and brazenly steal whatever they wish without any fear of being sent to jail.
Finally, they’ve arranged things such that the police will no longer respond to 911 calls pertaining to vandalism or burglary. You can watch from your bedroom window as a homeless person smashes your car windshield with a rock so as to ransack your car and if you call 911 it will be YOU that is in trouble for tying up their emergency line as someone vandalizing and robbing your car is a non-emergency and not worthy of any kind of response. Isn’t that wonderful?



Please! Round goes the wheel!








The way the Democrats handle with Donald Trump despite his success, shows that the political left is not really interested in the country, in the people, but in their own advantage only. That is sad.



1619  12|57   65


Monetising a public office is no bribery ?

Joe Biden Should Be Scared of This Video

Also those people who were or still are 

convinced about Biden's and the Democrats integrity 

just because of their notorious wishful thinking mode

Ukraine Investigates Joe Biden: "It's The Law" 
[..]  Shokin demands investigators finally look

 into the real Biden scandal. [..] 



[..]  If the Fed’s liabilities are made legal tender, the fractional reserve banking system would have to end to permit the Fed’s liabilities to serve as legal tender. This is what I believe the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) folks want to do and it is exactly what was done in about 60 cases of hyperinflation, including Germany after WW1, China in the 1930s and 1940s and in the great Yugoslavian and Bolivian inflations that have been studied extensively. [..] 




66|2 x 6|2|6px


 How about to have an ear for them.



If there is any precise definition of racism, than it is this statement. 

There is no better way to divide a Nation.

This men is a sick man in his soul.



Trump to anti-Trump-Media: "When they don't want the president of the United States to have a're not talking about Democracy any longer."


Red Line

A Land which is getting into a private ownership.

This is an unthinkable situation.

The leading country of this world in the hands of a bunch of private bankers and run by their intimate friends, the big corporate bosses.

[..] As a result, the Fed's members and private owners are banking institutions who keep massive reserves on deposit at the Fed. The Federal Reserve has many roles in the economy, but none of them is to take on credit risk. So how do you get the Fed to establish a “loan” facility, as contemplated in the CARES Act, if it will not take on credit risk? And not just any loan but $4.5 trillion in loans? [..]

Now you know who owns and commands America ant its people. This country is certainly not yours any longer. It's over. It's unthinkable.


Who has brought the FED to America ? That act opened the door to legalized trickery and will enter the history books as the greatest mistake of the current civilization.
Those who most stick at the socialist ideas with its different masks and tricks, will always be those who at the end suffer most of it.




3986  2|46  12

5|2|4 px





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45  69  41





Chinese Company Suspected Of Spying On US Citizens Donates Police Drones To 22 States
[..] “If these drones save one life, it is clearly worth the activity and the information that the drones are sending,” Elizabeth mayor Chris Bollwage told MSNBC.
"There are people who don’t like China but they are trying to score ideological points by trying to discourage the use of equipment and important tools that save lives,” DJI spokesman Alex Lisberg told Fox News in response to allegations of spying. [..]


My laptop from China: Corrupted since from the first start up.
It's not the question of "like China" or not. The Chinese people are great, but oppressed by the same corrupted sort of people as Bollwage or Lisberg, and many of the western elites today, with their communist-like attitudes of fake saviors, making you all to muzzle-slaves with the excuse of "saving lives".

What kind of lives they save. What is life without freedom, under the lie its tricks and oppression, censorship, totalitarian control and permanent latent fear. Hell!

Americas founding fathers knew that.

So, who loves America doesn't want to wake up in Chinerika.

resp. update 29.04.20

resp. update * 02.05.20


06.05.20 (translated)
Next plague? Hornets now threaten bee populations in the United States. In the USA, giant Asian hornets are decimating the bee population. The hornets are also a danger to humans. [..]



One entomologist in California told the New York Post that the Murder Hornet "panic" in the US has prompted his colleagues in Asia to "laugh at what snowflakes we are" over in the US. After all, the Japanese have been living with these hornets for years - and last time we checked, humans still ruled Japan. [..]


Japanese are the same snowflakes than Americans, with Corona virus. After all, they have been living with viruses for years - and last time we checked, humans still ruled Japan.




Trump Says Coronavirus 'Worst Attack On US Since Pearl Harbor'

Corona is not a cause but a consequence. If plagued by a consequence it is advisable to search for the cause instead to blame the consequence. Isn't it. 

Warnings are going on for so many years now, with the ears still not quite open, though I/we will never stop to try to avoid the worst. No one should say 'no one has ever warned us'.



37|646   46   135




It Begins: For The First Time Ever, Futures Price "Fatal" Negative US Rates Starting Dec 2020



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Very bad mathematic




Youtube targets Chinese blogger after she posts video over coronavirus origins.

TIt is so false and sinister what is going on inside these globalist companies. So, Youtube now working as a WHO-propaganda machine and Chinese censor lab.


11.05 .20

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DeXter [9]




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