The Millennium of the TRUTH


[6] Sinister

Chain reaction

Plagiarists defend plague

Useful Idiots

Highjack strategy

New label-old target

The last wall


The CABAL!  







 CARTEL                 ARISTOCRACY 





















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MM [..] Angesichts neuer Berichte über angebliche Anschlagspläne des Terrornetzwerkes Al-Quaida hat der Vorsitzende der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft, Rainer Wendt, die Opposition im Bundestag aufgefordert, nicht länger die Aktivitäten des US-Geheimdienstes NSA infrage zu stellen. „Man kann nur hoffen, dass die NSA-Kritiker jetzt nicht wieder mit neuen Verschwörungstheorien antworten, sondern die Sicherheitsbehörden ohne ständige neue Verdächtigungen und Gerüchte ihre Arbeit machen lassen“, sagte Wendt Handelsblatt Online. „Und vielleicht kapiert jetzt auch der letzte Oppositionspolitiker aus dem Deutschen Bundestag, dass operative Maßnahmen der Sicherheitsbehörden aus guten Gründen nicht in die Öffentlichkeit gezerrt werden dürfen, um ihre Wirksamkeit nicht zu gefährden.“ Dies gelte auch für Ermittlungs- und Auswertetechniken der Nachrichtendienste.

Zuvor hatte es in einem Zeitungsbericht unter Berufung auf Sicherheitskreise geheißen, Al-Quaida plane Anschläge auf Schnellzüge in ganz Europa. Die deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden seien deshalb in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt worden. Der Hinweis auf die geplanten Anschläge stamme vom US-Geheimdienst NSA, der offenbar vor wenigen Wochen ein Telefonat zwischen hochrangigen Al-Quaida-Mitgliedern abgehört habe.  [..]


 H  Die "Theorie" dass wir hier über "Theorien" reden ist nach 911, Ironmountain, Snowden und alledem was auf den Tisch liegt für sich selbst die kühnste u. kaltblütigste Verschwörungstheorie. Im übrigen klingt das hier so als ob die deutsche Polizeigewerkschaft besser über die NSA bescheid wüsste als die NSA selbst. Mir scheint das ganz so als ob hier einige Obermanager Blut geleckt hätten. Ein Polizeistaat ist eines Karrierepolizisten vorallem bei kommunistisch orientierten Gewerkschaften nicht selten sein feuchter Traum. Das liegt in der Natur der Sache. Da können scheinbar natürliche Grenzen schon auch mal auf der Strecke bleiben.

Abgesehen davon geht es hier nicht in erster Linie um die technische Erfolgsquote einer zunehmend totalitären und mit einem Rechtsstaat in keiner Weise mehr zu vereinbarenden totalitaristischen Kommunikationsüberwachung, sondern um den menschenverachtenden Ansatz mit dem diese irrwitzige Entwicklung vorangetrieben wird.

Die Bürger wollen keinen orwellianischen Polizeistaat * der sie mit der Rechtfertigung angeblicher islamischer Gefahren zu rechtlosen Mäusen degradiert, [was dem Falschgeld-Krösus zu diesem Zeitpunkt des Endstadions seines Falschgeld-Ponzi-Systems wie das letzte Teil seines Puzzles ins Konzept passt] während demselben Islam ... [es gibt abgesehen von den schamlosen verräterischen Beschönigungen nur einen islam [Zitat Ahmed Akkari, ehemaliger libanesischer Imam. (*) “Die Wahrheit ist, dass es nicht eine einzige Moschee oder muslimische Organisation in Dänemark gibt, die nicht von Islamisten betrieben wird. Sobald man das Haus der Gläubigen betritt, trifft man auf den Islamismus, ob man es will oder nicht. Sobald man zum gläubigen Muslim geworden ist, ist man vom Extremismus infiziert worden.”  ] ..... [ Zitat Abdullah Uwe Wagishauser, der Chef der deutschen Ahmadiyya (*) “Aber das eigentliche Geheimnis, sagen wir immer in unseren Kreisen, ist das Kalifat. Islam steht und fällt immer mit der spirituellen Leitung. Und das ist das, was der Prophet Muhammed versprochen hat. Dazu gibt es ein langes Hadith. Wie heißt es doch so schön in einem Gedicht von Herrn Hübsch? „Ohne Kalifat sind die Muslime wie ein Fisch ohne Kiemen“. Das Kalifat sorgt dafür, dass die Muslime immer wieder erinnert werden. Es gibt mittlerweile in 200 Ländern die Ahmadiyya Jemaat. Egal, wo sie hingehen, sie werden immer die gleiche Struktur und die gleichen Glaubensinhalte vorfinden. Eine Ummah kann nur funktionieren, wenn es eine Leitung gibt. Was fehlt ist eine Einheit. Eine Einheit kann nach unserer Auffassung nur nach dem System unseres Propheten, dem Kalifat, installiert werden.” und der ist menschenverachtend kriminell] ... gleichzeitig von derselben roten Mafia der rote Teppich gelegt wird.



Also wenn ihr mehr Sicherheit wollt, probiert eine andere Option IHR HEUCHLER U. FEIGLINGE!

Btw: das mit den abgehörten Telefonaten ist der letzte Aberwitz  → und die Anwort auf die eigentliche Frage → steht immer noch aus.

[updated 15.08.13]

"Denn wir haben wahrlich keinen Rechtsanspruch auf Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in alle Ewigkeit" A.Merkel

Zitat: Staatlicher Zugriff auf Passwörter & PIN-codes legalisiert. [..] Flächendeckend: Der große Angriff auf Daten der Bürger! Große Anbieter müssen deutschen Behörden eine automatische Schnittstelle liefern. So können Bürger vollautomatisch überwacht werden. Und: Diese Schnittstelle ist der direkte Zugriff des Staates auf Ihre Kommunikation.

Zitat: „Rein theoretisch kann die Bundesregierung jetzt jeden beliebigen Betrag von Ihrem Konto abbuchen. Dass dieses Stasi-Gesetz durch den Bundestag geschleust wurde, wird in den Mainstream-Medien [*] kaum erwähnt. Erwähnt wird auch nicht, dass Datenschützer das Gesetz als verfassungswidrig einstufen. Und schon gar nicht wird über dessen Tragweite berichtet. Tragisch ist: Sie können sich nicht dagegen wehren.

PI 20.08.13


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MMNews warnt davor, bei der Einreise nach Großbritannien oder in die USA Smartphones oder Rechner mit verschlüsselten Daten mitzuführen: Bei der Einreise nach Großbritannien und die USA sollte man auf keinen Fall wichtige Dinge auf seinem Computer lassen, denn die Behörden können jeden Computer oder Smartphone beschlagnahmen und die Besitzer zur Herausgabe von Passwörtern per Haft zwingen. Und weiter: [..] Gemäß dem dort seit Oktober 2007 geltendem RIPA-Act können Nutzer von Verschlüsselung unter Strafandrohung zur Herausgabe der Schlüssel gezwungen werden. Es drohen bis zu 2 Jahre Gefängnis oder Geldstrafen. Dass die Anwendung des Gesetzes nicht auf die bösen Terroristen beschränkt ist, kann man bei nachlesen.[..]



von dieser Sorte





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[..] Laut „Guardian Chefredakteur Alan Rusbridger soll der britische Geheimdienst die Zeitung gezwungen haben, Unterlagen zum Fall Snowden zu vernichten. Zwei Mitarbeiter des GCHQ hätten im Verlagsgebäude die Zerstörung von Festplatten überwacht. Bereits vor zwei Monaten sei er von einem Regierungsbeamten kontaktiert worden. Dieser habe zur Aushändigung oder Zerstörung des Materials gedrängt. Die britische Regierung wollte sich zu den Anschuldigungen vorerst nicht äußern. Premierminister David Cameron lehnte Anfragen von Journalisten dazu ab. [..]


 H  Der Mensch braucht keine Glaskugel um die Zukunft zu erraten falls der Michl weiterschlummert. Es reichen Augen und Ohren, und der naturgegebene -noch nicht völlig anesthesierte- Verstand eines Kleinkindes.

Update 21.08.13 

Quotation (translated) [..] According to a media report David Cameron was personally involved in the action. According to the newspaper "Independent" he instructed the head of the Cabinet Office, Jeremy Heywood, to apply pressure on the "Guardian". In this way, further revelations about the machinations of secret services in the United States and Britain should be prevented, it says, citing senior government sources. Heywood is the highest ranking official in the UK. Government sources confirmed to the newspaper to contact between Heywood and Cameron [..]


 H  Britons. You never spent some thoughts over on which side your elite marionettes stand? On your side or on that one of your enemy ? I believe it wouldn't be a bad idea to start realizing.

Quotation (translated) [..] The action taken against Miranda and the newspaper had been interpreted by journalists' organizations as a serious blow to press freedom. However, Home Secretary Theresa May defended the action as necessary and appropriate. It served to not let fall sensitive material into the hands of journalists. [..]

 H   Who do those people think they are ? Theresa May: its YOU who are crossing all the lines, and it is the journalists damn duty to report, to inform, and in case of unhealthy development to wake people up!  YOU are systematically dismantling the citizens most basic rights, not the journalists. YOU'RE THE CRIMINALS !

Orwell watching you from waste containers

The croesus * *  his direct ally: the kidnapped or so called 'deep state' & bloodhound mafia

British Telecoms prolongued arms of NSA

Abused security pretext


US government

'admits illegal NSA activity'
Quotation [..] The U.S. NSA has for years illegally collected tens of thousands of emails and other electronic communications from U.S. citizens. This results from previously secret court documents, which were released by the U.S. government on Wednesday (local time) for publication. A technical problem resulted in the information pursuant to that e-mails from Amercian citizen were siphoned off between 2008 and 2011, although the program was geared to foreign data. The errors have been corrected in the meantime, said a government spokesman. "This is not a monstrous overrun by a greedy authority which attempts to spy on Americans, but a technical problem that resulted in an accidental collection of a small number of communication data.".That applies to more than 50,000 e-mails per year, U.S. media reported.


 H   Oh, common.. the brave guys from NSA &Co suffered a technical problem. For how stupid do you sell your people and why do you sell that to us instead to try to explain that to a Mr.Levison, Snowden, Rusbridger & Miranda, Stallmann and Telecom chiefs,  to the boss of Lotus Software,  etc etc yet to Zuckerberg & web companions. What about the unexplained data routing ? WHO promotes and WHO controls those games beyond of local rules and laws?

Update 26.08.13 [ |1|2]

NSA spies UN

Quotation [..] The magazine "Der Spiegel" reports in its recent  edition, the U.S. NSA had intercepted the headquarters of the United Nations in New York. In the summer of 2012 NSA had succeeded to penetrate the internal UN video conference system and to crack its encryption, the news magazine reported, citing documents of U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden. The joy of the agents about this success is expressed in the secret NSA document with the terms: "The data flow gives us the internal video teleconferencing of the UN (yay!)."


NSA spies EU

As the magazine further reported to the NSA spied the EU at the United Nations also after its move to the new Embassy office rooms in September 2012.


NSA maintaining eavesdropping units and running 'special collection service' program by ~80 Embassies around the globe

The NSA maintains in more than 80 embassies and consulates worldwide its own monitoring program, which internally is called "Special Collection Service" and which is often operated without the knowledge of the host country. Spy posts in Frankfurt and Vienna: a respective NSA spy post shall accordingly be operating in Frankfurt, a furtherr one in Vienna. The existence of the eavesdropping units in embassies and consulates should be kept secret at all costs. If they'd known that would "cause serious damage to relations with the host country," quoted "Der Spiegel" from an NSA document.

NSA [& US government !?!] corrupting Net companies for cooperation.

On Friday the "Guardian" had released excerpts of original NSA documents in which it comes to the involvement of companies such as Yahoo, Facebook and Google on spy program "Prism". Some of the companies had received millions of dollars for their cooperation.

NSA spying all middle east communication

Also on Friday the newspaper "Independent" quoted from the Snowden material which revealed the existence of a secret British intelligence [GSHQ ] spy post in the in the Middle East. This taps to large submarine cables and thus has access to the entire traffic in the region, the paper wrote. This provided information is deemed highly explosive.


26.08.13 PI

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 H  DAS HIER geht HIER * * * * hin.

28.03.15 Hier gehts weiter


               STOL 31.08.12   []


CIA | NSA & Co





[..] Since the 911 terrorist attack the United States has built a huge secret empire. [..] The expenditure for the 16 spy agencies would have doubled to an estimated 52.6 billion dollars today (39.7 billion euros), reported the "Washington Post" on Thursday (local time) in its online edition. The 178-page, highly confidential report to the public for the first time offers a detailed overview of the priorities, goals and problems of the powerful sniffer apparatus with its well 107 000 employees. It represents the CIA's foreign intelligence, as the by far the largest spy institution. Their operations are estimated at approximately $ 14.7 billion. The NSA, which is being criticized after  the Snowden revelations because of their massive spy activities over the Internet and telephone connections, according to the report has a budget of 10.3 billion. [Stol]

$52.6 billion ‘black budget’  16 spy agencies  107,035 employees

“The $52.6 billion ‘black budget’ for fiscal 2013, obtained by The Washington Post from former ­intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, maps a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny,” report our Post colleagues. “The 178-page budget summary for the National Intelligence Program details the successes, failures and objectives of the 16 spy agencies that make up the U.S. intelligence community, which has 107,035 employees. The summary describes cutting-edge technologies, agent recruiting and ongoing operations.” []

The NSA has its own team of elite hackers. Tailored Access Operations is “a highly secret but incredibly important NSA program that collects intelligence about foreign targets by hacking into their computers, stealing data, and monitoring communications,” reports Switch writer Andrea Peterson. “TAO is also responsible for developing programs that could destroy or damage foreign computers and networks via cyberattacks if commanded to do so by the president.” []

CIA spending has surged beyond of every other spy agency, with $14.7 billion in requested funding for 2013. The figure vastly exceeds outside estimates and is nearly 50 percent above that of the National Security Agency, which conducts eavesdropping operations and has long been considered the behemoth of the community.

The CIA & the NSA have begun aggressive new efforts to hack into foreign computer networks to steal information or sabotage enemy systems, embracing what the budget refers to as “offensive cyber operations.” [


From Iron Mountain to the Sugar Mountain

FBI rulez America

Global Spy Center

USA totalitarian surveillance state

PRISM:→EU collaborates with USA

Thousands of US companies co-operate with CIA

NSA spying China's communication web

Spying everyone Except Mosques

NSA spies on EU

NSA direct access to your smartphone

NSA hacking emails of Mexican president

NSA spies Italian government

NSA spies German Cancellor Merkel * * * *

35 leading politicians spied by NSA around the globe

''Lustre'' France intelligence working for NSA

SIM Cards easily to be hacked [Ge]

this has been later inserted here on  31.10.13 - 01.10.13


Google under NSA, GCHQ [*] *


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               STOL 01.09.12   []


NSA spying French


Worldwide secretly installed spying programs



With bugs and IT attacks against the French Foreign Ministry , with secret spy viruses against tens of thousands of computers worldwide: according to weekend media reports the activities of the U.S. secret service NSA go still significantly beyond of what was previously commonly supposed. The U.S. Secret Service should have been taken action particular bold action against France, the currently closest allie of Washington in the Syrian conflict, the reports say. According to reports the NSA is spying among other the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As the Hamburg news magazine "Der Spiegel "said by quoting internal NSA documents the NSA technicians in 2010 bugged diplomatic missions of France in Washington and at the UN in New York.  From there, screenshots were collected.


NSA should have cracked the confidential VPN network
In addition, the Secret Service apparently penetrated into the VPN network of the French Foreign Ministry which was generally considered as safe, through which connects all embassies and consulates with the headquarter in Paris, as the "Spiegel" reported. The cracking of the " virtual private networks" (VPNs ) was celebrated in a strictly confidential NSA document in June 2010 as a " success story". The Secret Service had placed several "sensitive accessess" into the network. In an overview document the NSA lists he addresses , which ran over the server of the French Foreign Ministry.
Already at the end of June the "Spiegel", was citing Snowden documents which showed that the NSA had intercepted the EU missions in Washington, New York and Brussels with bugs . A few days ago it was said that even the UN headquarters in New York had been spied on.


"GENIE ": worldwide secretly installed spying programs
Over most recent attacks reported on Saturday the " Washington Post ". Under the code name "GENIE " specialists would secretly install spying programs in foreign computers, routers and firewalls, and so bring them under U.S. controlBy the end of the year "GENIE " should have placed malicious programs in at least 85,000 computers around the globe. Back in 2008, there were infected "only" 21,200 .



               Your snifferpack  []





emails | personal data | bank transactions | medical records

| with direct access to your computer from the first day on.



[..] The U.S. NSA can apparently crack or bypass most popular Internet encryption. As reported the "Guardian", the "New York Times" and the website "ProPublica", are citing documents of the whistleblower Edward Snowden, the NSA and British intelligence agency GCHQ have successfully cracked encryption systems with which e-mails, personal data, bank transactions and medical records are protected. According to information of the "Guardian" both the agencies use supercomputer to break the encryptions. Next, the NSA took effect on technology companies and internet services to install back doors into computer programs that give the NSA and GCHQ access to encrypted data without delay.

Quotation (translated) [..] According to a report in the "Washington Post" the NSA collects millions of contact lists from email and messaging services worldwide. According to the report in the newspaper many of the accounts collected belong to U.S. citizens. The Journal cites in the report to senior intelligence staff and top secret documents of whistleblower Edward Snowden. Accordingly, the U.S. intelligence gathered over the past year in a single day more than 650,000 e-mail address books. This is the usual yield of a day, so the "Washington Post". At an annual rate it would be the nearly 240 million e-mail address books. The collection was so extensive that there was the risk of a temporarily overloading of the storage capacity of the U.S. intelligence.



               Your snifferpack  []









[..] US-Geheimdienst NSA kann Daten von iPhone, BlackBerry und Android-Telefonen auslesen. Die NSA hat für jeden größeren Hersteller von Betriebssystemen eine eigene Arbeitsgruppe eingerichtet, deren Ziel es war, heimliche Zugänge zu den Innereien der Smartphones zu ermöglichen. [..]   weiter


 03.10.13 MM  * FAZ

USA: entry ban for critics of NSA & Co bloodhound system

"Einer der wichtigsten und bedrohlichsten Aspekte des NSA-Skandals ist die geheimnistuerische Essenz des Systems. Transparenz ist offensichtlich der größte Feind jener, die vorgeblich die Freiheit verteidigen." 

Ilija Trojanow



               09.09.13 YOUTUBE  []




Cinema film by R. Emmerich





 H  MMnews * poses the right question: [..] has the film be co-produced with NSA in order to imply the need for a service sniffing on blameless citizens? [..] What if behind the white house attack in this film was again the CIA & Co , just as it was the case with 911 with flight 800 or Syrian gas attack? Did the producer Mr Emmerich reflect about this more than evident option when producing this film, or rather 'pants full'?



               07.09.13 15:51 YouTube  []




Electromagnetic mind control





Seen at 15:51



"Safety standards" for electromagnetic radiation

Mental conditioning




               21.09.12 Yahoo []  []




Atom bomb nearly exploded over North Carolina in 1961


A U.S. atom bomb nearly exploded in 1961 over North Carolina that would have been 260 times


more powerful than the device that devastated Hiroshima, according to a declassified document published in a British newspaper on Friday.

The Guardian newspaper said the document, obtained by investigative journalist Eric Schlosser under the Freedom of Information Act, gave the first conclusive evidence that the United States came close to a disaster in January 1961.

The incident happened when two Mark 39 hydrogen bombs were accidentally dropped over



Carolina, after a B-52 bomber

7 | 52


broke up in midair. There has been persistent speculation about how serious the incident was and the U.S. government has repeatedly denied its nuclear arsenal put Americans' lives at risk through safety flaws, the newspaper said. But the newly published document said one of the two bombs behaved exactly in the manner of a nuclear weapon in wartime, with its parachute opening and its trigger mechanisms engaged. Only one low-voltage switch prevented a cataclysm. Fallout could have spread over Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and even New York City, the paper said,

 threatening the lives

of millions of people. [..]

Jones' report, titled "Goldsboro Revisited or: How I Learned to Mistrust the H-Bomb," was written eight


years after the accident in which one hydrogen bomb fell into a field near Faro, North Carolina, and the other  into a meadow.

He found that three of four


safety mechanisms designed to prevent unintended detonation failed to operate properly in the


bomb. When the bomb hit the ground, a firing signal was sent to the nuclear core of the device and it was only the final, highly vulnerable switch that averted a disaster. [..]

(Reporting by Belinda Goldsmith; Editing by Xavier Briand)

published 22.09.13




Snowden receives Sam Adams Award



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STOP ! systematic state spionage *


The kidnapped state















DeXter [9]

That's us

Right or Left?>DX!

Bona Ventura







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