The Millennium of the TRUTH


[6] Sinister


Principles of disbalance

Exposing anti-forces

Tell children truth



Civilization VX Sharia




Women in Islam


Freedom of Religion




The bloody Führer

The moongod Allah

Allah loves mutilated vagina

The islamic headquarters

'freedom' for head scarf


Climate change

The West is guilty


















Email da Michele

To: "Herbert"
17.ledna 2012 17:36

Screen shot] Quotazione [..]

L'affondamento della motonave


era programmato. Non c'è stato nessun "incidente", non c'è stata nessuna "disgrazia", non c'è stata nessuna "casualità" che abbiano portato quella nave ad incagliarsi sugli scogli dell'Isola del Giglio.

Inizialmente non volevo crederci, ma le mille prove inconfutabili emerse in rete nelle ultime ore mi hanno fatto cambiare idea: l'affondamento della nave da crociera è stato un chiaro segnale da parte dei poteri occulti per indicare la fine della "concordia" europea nata - non a caso - sulle stesse acque, durante la crociera del panfilo Britannia.

La nave Concordia rappresentava esplicitamente l'unità europea, visto che i suoi 13 ponti prendevano il nome dalle 13 nazioni europee: Olanda, Svezia, Belgio, Grecia, Italia, Gran Bretagna, Irlanda, Portogallo, Francia, Germania, Spagna, Austria, e Polonia. Il simbolismo di questa scelta è evidente: i passeggeri di ciascun ponte pisciano su quelli di sotto, a cascata, e gli ultimi pisciano in mare. L'Europa deve essere unita sì, ma in senso verticale, non orizzontale. In questo modo i problemi di ciascuno diventano i problemi di tutti, e non si getta mai via niente. Inoltre, basta provocare una falla alla base della costruzione, e tutto viene giù in pochi minuti, senza che resti un solo superstite.

Lo scettico dirà che non c'era nessun bisogno di "annunciare" la fine dell'Europa, con l'affondamento della Concordia, visto che questa fine è già iniziata da molti mesi, ed è ormai sotto gli occhi di tutti.

Fessacchiotto. L'affondamento del Costa Concordia è solo la conferma definitiva di questa distruzione, ma il preavviso silenzioso era già stato lanciato nel Febbraio del 2010, quando un altro "Concordia", molto meno noto, era stato affondato vicino alle coste brasiliane (a cercare in rete si trova veramente di tutto). E quel Concordia - guarda caso - era stato ospite del "Britannia Heritage" di Westcoast,...

... in Canada, solo tre anni prima. Come dire "noi vi abbiamo accolto a braccia aperte, ma voi state facendo i furbi, e quindi siete avvisati". E visto che l'Europa ha continuato a fare orecchie da mercante, adesso paga il conto. Da oggi non potrete più divertirvi a pisciare uno sopra l'altro - ci hanno detto quelli dei poteri occulti - e finite in acqua tutti insieme.

[..] Non a caso la "cerimonia" del passaggio fra gli scogli era già stata istituita da molto tempo, in previsione del giorno - che sarebbe sicuramente arrivato - in cui si volesse rimarcare l'affondamento dell'Europa con un evento fortemente simbolico.

Ogni volta che passavano di lì il timoniere chiedeva preoccupato al capitano: "Ma scusi capitano, perchè dobbiamo continuare a fare questa caz[.] immonda ogni volta che andiamo da Livorno a Civitavecchia? Davvero è per salutare gli isolani?"

"Tu non ti preoccupare" - gli rispondeva il capitano, "guardano lontano nella notte - un giorno capirai."

Ma il simbolismo di questo affondamento non finisce qui, anzi ha radici secolari. "Quasi" secolari, in realtà, perchè l'affondamento del Titanic avvenne il 14 aprile del 1912, mentre quello della Concordia è avvenuto il 13 gennaio del 2012. Lo scettico fa prontamente notare che queste due date, a parte l'anno, non hanno assolutamente niente in comune. Fessachiotto. La Concordia ha speronato lo scoglio nella sera del 13, ma in realtà il suo affondamento è avvenuto all'alba del 14. Inoltre, fra le due date intercorrono esattamente 99 anni e 9 mesi: =



prova a capovolgere quei tre numeri, scetticuzzo dei miei stivali, e dimmi un pò cosa ti ritrovi?


D'accordo, dirà lo scettico, ma cosa c'entra comunque il Titanic? Quello fu un vero incidente in mare, provocato dalla sfortuna e dalla leggerezza del capitano. Perchè paragonarlo ad un affondamento intenzionale come quello della Concordia?

Fessacchiotto. Ma lo sai almeno chi viaggiava sul Titanic? Ci viaggiavano Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus e John Jacob Astor IV, tre importanti personaggi che si opponevano alla creazione della Federal Reserve Bank negli Stati Uniti. E lo sai quando fu fondata la Federal Reserve? Nel dicembre del 1913.

Quindi il piano era evidente: invece di far fuori silenziosamente queste tre persone, una per una, senza che nessuno se ne accorgesse, i luridi banchieri misero in piedi una complicatissima macchinazione per riuscire a farli imbarcare tutti nello stesso giorno sulla nave più sicura e inaffondabile della storia, e poi convinsero il capitano a fare di tutto per speronare un iceberg nel buio della notte, colpendo l'unico punto della fiancata dove una lacerazione di grandi dimensioni permettesse di imbarcare acqua a sufficienza da raggiungere in poco tempo la cima delle paratie intermedie, provocando così il travaso fatale.

Era tutto calcolato, questa gente non lascia mai niente al caso. Infatti, si preoccuparono persino di avvisare il marconista della California - nave che già sapevano si sarebbe trovata nelle vicinanze del Titanic, a quell'ora e in quel punto preciso dell'oceano - in modo che ignorasse i loro ripetuti segnali di S.O.S. Altrimenti rischiavano che questo piano machiavellico andasse in fumo, e che tutti i passeggeri venissero comunque salvati dalla nave accorsa in loro aiuto.

Dopodichè i luridi banchieri attesero un anno e otto mesi prima di fondare la Federal Reserve, in modo che a nessuno venisse il sospetto che i due fatti fossero correlati.

Si potrebbe andare avanti, ma la marea di stupidaggini che circolano in rete in queste ore è tale che sarebbe come pescare nella tonnara: dovunque lanci prendi qualcosa.

Attenzione però, perchè è proprio questa marea di stupidaggini che permette di coprire verità ben più profonde ed inquietanti, negandole grazie alla loro palese stupidità. Esiste sicuramente una "kabala" di poteri occulti - anzi, probabilmente più di una - che agiscono per influenzare il futuro del mondo secondo una loro agenda precisa, e sicuramente questi personaggi usano simboli e codici particolari per mandarsi messaggi a vicenda, ma pensare che questi codici - e soprattutto il loro reale significato - siano decifrabili da chiunque in modo così facile, univoco e rudimentale significa negare loro l'intelligenza stessa che sarebbe necessaria per tenere in piedi questa grande messinscena in primo luogo.

Cerchiamo di non cadere nel tranello del "tanto è tutto programmato", perchè è proprio nel suo assolutismo indifferenziato che noi perdiamo la facoltà di ragionare, di distinguere e di valutare, e quindi perdiamo l'unica possibilità che abbiamo per arrivare davvero a capire chi e che cosa si nascondano dietro alle quinte del potere.

[Nota bene: Parlando della Titanic o della Costa Concordia bisogna realizzare che la battaglia tra la verita' e la bugia non e' in corso solo per terra ma parallelamente anche nell'aldila', da dietro la matrix, tramite ispirazione dallo spirito santo da un lato e/o influenze demoniche dall'altro lato]


[Nota bene: Ho leggermente filtrato/aggiustato l'articolo secondo le mie proprie ispirazioni. Trova qui l'aricolo rispettivo]


Screen shot dell'articolo rispettivo

[14.01.12 | 21:30:00 | 21.222 visits ]

Vedi: cabal


added on 18.01.12



Se tuttavia Prodi, [..]  certo non poteva sapere che un membro della sua assemblea, il professor Mario Monti, un giorno sarebbe succeduto a lui nel ruolo di Presidente del Consiglio della terza economia europea, contravvenendo a entrambe le condizioni oggetto delle sue rassicurazioni, anzi aggravandole.

Mario Monti sarebbe divenuto di lì a poco non un semplice invitato alle conferenze del Gruppo Bilderberg, ma addirittura un membro del Comitato Direttivo (vedi Bilderberg Meeting Governance). Parimenti, sarebbe divenuto non un semplice membro della Commissione Trilaterale, ma una delle sue tre cariche più importanti, assumendo la rappresentanza della più importante area di influenza attuale, quella dove si stanno giocando i futuri interessi della governance mondiale: l’Europa (vedi [..]



[Translate orig. text with google ]












English translation

[Annotation: I slightly filtered/adjusted the article according to my own inspiration. Find here the original text]


Email fom Michele

To: "Herbert"
17.January 2012  17:36


The sinking of the ship


 was planned. There was no "accident", there was no "disgrace", there was no "coincidence" that have brought the ship to run aground on the rocks of the island of Giglio. [..] the sinking of the cruise ship was a clear signal by the occult powers to indicate the end of the European "accord" born - not coincidentally - in the same waters during the cruise of the yacht Britannia. [..]

The ship Concordia represented explicitly European unity, because its 13 bridges were named by 13 European countries: Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, Portugal, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, and Poland. Europe must not be united in a way that the problems of each become everyone's problems, so that no one must solve anything ever, though at the end you just cause a leak at the base of the building, and it all comes down in minutes, without a single survivor remains.

The skeptic will say that there was no need to "announce" the end of Europe, with the sinking of Concord, saw that this end has already began for many months, and is now visible to everyone.

Wrong! The sinking of the Costa Concordia is the only definitive confirmation of this destruction, but the notice had already been quietly launched in February of 2010, when another "Concordia", much less known, had been sunk near the Brazilian coast (looking in internet is just about anything). And that one Concordia - coincidentally? - was earlier the guest of the "Britannia Heritage" at its Westcoast homeport in Canada only three years earlier. Like to say "we will have welcomed with open arms, but you're doing the clever, so be warned." And because Europe has continued to make a deaf ear, now pays the bill. From today you can no longer fun to piss over each other - we were told of those occult powers - and ended up in the water all together.

 Not surprisingly, the "ceremony" of the passage between the rocks had already been established long ago, in anticipation of the day - which would surely come - in which would emphasize the sinking of Europe with a highly symbolic event.

Every time I passed by there the helmsman asked concerned the captain: "Excuse me Captain, why should we continue doing this sh[.] foul every time we go from Livorno to Civitavecchia? Really have to greet the islanders?"

"Do not worry" - the captain replied, "looking far into the night - one day you'll understand."

But the symbolism of this sinking does not end here, indeed it has secular roots. "Almost" secular, in fact, because the sinking of the Titanic occurred on April 14, 1912, [= 14.04.12 ] while that of Concord took place on January 13.01.12. The skeptic is readily noted that these two dates, except for the year, they have absolutely nothing in common. Wrong! Concordia has spurred the rock on the evening of 13, but in reality its sinking took place at dawn, 14.  [=14.02.12]. In addition, elapsing between the two dates exactly 99 years and 9 months.



Now try to turn those three numbers, and tell me what you find?



Okay, the skeptic will say, however, but what does the Titanic? That was a real accident at sea, caused by bad luck and the lightness of the captain. Why compare it to a deliberate sinking like the Concorde?

Wrong! do you know at least who traveled on the Titanic? There traveled Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus, John Jacob Astor IV, three important figures who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States. And you know when it was founded the Federal Reserve? In December of 1913.

So the plan was clear: instead of silently take out these three people, one by one, without anyone noticing it, the dirty bankers put up a very complicated plot to be able to get them all on the same day on board the ship safer and unsinkable history, and then persuaded the captain to do everything to ram an iceberg in the dark of night, hitting the only part of the side where a large tear allowed to take on enough water to quickly reach the top of the intermediate bulkheads , thus causing fatal racking.

It was all calculated, these people do not leave anything to chance. In fact, they even bothered to notify the radio operator of California which ship they already knew would be found in the vicinity of the Titanic, at that time and at that point in the ocean - in a way that its staff ignored their repeated SOS signals. This Machiavellian plan otherwise might have gone up in smoke, with all passengers saved on this other ship rushed to their aid.

Then the dirty bankers waited a year and eight months before founding the Federal Reserve, so that no one should suspect that the two events were related.

One could go on, but the tide of crap circulating on the network at this time is such that it would be like fishing in the tuna fishery: launching anywhere you take something.

But be careful, because it is this flood of nonsense that covers far more profound and disturbing truth, denying it due to this nonsense its blatant stupidity. There is definitely a "Kabbalah" occult powers - indeed, probably more than one - that act to influence the future of the world according to their precise agenda, and certainly these characters use special symbols and codes to send messages to each other, but to believe that these codes - and especially their real meaning - may be easily decipherable by anyone, unique and rudimentary, would mean to deny them the necessary intelligence that would be needed to prop up this great hoax in the first place.

Let us not fall into the trap of "time is all planned", because it is in such absolutism that we lose the ability to reasoning, to distinguish and evaluate, and then we lose the only chance we have to reach out to understand who and what is hidden behind the scenes of power.


Screen shot of the respective article

[14.01.12 | 21:30:00 | 21.222 visits ]



[Note: Talking about Titanic or Costa Concordia one has to realize that the battle between truth and lie is not only going on between the incarnated souls, but paralled also beyond = behind the matrix, through the inspiration of the divine spirit on one hand and/or through the influence of the demonic spirits/forces on the other hand.]

added on 18.01.12



Few minutes

after finishing this translation here above about the occult powers behind the courtains, [not just by coincidence! See screen shot from 18.01.12 at 14:08 = 1248, with the 368 in the visitor counter, video uploaded on 20.02.11= 2211], I crossed this one video:



Direct link :

So, smuggled US-bonds with a value of 134.000 millions of US-Dollars.

Note: there have been reported  more similar cases between 2009 and 2012. Those bonds were allegedly planned to be sold to Swiss banks. Does anyone know how many of such bonds have aready been sold to earlier ? Do not dream about the police capturing them on their first coup. Also: first they officially said those bonds were authentic. Now they say those bonds were falsifications. Now. Anyway. No matter if authentic or false. The problematic would be slightly different but always of the same gigantic size, and do concern ANYONE OUT THERE. I even don't want to know HOW MANY  of such cars are circulating and/or could be filled like those captured one, while the simple honest people is being looted and sold out by and via the corrupt system to the money pharaos , without even realizing what is going on. Though I believe that anyone now gets at least an idea on what is on behind the scenes.

Read also how one mafia ties up with the other mafia , and about the cabal mafia

added on 18.01.12




Apropos criminal money mafia & islam mafia

Example on how democracy works with islam, yet how close brothers in mind the criminal money mafia & islam mafia are:

Maledives: On 31.12.11  [123] took place the decisive meeting chaired by Imran Sheikh Abdullah, in which the fundamentalists and supporters of former dictator Gayum decided the coup. But the military had to be won for. Rumored six million U.S. dollars were set at its disposition, namely from the chairman of the Republican party and multi-millionaire Gasim (Sun-Fun-Holiday-Royal Iceland and TMA-air taxis) and Yamin, Gayums brother, become rich through drug and longtime withholding of oil supplies. A formality was yet to be determined: A president with a legal appearance was needed. On the evening of that same day Vice President Mohamed Waheed agreed. Now the coup had its fig leaf. And these were the people to which the Doctor of Philosophy became availabile: Islamic salafists on the one side and the millionaires of the ex-dictator Gayum on the other, some of them with bloody hands. On 7 February, it came to the coup, Nasheed, the first freely and democratically elected President of the Maldives was removed illegally. On 8 February the new authorities in accordance with the quran gave out the slogan. "It is the duty of every Muslim apply the jihad against all those  who follow different laws than the Islamic Sharia and to make them war war until they have adopted the Sharia". Military bands run through the streets chanting "Allahu Akbar", the museum was stormed and Buddhist statues from the pre-Islamic history of the Maldives were destroyed.

(Note: Has anyone read anything about it in the shameless islamophile  western 'quality press'? Why not ? But in contrary ! Back in 2011 you could read things like: "In this new era countries like the Maldives in some areas could take leading roles, ...the industrial nations can learn and benefit from an exchange." [Schirrmacher an admirer of the then 'masked democratic' vice president, now with its real face islamic ruler of the maledives Dr. Mohammed Waheed in the FAZ on 9.2.2011] Translated from  PI - 21.02.12 >

Here the full article in ENGLISH >




Update 21.04.12

APROPOS my earlier question on ''HOW MANY such cars may circulate''
Stol. it
news [screen shot] [Translation]

Billions in 80 year old U.S. certificates confiscated.
The financial police seized eight decades-old U.S. government bonds with a par value of one and a half billion dollars and certificates of deposit for 1000 tons of gold. Of the Federal Reserve issued government bonds from the 1930s are still in circulation, the Guardia di Finanza announced on Saturday in Rome. After lengthy investigations in Rome and Viterbo's financial police believe to be questionable transactions came with the papers on the track. They arrested a man who is said to have a criminal past, especially in financial transactions.





Update 22.01.11

Today having a Drink with Michele we spoke over the 138thousends of millions of dollars, then he remembered to have read this story 1-1 years back. Next day 23.01.11 he still found that one article online so he sent it to me via email. Note the "NEXUS"-logo. In the numerology a nexus is a series of digits composed of more than one or even of a whole series of chained key codes. Interestingly -if you search this my present site you will find out that nexus-numbers started to appear to me only very recently. So this immediately captured my attention and is nothing else than just another connecting and/or reconfirming hint for this is authentic staff here. [Apropos nexus > chained > chain reaction]

Find the original online article here on ComeDonChisciotte .

Translate with google.

Note: None of the corrupted and/or socialist controlled big national or international media has ever reported about this! Apropos: the bonds were sequestred in Chiasso [It]. 'Chiasso' means 'noise' or 'uproar' in German language: Kravall, in the angels language this means:







However, if Prodi, [..] certainly could not know that a member of his congregation, Professor Mario Monti, would one day succeed him in the role of Chairman of the third European economy, in violation of both conditions which were the subject of his assurances.
Mario Monti would shortly thereafter become not just invited to the conferences of the Bilderberg Group, but also a member of the Steering Committee (see
 Bilderberg Meeting Governance). Likewise, he would become not just a member of the Trilateral Commission, but take one of its three most important positions, assuming the representation of the most important current area of ​​influence, the one where you are playing the future interests of global governance: Europe (see [..]

more >












Email Michele > Herbert

Ore 09:39 dell 28.01.12 [~ 28 | 812 | 811 | 11 | 12 ]

Usa: un asteroide ha "sfiorato" la Terra

Esperti: dimensioni di un autobus ma è filato tutto liscio


07:17 - Un asteroide delle dimensioni di un autobus si è avvicinato alla Terra. Lo hanno riferito esperti del Minor Planet Center, un'organizzazione che traccia gli oggetti nel sistema solare, sottolineando di non aver comunque mai nutrito timori circa "la possibilità di un impatto". Un sospiro di sollievo, anche se con un po' di ritardo. L'asteroide, denominato "2012 BX34", ha una dimensione compresa tra i 6 ed i 19  [619] metri di diametro. Gareth Williams, direttore associato dell'organizzazione ha sede negli Stati Uniti, ha precisato che l'oggetto è apparso improvvisamente l'altro ieri nel campo visivo di un telescopio in Arizona e si è avvicinato oggi fino ad un distanza di 60.000 km dalla Terra. [screen shot ]


Iphone screen shot of message receipt

07:17 - An asteroid of the size of a bus approached the Earth. The experts of the Minor Planet Center  reported, an organization that tracks objects in the solar system, stressing that however, it never had a concern about "the possibility of an impact." A sigh of relief, albeit with a little late. The asteroid, named "2012 BX34", has a size of between 6 and  19  [619]  meters in diameter.

Gareth Williams, associate director of the organization headquartered in the United States, stated that the object appeared suddenly yesterday in the visual field of a telescope in Arizona and has now approached to a distance of 60.000 kilometers from Earth. [screen shot> ]






B=7 / 3+4=7 =>

2012  7X7



 2012 7777 X 1





added 28.01.12










9999 = THE KEY[!]


Instantanea di Michele, datata 01.01.12 

Alle 19:56  ~1911, significa il 19 allerta: 11 [!]

o, se vogliamo riordinare le cifre 1911 risultando in 9111, e considerando che la  9 e la 2 sono reciprocalmente sostituibili tra di loro, l'orario decodato [9111] rappresenta lo specchio perfetto della data e/o vice cersa,, risultando in:

1112 - 2111

1119 - 9111


Michele mi ha inviato questa foto via email il 23.01.12  alle 13:34:43 [1|333 |44], quando realizzavo non solo il linguaggio dei codici inconfondibili, ma oltretutto le [appena visibili]...


...coinvolti in questo momento divino.



added 01.02.12 [~1122]






Michele: 119 ~ 911

Today met Michele, who started to talk about the reg. plate number of his former car being decodable from both sides with the same outcome. I didn't understand him and suggested to write that numbers on his phone display in order to better explain to me what he meant.













Quoting  the news on 27.02.12

[..] Private schools and private clinics of Catholic sponsorship worry about their survival. The sword of Damocles, namely IMU [=new property tax] is hanging over those private schools and private hospitals, which have the support of religious orders.[..] "


Or the news on on 26.02.12

[..]This would contradict the law which equates the private and public schools. Payment of property tax would give the Catholic school system a devastating blow warned Alberto Zanini, secretary of the Italian Salesian schools. "We were forced to close most of our schools and lay off teachers," said Zanini.

Isn't this acting with naked bookkeeper logics?

Don't you know that the conception of a public school for the folk was founded in the christian monasteries during the middle ages? Until then the teaching was arranged privately and therefore reserved to the elites.



are being given to the Italians in regard to their spiritual legacy in the Christian Catholic Spirit and church with its quality teaching, right in this so important times ahead of us.

at 12 !






ITALY 2012





13.03.12 on [translation]


Controversy over racism and antisemitism in Dante's "Divine Comedy" - banishment from school curricula?: In Italy, the demand for a ban of some of the most famous passages in the work of Italian language from the school sparked a public debate. Several major media in the country brought scientists and commentators contradiction. This is the same as if you wear "the figures in the Sistine Chapel with underwear or the Venus de Milo with a bikini", it is said in a comment of the Catholic newspaper "Avvenire" (Tuesday). The human rights organization "Gherush92" had spoken out for the deletion of parts of the "Divine Comedy" from the curriculum. Some songs of the epic poem [..] were full of racist, antisemitic and Islamophobic stereotypes, said the Italian human rights activists who advise the United Nations.[..]


Ogmios annotations:

1] Those 'experts' who work for the system are no experts but the system their henchmen. They are paid to tell the system functionaries what they want to hear, i/e to provideto them the 'expertises'&contents they NEED. Otherwise those 'experts' would easily put their system accreditation at risk, eventually losing their job.



Divina commedia is just a histoical document without ANY legislative, executive, governative power or character.

Koran however, a license for killing, stoning, beating women, etc.. but also for the installation of totalitarian state systems, is the muslims religious confession which rules over their lives -and over the lifes of their co-citizen- as it rules over and makes up their social systems on all levels and in all details.



Gherush92 has a problem with a historical document called Divina commedia.

Gherush92 has no problem with Koran, the worst  legislation doctrine and biggest written plague which ever came over the mankind.

[Btw, I am sure staff of Gherush92 has never risen its voice against the persecution of tens and tens of millions of Christian around the globe, mostly by the apostles of the bloody childsex prophet, that author of the killing license called quran. Maybe they do it in future? If they do so, then those kind of staff would do it just in order to create an alibi for their sinister doing.]







My recommendation:


















DeXter [9]


Who we are

Principles of balance

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When is religion religion

The Church

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