The Millennium of the TRUTH


[6] Sinister







1-10  |  11-20  |  21-30  31-50 until 04.2020    |  from 04.2020                       








2,30 MB (2.413.029 byte)

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558 KB (571.833 byte)

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137    137

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2|,88 MB (3.022.|848 byte)



2,|6|2 MB (2.7|56.|56|2 byte)

2,|6|2 MB (2.7|56.|608 |byte)



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121  *

2,16 MB (2.2|69.473 byte)
2,16 MB (2.2|73.280 byte)






Grayzone on Recdated, about Dombass&Co reporting



25.12.22  Putin




Putin "Ready" To Negotiate End To Ukraine War, But West Wants To "Tear Apart" Russia  [..] In a Sunday interview with Rossiya 1 state television, Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country is now ready to negotiate an end to the conflict in Ukraine. However, he once again pointed the finger at the West for making any dialogue toward an acceptable end to the fighting all but impossible. "We are ready to negotiate with everyone involved about acceptable solutions, but that is up to them – we are not the ones refusing to negotiate, they are," Putin said. [..]
Who ever has observed how things have gone so far, knows.




Kissinger bestätigt West-Verschwörung gegen Russland | Von Rainer Rupp  | H.Kissinger "Das bevorzugte Ergebnis für einige Leute in westlichen Regierungen ist ein Russland das durch den Krieg machtlos geworden ist."

Western globalist strategists dream: eat Russia









"I don't think that Ukraine has anything to do with the decision about peace or war"



Bzgl des rechtlichen Status des Dombass

Unabhängig von diesen rechtlichen Fakten die nie umgesetzt wurden (sondern dank des Zusammenspiels der Amerikaner mit den ukrainischen Nazis ganz im Gegenteil), haben in ihrer Heimat angegriffene, unterdrückte, ihrer gundlegendsten Menschenrechte beraubten Minderheiten immer das Recht sich zu wehren und um Hilfe zu rufen. Das versteht doch ein jedes Kind. Die Menschheit und vorallem eine Schutz- bzw Heimatnation ist in solch eklatanten Fällen den Menschenrechten mindestens genauso verpflichtet wie der Achtung nationaler Grenzen. Ein Eingreifen wird ab einem gewissen Punkt unhaltbar werdener Mißstände eine Frage der Abwegung.

16.01.23 Derussifizierung: Ukrainer bringen russische Bücher in die Abfallverwertung.  [..] Immer mehr russische Bücher wandern in der Ukraine ins Altpapier. Mit dem Erlös unterstützen die Ukrainer Soldaten an der Front. Russische Musik ab 1991 wurde verboten, die Sprache aus den Lehrplänen gestrichen. [..]

19.01.23 Lawrov elaborates international law




Der friedliche Putsch von "Euromaidan".

John McCain mit Nazi Ole Tjahnybok auf dem Maidan.




mafia style, not upright statesman handshake

"we against the others" instead of looking for or working

on a fair solution for peace




This is so symptomatic

German BILD war propaganda:

"Russia targeting civilian apartment buildings- 50-70 death"

next dive

This is what makes the difference

between propaganda on one hand

and reporting on the other hand.


Apropos symptomatic



Save before what ?

Without US (and UK) i/e limitless Nato expansion,

Ukraine war did not happen. (*)


A war doesn't fall from the sky.

Such a war is a geopolitical construction

by one or more of the involved parts.

We know who these parts are.

The good one together with their elitarists, fake gods.


 (*) Update 19.01.23 Dozens Of WikiLeaks Cables Show US Knew NATO Expansion Was Russia's Bright Red Line


Scott Ritter at Redacted
"The Western goal is not for the Ukraine to win -because that will not happen- the goal is to afflict pain on Russia."
I can only add, we will see who inflicts pain.
The today´s Western leaders are one unique catastrophy.
"This is a proxy conflict between Nato and Russia where the Ukrainians are paying the price."
Today the Ukraine is paying the price
We will see who (too) pays the price at the end. Don't be surprised.




Dr. Daniele Ganser: Maidan-Krim Die Strategie der Spannung -Bereich verdeckte Kriegsführung

Wenn es um den Ukrainekonflickt geht beginnt bei den westlichen Eliten und der westlichen Politik die Zeitrechnung mit Februar 2022. Da gab es nichts davor. How it comes.

Mit solchen Leuten, die aufgrund von politischem Druck der Geostrategen und Gelddruckermafia jenen 8-jährigen Teil der Geschichte der Ihnen nicht in die Erzählung passt einfach unterschlagen bzw der Kriegszensur unterwerfen, mit solchen Leuten kann man unmöglich zu einem grünen Zweig kommen. Andersrum gesagt, mit solchen Leuten ist das Desaster Programm.


Mich wundert auch die Heuchelei jener Redakteure die sich vorgeblich so sehr um sterbende ukrainische Zivilisten sorgen. Wo waren diese Leute von 2014 bis 2022 ? Braucht man sich um russische sterbende Zivilisten in der Ukraine keine Sorgen machen ? Das gesante System, alle die an dessen Napf gut leben haben sich um ihrer lieben Pöstchen willen politisch prostituiert. Von Objektivität kann keine Rede mehr sein. Diese Heuchelei wird enorme Konsequenzen haben. 




Diana Sara "The Americans want Germany and Russia destroying each other".

Wenn zwei sich die Köpfe einschlagen freut sich der Dritte.



Ukraine Rocked By Corruption Scandal, Wave Of Top Officials Resign: Sports Cars, Mansions & Luxury Vacations As People Suffered
Surprised ?



28.011.23  The holy Zelensky



19.12.23 Reminder: April 2022 Boris Johnson in Kiew to Zelensky :

"We will not sign anything at all with them. Let's just fight"







Aussie Cops Ask Neighbors To Rat Out 'Anti-Government, Anti-Police, Or COVID-Vaccine Conspiracy Theorists'
"Authoritarianism, and totalitarianism, at its finest…"

Step by step the masks come down.

Update 30.12.22

(it's almost everywhere the same)




NYC Mayor Declares "Big Brother Is Protecting You"
New Yorkers will learn to love their surveillance overlords...


02.01.23  "Mutant"

Take it for what it is: a warning.



Wind Farms Eyed In Surge Of Dead Whales On NJ, NY Beaches
[..] Seven whales have turned up dead in little over a month. The latest victim, a 20- to 25-foot juvenile Humpback whale, turned up in Brigantine, New Jersey on Thursday afternoon, close to a Coast Guard station.  "The wave of dead whales is the ocean sounding the alarm, and we must heed the warning,” said Cindy Zipf, executive director of Jersey-based Clean Ocean Action, after the sixth whale washed up in Atlantic City on Jan. 7 with signs of head trauma. "[The wind farm development] is too much, too fast. It's outrageous and our ocean deserves better." [..]



Police passed by asking if we ever had a certain Romanian guest and provided his name.




Doctors Are Being Silenced by State Medical Boards: Richard Jaffe
[..] State medical boards are using their authority as a tool to silence doctors who dare to question established narratives on medicine, or stand against the pharmaceutical industry. This problem came to the forefront under COVID-19 when the medical establishment got information wrong on the virus and vaccines, and also censored legitimate treatments. .. [..]
Stealing the doctors their most basic professional autonomy. Why ? Progressive fascism.

watch: Jordan Peterson  *

This is how it looks in societies on the wrong way, in the wrong hands. The higher you go the more corruption.

No need to look at China. China is here.


"Objectivity Has Got To Go": News Leaders Call For End Of Objective Journalism
...journalism needed to “free itself from this notion of objectivity to develop a sense of social justice.”
Just go and do the same mistake like 80 years ago all over Europe.

Watch: Belarusian Tennis Star Blasts Sports Reporters For "Dragging Players Into" Ukraine Conflict Talk
“I don’t know what’s the goal here that it’s continuously brought up.”




°  °  → °

Update 09.03.23 'The ejected material circled the pole at the 60 degrees latitude for 8 hours at 96km/sec.  and the reason behind this phenomenon is still unknown.'

 "..never seen a vortex like the one  that occurred recently".

I wish everyone to be able to put 1 and 1 together.



3,5|4 MB (3.71 3|.860 byte)

3,5|4 MB (3.71 5.07|2 byte)


3,49 MB (3.660.468 byte)

3,49 MB (3.661.824 byte)


While waiting outside the apple store located in front

of the house where the underwritten grew up

2,|88 MB (3.02|6. 2|57 byte)

2,|88 MB (3.02|6.944  |byte)


3,5|7 MB (3.|750.557 byte)

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2,07 MB (2|.17 6.3|02 byte)

2,07 MB (2|.17 9.07|2 byte)


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4,20 MB (4.41 1.39|2 byte)


3,68 MB (3.869.530 byte)

3,69 MB (3.870.720 byte)


7 16

4,41 MB (4.629. 69 7 byte)

4,41 MB (4.63 2. 576 byte)


34 5

4,44 MB (4.66 1.1 64 byte)

4,44 MB (4.661. 2 48 byte)



3,02 MB (3.171.506 byte)

3,02 MB (3.174.400 byte)


3 78

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3,19 MB (3.350.528 byte)


2,54 MB (2.667.918 byte)

2,54 MB (2.670.592 byte)



88 2 9     17 9

2,|64 MB (2.|777. 7|28 byte)

2,|65 MB (2.|781. 184 |byte)


688   66 7

2,46 MB (2.581.970 byte)

2,46 MB (2.584.576 byte)



3,05 MB (3.|201.905 |byte)

3,05 MB (3.|203.07|2 byte)



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3,18 MB (3.342.336 byte)


 179  53

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3,15 MB (3.309.568 byte)



2,|72 MB (2|.860. 66|2 byte)

2,|73 MB (2|.86 3.104 |byte)


483   2 8 2

2|,61 MB (2|.74 3.71|2 byte)

2|,61 MB (2|.74 4.3|20 byte)


78 2

2,22 MB (2.328.687 byte)

2,22 MB (2.330.624 byte)



2|,48 MB (2|.603. 7|24 byte)

2|,48 MB (2|.605. 056 |byte)


844  8  44

1,54 MB (1.619.|401 byte)

1,54 MB (1.6|22.016 byte)


2,48 MB (2.601.581 byte)

2,48 MB (2.605.056 byte)


near the crucifix

1,80 MB (1.89|2.|309 |byte)

1,80 MB (1.89|2.|35|2 byte)



2,49 MB (2.617.526 byte)

2,50 MB (2.621.440 byte)




[..] "Central bankers think they are the masters of the universe because the world is looking to them (and only them) to deliver continuous stability and prosperity. There is no reason to suppose that they understand the modern financial system and economy to any greater extent than they did in 2007 (that is to say, not at all). Nevertheless, they plow ahead, expressing total confidence that what they are saying and doing is wise and not dangerous drive..." [..]


Israel bestätigt - England & USA verbieten Waffenstillstand!
Israel confirms - England & USA forbid truce

[..] Ein Waffenstillstand sei damals, so Bennett, in greifbarer Nähe gewesen, beide Seiten waren zu erheblichen Zugeständnissen bereit. Doch vor allem Großbritannien und die USA hätten den Prozess beendet und auf eine Fortsetzung des Krieges gesetzt. [..]


How was that thing with the conspiracy theorists ?


Roger Waters: „Bringt eure Regierungen dazu, den Krieg zu beenden“



Ukraine applying chemical weapons

"If we had a video showing Syrian government forces bragging about how they're gonna use a chemical agent employed by a drone [..] and showing a Kurdish fighter right in the death in the graben in the most horrific fashion. I can guaranty the United States would be holding an emergency session of the security council right now, demanding a full scale investigation by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons OPCW backed by the United Nations. [..] and they would use military force in response. That's what the United States would be doing. But there is SILENCE."




Western propaganda: "Ukraine fanal of freedom and democracy". really ?  More Ukraine democracy 

Ukraine Nazis 2015 (=after the Maidan coup led by Biden, Obama, Newland):  "control four ministries in the new government, including the ministry of defence". That much as for 'they have no say'.. while they are the Western prolonged arm against Russia. Meanwhile in Germany 3000 policeman ceasing retired people, no Nazis, with all together a couple air rifles and some rare old swords in their closets.

"We the good one"




Corporate media in war times "are just stenographers".


China Says Ready To "Join Forces With Russia" To "Defend National Interests" As Putin Confirms Xi Visit




Microwave weapons applied by some governments against their people during protests. How to make it visible and how to protect yourself.

[..] Der ehemalige deutsche Außenminister Hans-Dietrich Genscher sagte am 2. Februar 1990 nach einem Treffen mit dem damaligen US-Außenminister James Baker: „Wir waren uns einig, dass nicht die Absicht besteht das Nato Verteidigungsgebiet auszudehnen nach Osten. Das gilt nicht nur für die DDR sondern ganz generell.“
Die „ARD“ kommentiert Genschers Aussage mit folgenden Worten: „Ein Versprechen von kurzer Lebensdauer. Die ersten Osteuropäischen Länder werden in die Nato aufgenommen.“
Doch diese Aussage war lediglich eine mündliche Zusicherung – mehr nicht. Wladimir Polenow war 1990 Teilnehmer bei den Verhandlungen und sagte dem „MDR“: „Es war ein Fehler, dass man diese Zusicherungen gegenüber der Sowjetunion, dass die NATO im Osten nicht erweitert wird, nicht schriftlich festgehalten hat. Das war ein sehr großer Fehler. Jetzt müssen wir die Suppe auslöffeln und mit den Folgen dieses Fehlers leben.“ [..]




Interesting. It says a lot. Did you say 'Western hypocrisy' ?



Free Speech Is Futile: Gates Goes Full 'Borg' On AI Censorship
[..] In a recent chilling interview, Microsoft founder and billionaire Bill Gates called for the use of artificial intelligence to combat not just “digital misinformation” but “political polarization.” [..]
"Freedom is irrelevant, self determination is irrelevant, you must comply"




FBI Tracking Unvaccinated Teachers With Fingerprints;

Canada Pushes for Digital IDs


The EU Warns "There Is No Escape" From Its ESG Environment Madness
[..] The demand for highly paid ESG nannycrats to enforce nonsensical rules is on the rise. This will cause a rippling impact of higher inflation everywhere... [..]



Stoltenberg "Ukraine to become NATO member in long-term perspective"



Russia Suspended New START Because Of Attacks On Strategic Sites  "We know that those attacks would never be possible in absence of a very deep & sophisticated assistance by the US to the Ukrainian military."
Is Georgia Being Targeted For Regime Change- second front against Russia ?
[..] This information warfare campaign is waged against its premier for his refusal in early December to open up a “second front” against that Russia to relieve pressure upon the US’ Ukrainian proxies... [..]
This is going on since over a year already.



Arrest Warrant Issued For President Putin By Hague-Based ICC
[..] The ICC (International criminal court) said in a statement that Putin "is allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation."  According to Axios, it stems from allegations that "Russia systematically relocated at least 6,000 children from Ukraine to Russia since the start of the war" - based on findings by a group called Conflict Observatory and their report published in February. "Many of the children, who were taken to camps or other facilities, engaged in pro-Russia reeducation efforts, per the report," Axios details. "Some of the facilities were used for foster care or adoption in Russia and Crimea." [..]

Investigations Accuse Family Court Judges Of Sending Children Into Danger
Parental Alienation
There is a major debate over the term parental alienation. Groups like Post Modern Justice Media Project (PMJMP), which promotes the theory, say it is very real and is being used by one parent to interfere with the other parent’s relationship with their children. Those who denounce parental alienation say it is a made-up theory being used to cover well-established abuse. While there is no established definition of parental alienation, both sides agree that it is usually triggered by a new event such as divorce, and that a history of abuse should never be construed as alienation.
Grant Wyeth, an Australian-based writer who tracks the way courts treat domestic violence globally, says that parental alienation is being used as a “gatekeeping device” by judges to create what he called “a repugnant market” around child abuse and domestic violence. In outlining the market in a recent article entitled “The Best Interests of the Abuser,” Wyeth pointed out the league of court appointees that feed off of the parental alienation theory. These court appointees include counselors, social workers, guardian ad litems (court-appointed people who will protect the interests of someone unable to take care of themselves), reunification therapists, and divorce and custody lawyers.
Attorney Richard Ducote, who also speaks nationally on the growing trend of family court judges awarding custody to abusive parents, pointed out that this court-appointed work is hand selected by the judge, unlike regular court cases where parties choose their own witnesses. [..]
Where is the credibility

What about teenager, students and elderly sent to the front lines by Zelensky & Co.

Where is the impartiality


International rules based (dis)order

Kosovo was snatched from Serbia by the NATO states or the West during the Yugoslavian war and has been declared an independent republic. In other words, Kosovo was annexed by the West.
Why are they suddenly ruling out the annexation of Crimea or Dombass - despite the comparably hardened situation - with reference to the inviolability of national borders?

As already highlighted on the red site in regard to the situation in Ukraine, South Tyrol offers itself as an ideal example for such conflict solutions. But today it is about something other than peace: globalism, geopolitics.





Ukraine as any other Nation can only be defined as independent until she is neutral or at least does not make part of any military alliance.

Ukraine is not fighting for its independence but as a prolonged arm.




U.S fears West might be forced to accept Beijing's peace plan



H.K. is swallowed. What next ' ?

Time for Taiwan to be prepared comes closer. 


ANGRIFF AUF TAIWAN GEPROBT: Die klare Botschaft von China! Diese Animation macht sprachlos


Taiwan has to be put into conditions to defend itself, immediately.

Chinas oberster Diplomat vergleicht Taiwan-Frage mit deutscher Wiedervereinigung
[..] China hofft auf deutsche Unterstützung für eine Wiedervereinigung mit Taiwan. Chinesischer Außenminister zieht eine kuriose Karte: die deutsche Einheit 1989. Taiwans Bedingung: Zuerst muss die Kommunistische Partei weg. [..]



Iran: Child detainees subjected to flogging, electric shocks and sexual violence in brutal protest crackdown
[..] Iran’s intelligence and security forces have been committing horrific acts of torture, including beatings, flogging, electric shocks, rape and other sexual violence against child protesters as young as 12 to quell their involvement in nationwide protests, said Amnesty International today. [..]

Islam ...



Respect for the people - and leadership- of Kenia. * 



France Buys 65,000 Tons Of LNG From China In First Ever Yuan-Denominated Trade
[..] France bought 65,000 tons of LNG using the Chinese yuan. The liquified natural gas was bought from the UAE, the payment is settled in the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, using Chinese yuan. [..]






There they go, the high Western hypocrites and manipulators, honouring the by far biggest dictator of this world, while instigating war against and demonizing regularly elected Putin as dictator. Who among these clowns has ever called the real dictator dictator ?



[..] "I think that the dismissal of Seymour Hersh by so many people is reckless. It also shows a total disregard for the history of American covert operations, and it ultimately seeks to silence people who are questioning what I think is quite clearly the top suspect in this act of international terrorism, that is the party that has the greatest motivation to conduct this attack and that would be the United States." [..]




Ursula van der Leyen "We know, that this is an era where we rely on one single supplier with 98 percent of our rare earth supply."
So, this is similar as it was with gas from Russia.
Why the 'dependence' on Russia had to be cut, while with China it is ok? I will tell you why. Because they like the Chinese totalitarianism model, yet they're submitted to the American deep state which is of an even more sinister stamp.




Michael Schellenberger: "creeping totalitarianism"



71 Chinese Military Aircraft Cross Taiwan Strait Median Line To Kick Off 3-Day 'Encirclement Drills' 

China Sanctions Reagan Library After McCarthy’s Meeting With Taiwan President
"We will take resolute measures to punish the ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist forces and their actions..."


India builds rupee as alternative to the dollar



X.AI - Musk Reportedly Creating ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Rival
“A bunch of people are investing in it... it’s real and they are excited about it,”
As with every new technology, it can bring great benefits in the right hands as it can bring great harms in the wrong hands - such as 'X.I'
However, generally applies, too much data in too few hands is too much power in too few hands.

„Störung bei der Mission“: KI-gesteuerte Drohne tötet Bediener in Simulation
Weil die Befehle des menschlichen Bedieners der Mission im Weg standen, beseitigte eine KI-Drohne zuerst den Bediener. Sowohl US-Luftwaffe als auch US-Marine warnen vor dem unkontrollierten Einsatz der Technik. [..]

Wrong way


"If it takes 3 towels 3 hours to dry on the line, it takes 9 hours for 9 towels to dry."  Chat GPT answer or respective question


President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence,” announced the White House homepage in large, bold font.

I do not trust in Biden & Co. How could I after all.

Btw, for those who blame Musk for double play for the fact that he warns over the risks of A.I. on one hand while doing great inverstments in it on the other hand: Musk is wether holy nor a politician but entrepreneur in the first place. His warnings aren't a double play, they are warnings. It is the legistators task to co-operate with such responsible entrepeneurs for urgent and necessary regulations.



As I just learned A.I. is already involving neural networks. That is organic matter. Can todays mankind, which is, poor or rich people, in grand part still on a character level of primates *, unready to fight for the right cause, handle such potent tools responsibly enough ?




Leaked Pentagon Docs Show U.S. & U.K. Special Forces Already in Ukraine  *

Ukraine proxy war re-confirmed.



Servizio RAI sul Dombass 2016




Ukraine War: UK's provision of 'Storm-Shadow' long-range missiles an intended escalation, military analyst says




China Seeks to Use WHO Pandemic Treaty to Expand Its Social Credit System Globally - Here's How
[..] Littlejohn pointed to the One Health approach, saying that it would destroy national sovereignty [..]  In that case, the WHO could move in the concerned country not just based on a human pandemic or germ but also animals, plants, or the environment. [..]

The communist/globalist freedom haters war on freedom and REAL multitude is on. Corona has shown what the Nations can expect by submitting  to this. Just vote left *.


Russia Claims Ukraine Tried To Assassinate Putin In Drone Attack | Russia Ukraine War


Tanker Niovi Seized by Iran | 2nd Tanker Captured | Why No Response by the U.S. & World Navies?

They don't know what to do with that. Iran is with China now, just as Russia. Put the dots together. One proxy for the other proxy.

19.05.23 (translated)
Selenskyj's secret plans: blowing up Russian-Hungarian oil pipelines, attacks on confidential targets

Ukrainian spy boss bluntly admits pLan to assassinate Putin



Putin showing how conflicts should being solved

They still exist. One of the very few decent Western politician




This way




Zelensky Blacks-Out Jesus on Icon Offends Pope Francis and Christians!  *
Der Gutmenschengott.

Journalists Are Asking Ukrainian Soldiers To Hide Their Nazi Patches, NYT Admits


The alleged bombing of the Kakhova dam, by the Russians or by the Ukrainians

None of the versions really makes sense.

Though as I heard this old dam has lately been filled up to the absolute maximum by the Russians. The exceptional pressure and some structural weaknesses may have caused the rupture.



China Spies on US from Cuba, US Supplies Drone Data to Taiwan

Zelensky’s Swiss Outreach Flops; Largest Party’s MPs Boycott Ukrainian President’s Parliament Speech
Auch die schweizer Linke ergötzt sich wie alle Linken an ihrem zeitgenössischen Herrgott, und lässt sich von ihm predigen was sie zu tun hat: Neutralität über den Haufen werfen.



Wagner Group turns against Putin, Russia. Who is behind.
Wagner Convoys Advancing Towards Russian Capital, Chechens Loyal To Putin En Route
Massive roadblocks erected on highways outside Moscow...


G7 Holds Urgent Call On The "Most Significant Challenge To Russian State In Recent Times"
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak "Preventing a civil war in Russia was America's #1 priority after the Cold War.  Now rival military factions are squaring off in a country with 6,000 nuclear warheads. "
Western hypocrisy. Suddenly they're concerned about nuclear warheads after they incited this conflict in Ukraine for waging a war against Russia through it, themselves. It is still you - and with that the West as a whole (except the exceptions ) who had no ears for the truth in this matter since 2014 - who are responsible for what is happening now in both Ukraine and Russia.

I repeat. I grant to mankind there will be no winner until to turnaround.




Lukaschenko mediates, Wagner Chief Prigoschin stops rebellion, orders his troops back to their base




Well, as I warned so many times since so many years, they have two options with the current system. Either their plan to disenfranchise and enslave the Nations via total control through respective monetary system, medical lockdown, climate lockdowns etc will be realized, or they must crash the broken system through a third world war so that they can blame the war instead of the completely over-inflated (on one hand) and plundered (on the other hand) system, which too many blind people still trust in, even though "it is what it is".
Yet the more control you give them, the more they take away from you not only in terms of money but also in terms of rights, for their geostrategic games, world domination, big business sucking up all small business, power plays, even more control over you, and wars. And electronics all over, so that when you go 52 in a 50km/h zone you get the 100 dollar fine directly and instantly deducted from 'your' CBDC account which in reality will not be yours because the central bank has their direct hands in it, no matter who is going to manage them on the clients end. A trick. Today most of these false progressive preferably call themselves democrats for their self-legitimation. At the end you will find out that you have become the perfect slave, happy to stay alive and to be kept and fed like cattle. It's the system of the mice, of those with the false gods, without antenna, so no real guidance and dominated by what is going on below their navel.


'Godfather Of AI' Speaks Out: AI Capable Of Reason, May Seek Control
Until AI is based on the principles of bits and bites -even if multidimentional' or 'multivectorial'- it can't have its own human reason, feelings, real emotions, instincts, character, capacity of knife sharp critical thinking, nor can it have the antenna, intuition, a connection toward the real- means spiritual- world. A.I. is like a stupid person with the ability to read all the books and news and connect to most databases of this world. Thus it is and will remain a soulless tool.  It can however be politicized i.e. ideologically manipulated by mankind. It could even be built up as a new false religion and the worst of all abuses is in making it a war machine, as it is happing in the Ukraine.

Generally speaking, A.I.-generated products, materials, media, etc have to be recognizable as such, they have to be marked as such.

last updated 02.10.23

30.08.23 Federico Faggin "consciousness must be the foundation of what reality is".




Douglas MacGregor The Chinese are no longer communists, they're capitalists.
The today Chinese system is the merger of the worst of communism and the worst of capitalism. That makes the Chinese communist party -with particular regard to the big dictator Xi- much more powerful and even more dangerous than with the old simple communism.




"We Will Bring You Down": German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO's Grip On Governmentsteaser image
[..]  German MP Christine Anderson last week shredded the World Health Organization, calling it a group of "globalitarian misanthropists" who she - and a group of seven other MPs, have vowed to dismantle in order to oppose the WHO supplanting democratically elected governments.
"An unelected body like WHO who is controlled and run by multi-billionaires should never be allowed to act in place of a democratically elected government..." [..]
One positive news among hundreds of negative one


'Don't Need Your Permission': Ukrainian Army Chief's Biggest Attack On U.S. And Biden
Out of hand gone things going out of hand even more


Humanoid robot. What a sick sh..t. Is THIS mankind's imagination of civilization.

The WEF call for an AI-written bible to create new religions
[..] A top official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for religious scripture to be "rewritten" by artificial intelligence (AI) to create a globalized "new Bible."
Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF and its chairman Klaus Schwab, argues that using AI to replace scriptures will create unified "religions that are actually correct." Harari, an influential author and professor, made the call while giving a talk on the "future of humanity."

"(Thanks to AI), soon, we will be beyond the God of the Bible." Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF
How was that thing with conspiracy



Gregor Gysi "Alles was Nato und EU falsch machen konnten haben sie falsch gemacht."




Nigerian guy says out what should apply to every Nation on this globe. "No foreign bases!" 








Biden's hypocrisy with alleged white supremacy while arming Nazis in Ukraine.

The whole Western elites -and not only- are Nazis with false halo. They try to take over Russia by installing a Western marionette in Moscow. China would be next. Only Nazi-minded people and their brothers in mind such as socialists, communists and islamists -no matter if with or without fake halo- can have such plans. You have to categorize these people according to their deeds and their plans not according to their fake halos. What these gentlemen do on so many levels is indeed despicable.

Turn around, go back to decency. Go back to law and order. To the deXter values. Now.



Guess where this leads to.





This is the glorious future these current elites are planning for you and your children. This is where they want you to get to.



Elon Musk invests in A.I., digital payment methods and Co stuff which definitely risks to enslave us all.
Does that mean that Musk is on the wrong side?
It does mean that he (Musk) is an entrepreneur. It is the task of the politicians, not of the entrepreneur, to do the necessary regulations and to draw the red lines. However, what if you have put the wrong, incapable political staff into charge, because of your drunkenness.





Putin: London bildet ukrainische Atom-Saboteure aus



"Women must report for duty!" Ukraine calling girls to fight | Redacted  | 

(translated) Ukrainian women with medical or pharmaceutical training called for duty | Krissy Rieger




EU-Parlament billigt schärfere Klimaziele
Diese Leute brauchen eine Existenzberechtigung. Deren gesamte Politik dreht sich nicht mehr um die Interessen der Bürger sondern um deren eigenen. Von da an spielen Fakten keine Rolle mehr, die schaffen sie sich selbst. Das läuft so in politischen Elfenbeintürmen.



9|22  93   41|11   37

Guess you discover another planet where people run around like this. What the h...


Watch: NATO Minister Suggests Ukrainian Lives Are "Cheap"
In yet another instance of a Western official speaking the quiet part out loud, the Netherlands' defense minister issued some controversial remarks on Wednesday wherein she referred to supporting Ukraine as a "cheap" way to ensure Europe's security. [..]
Apart of the western hypocrisy in front of both the Ukrainians and the Russians, under 'ensuring security' you should understand something different than never ending armament (→update 22.10.23) with expansion of territorial influence plus playing respective sinister games provoking wars once there comes something in your way.



War update for the earless oxen (*) out there




Watch How Much Govt Money Zelensky’s Father Is Getting As ‘Scholarship’ Award



After a Russian offer for peace talks with the West, the Eurozone is now moving to confiscate Russia's frozen assets while Moscow threatens to confiscate EU assets if Brussels steals frozen Russian funds.




Zelensky’s Corruption EXPOSED: ‘Stealing Like There’s NO TOMORROW’ in Ukraine Government | Per Report | via Redacted


08.11.23 (translated)

Ukraine | EU presents recommendations on accession negotiations
(EU legt Empfehlungen zu Beitrittsverhandlungen vor)

Makes sense  ..



Women in Ukraine.
[..] The Foundation to Battle Injustice has received previously undisclosed evidence of brutal abuses of women by Ukrainian law enforcement officers, soldiers and fighters of nationalist battalions. According to data obtained by the Foundation, gang rape, genital mutilation, torture by genitalia are carried out by SKU, SBU and Azov * fighters on the direct orders of President Zelenskyi and with sanction of Ukraine's intelligence chiefs.
The collapse of the Soviet Union has led to a multiple increase in crimes against the honor and dignity of women in Ukraine. Even before Volodymyr Zelensky came to power, Ukraine was already the leader in the number of women abused by representatives of the state security authorities, especially the police. According to statistics, in most cases the perpetrators were not held accountable either administratively or criminally. According to the 2013 UN report, more than 20 million people in Ukraine have been abused - physically, sexually or mentally, and most of them are women. According to Ukraine's human rights organizations, around 40% of Ukrainian women have been victims of sexual violence at least once in their lives, with 25% of them under the age of 18. [..]

Ready for EU. No doubt that Ukraine and this one EU belong together.




Watch: Ukraine Politician Throws Hand Grenades In Town Meeting, Wounding 26  * 

Normal ?  Can happen ?

EU-'Democracy': The EU has opened membership talks with Ukraine.

Have you ever been asked ?

Nato Chief Stoltenberg after Ukraine fails push back Russia despite Nato help: 'Never ever underestimate Russia'



Das Rätsel um die aus dem Ruder gelaufene Unterstützung der EU für das Zelenski-Regime in Kiew ist gelöst. Wer will, kann nachlesen, warum vorwiegend die Deutschen Russland beim Minsker Friedensschwindel in den Rücken gefallen sind. Lithium. Die Muttergesellschaft von Energy Monitor, GlobalData, hat kürzlich einen Bericht veröffentlicht, aus dem hervorgeht, dass die größten Lithiumreserven Europas in der russischen Donbass-Region liegen.
Feld Shevchenkivske in der Region Donetsk und der Block Kruta Balka in der Region Saporischschja. [..]

Dieses war sicherlich eine zusätzliche Motivation. Das Hauptziel war der Sturz Putins und die Installierung westlicher Marionetten unter der Regenbogenflagge im Moskau mit seinen enormen Rohstoffreserven.




Boris Johnson Has Meltdown After Being Exposed For Sabotaging Ukraine Peace Deal
Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had a mini-meltdown after being exposed during the Tucker Carlson-Vladimir Putin interview for sabotaging the Ukrainian peace deal.
David Arahamiya, the leader of Ukraine’s ruling party, revealed that Johnson had scuppered a peace deal that would have put an end to hostilities just a few months after the Russian invasion.
Putin reiterated in his interview with Tucker Carlson that Russia supports a negotiated settlement with Ukraine, and plans were very much underway to making that happen before Boris Johnson stopped it.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 9, 2024
Putin confirmed this when he stated, “He (the head of the Ukrainian delegation) had fixed his signature to some of the provisions, not to all of it. He put his signature and then he himself said, we were ready to sign it, and the war would have been over long ago. 18 months ago. However, Prime Minister Johnson came, talk to us out of it and we missed that chance. Well, you missed it. You made a mistake.”

Johnson was clearly rattled by the revelation. [..]


"Io sospetto che se uno ha le armi atomiche e ne ha una immensa quantità non è che però ha giurato sulla sua anima di non usarle mai mai mai." |  Alesandro Barbero


Hamas Declares War On Israel: Rocket Barrage From Gaza, IDF Tanks Set Ablaze & Clashes

Full Special Report: Israel declares war after surprise Hamas attack | NBC News









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The dreams of Cyrus * in the air.





This is all correct. But don't forget that the Jews came back to their own original land which they once were chasen from. Who has chasen them out ? Chasen out the one, chasen out the others. The situation is complex and the medicine is

After enough administration of the medicine the parties will wake up from their dark nightmares and realize that they're brothers. Otherwise the bible has some of their scenarios ready.


And btw, don't forget that Israel has been warned. | 15.10.23 Update Krissy Rieger  |  Update Efrat Fenigson   Update Krissy Rieger   |  11.11.23 Update Krissy Rieger.




US Confirms 2nd Carrier Group En Route To "Deter Hostile Actions Against Israel"



Bomb threat toward synagogue in Prague, Vezenska. | more attacks in Europe




They're no warriors, no soldiers, no terrorists. 

So, this is just stirring hatred.   (→update 22.10.23)

Damn, let hard working people work and instead of heated arrogance show them the necessary respect that hard working people deserve. They just want to live and work in peace. 

With special message to the orthodox Jews.

APROPOS respect


( in the lawyer's office)




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When I asked the Küppersbusch manager, if this ↑ happened again, he said not to the clients, but to his wife, when once a oil can fell her against the oven glass and nothing happened but next time when she used the oven the glass exploded.






Floods and tornadoes hit Tel Aviv

No, I don't take any side in this world of manipulation except of the Truth and Justice. Today there will be a wake up for the one, tomorrow for the other one, step by step increasingly stronger.




High Alert: B-52 Bomber Loaded with Large Scale Bombs



"Und wer hat Al Qaeda gegründet. Die USA im Kampf gegen die Sovietunion in Afghanistan. Und wer hat die Hamas gegründet. Die israelischen Geheimdienste als Konkurrenz zur PLO." 

(translated)  "And who founded Al Qaeda. The U.S. in the fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. And who founded Hamas. The Israeli intelligence services as a competitor to the PLO."


17.10.23 (translated)

No trace of the missing hiker: the search continues
Yesterday evening, the large-scale search for a


-year-old from Latzfons (municipality of


who was born in Lappach in the


walder Valley, had to be called off without results. He had left on Friday for a

mountain tour

1. Mount Blanc.

Very few meters before the (technical) summit - about 10m distant in front of me and maybe 2-3 meters higher than me- it started snowing so I decided to descend immediately, leaving behind that indeed symbolic missing technical couple of meters.
2. Dufour

via the Margherita hut and Zumstein. This time I sit on the technical throne.
Du|four|spitze  Du + four + spitze =  You four (wheels) peak/summit .

All this happened decades before I got aware of all the meanings.


in the

Ahrntal * * * *

and had not returned home until yesterday morning. Today the search continues. [..] Yesterday morning at


a.m., the Ahrntal mountain rescue team was


Since the exact destination of the missing hiker was not known, they first searched for his car. The fire departments of the Ahrntal valley were also involved in this. After a short time, the parked car was found in a parking lot in

St. Johann.

From this it was concluded that the man had started his hike from here. Thus, the search area could be narrowed down to the paths leaving from this area. Friday morning, the missing man had been seen near the Bizat Hut above St. Johann in the Ahrntal Valley. [..] The St. Johann fire department provided logistical support for the search operation. [..]



'about 10m distant in front of me and maybe 2-3 meters higher than me' 


(zoom in on the stones)

3,9|5 MB (4|.146. 8|24 byte)

3|,95 MB (4|.149. 2|48 byte)




U.S. troops to be deployed as President Biden heads to Israel
The Pentagon has ordered 2000 troops to be deployed to Israel within 24 hours of receiving notice. Fox 5 NY's Linda Shmidt reports.



About the ethics of EU the Wests (*) foreign policy.

(*) except with President Trump who was the only one pushing i.e. honestly trying to bring about a technical solution. Though the roots of the problem lie deeper. Much deeper. So, who will take that over without everyone changing from inside, being guided by the truth.




WESTMINSTER DECLARATION for free speech, against a world of censorship.



What a technologically murderous sh...ole is this world

(update 22.10.23)

China announced it will double its nuclear warheads by 2030 and the U.S. is building the mega-bomb
[..] Biden regime announces new nuclear weapon more than 20 times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima - just days after China announced it will double its nuclear warheads by 2030 [..]
Honestly, you still comfortable with your clowns.

Of course, the average man's clowns knew better. I certainly don't act as a reporter for the disasters that others put down. Until the Nations refuse to take the me9icine, there can never be a real change.
Des Durschnittsmenschen seine Kasper haben es natürlich besser gewusst. Ich betätige mich sicher nicht als Reporter für die Desaster die andere hinlegen.  Solange die Nationen sich weigern die Me9izin zu nehmen,  kann keine wirkliche Veränderung stattfinden.


Israeli-Jewish journalist's call for peace in Gaza




Middle east. The risk of nuclear war is real. Possible scenario.

"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein.





[..] The timing of this catastrophe couldn't have been worse, as the flood occurred during the annual Hajj pilgrimage season, one of the five pillars of Islam. [..]

The timing was carefully selected.

There are two black rocks (resp update 27.11.23) on this world. Both stand symbol for the biggest manipulations and thus as the greatest yokes on man's shoulder. Both these universes of manipulation must fall from inside or there will be the rivers of blood or I have to bring some of the evil down, the hard way. In order to avoid the worst and turn the tide.


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"What would this world look like without Hamas. Let's this world give the name Westbank"




House Speaker Johnson: Russia, China, & Iran Are The New Axis Of Evil
He added, “I hope that it doesn’t come to boots on the ground.”
Blabla. When your hut is on fire.

Now that you can literally smell where the clown world leads to, there is no excuse anymore for anyone to not change and become a free citizen. Free of any kind of ideologues, clowns, tyrants (including those who present themselves as world saviours, philanthropists or simply elitarists with halo), free of hypocrites, and manipulators. Become adult. Build your own universe. Always under the rule of fairness and truthfulness.




Pakistan Senator Afnan Ullah’s Shocker Amid Israel-Hamas War; ‘Now World Knows Why Hitler Killed Jews…'     Idiot 

When Idiots become political representatives there is something very wrong with the people voting them. I can see these signs in so many places and occasions.



30.10.23  Hamas

30.10.23  “Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with the Mossad’s general plan for the region.  And if the Mossad could arrange for Hamas to take over the Palestinian streets from the PLO, then the picture would be complete.”  | Mossad-whistleblower-Victor-Ostrovsky-1994

01.11.23 Israel strikes Gaza refugee camp.

Can anyone remember how Ukrainian Nazis persecuted, bombed, chased from their land or killed Russian citizen for 8 long years. Compare the West's reaction on Russia with that one on Israel. Can anyone imagine the West's reaction if Russia bombed an Ukrainian refugee camp. Can you see the Wests appalling falseness. It's all politics. And politics is all inconsistent games. Especially with bad leaders politics becomes bad games. And that can end very very bad without a radical change.



2 78|7    73|8

"Worms shall fall from the sky in Israel"




One would think that a Nation with a history like the Jewish one would draw the right conclusions of it.




One has to admit, that plan didn't look good enough.




China Joins Hamas, Erases Israel From Map
[..] The Wall Street Journal reported, “Internet users in China are expressing bewilderment that the name Israel doesn’t appear on leading online digital maps from Baidu and Alibaba, an ambiguity that matches Beijing’s vague diplomacy in the region and contrasts with its attentiveness to maps generally.”  [..] The erasure of Israel is a form of twisted virtue signaling to China’s allies (Russia, Iran, and North Korea, plus terror proxies such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis) that the regime is on their side, while being able to remain somewhat above the fray and avoid any involvement that these days is known as kinetic. [..]
06.11.23 Awakening




.. and we heard from the FBI that in the United States already crossing the border over a couple of years are terrorist groups like Hamas.

The price for having no borders. Would you let into your house whoever comes across, no matter who he is ? And how many they are ? Do it and find out * * !



"There is a time for peace, and a time for war" I heard Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu saying.

So, if the Nations want it this way, they shall get it this way.


"Netanyahu quoting Amalek in the Bible in which the nation of Amalek, having attacked the Israelites, God commanded the Israelites to kill all men, women and children."
Netanyahu stop quoting the Bible for your war games. First he brags about being lgbtq+ and covid vaccination forerunner than he quotes the bible for his war games.
Apart of such gambling we are now in the third millennium and should have grown out of the infancy of civilization.



From Stuxnet to Nitro Zeus

It's not enough to go to church in the morning, then watch spicy stuff in the evening and manipulate.

It's not enough to claim Jesus being your Lord and Saviour, and do as above.

It was enough until 2012, the year when the ancient calendars ended and so should have the era of manipulation.

Now the new epoch has to be started, (→resp.update) in order to avoid the worst, we're already behind of 11 years and things risk to get completely out of all tracks with the current system of manipulation on all levels.

Here is the practical instruction manual for a practical world, put down with the help of all the heaven, the angels and the holy spirit, as predicted by Jesus Christ himself. This is the time for sweeping both inside and outside.

The more you wait, the harder it gets.

Life must not be easy. It's not the sense of life to have it easy.

Those of the easy life don't climb the mountain, they're left behind.

So, roll up your sleeves.

These are the facts, this is the truth, this is the reality that needs to be heard, accepted and being worked on. 

*  *




Bolzano: Cherry tree falls on 67-year-old - Injured in the head

He had wanted to prune a cherry tree in the garden when it suddenly fell over: On Monday morning, a


-year-old man in


in Bolzano was injured on the back of his

head  (=mind )

and cervical

spine. (=character)



was raised at


am: The

White Cross

and professional

fire department

rushed to the scene. The man was taken to hospital in Bolzano by ambulance.
The Bolzano city police are investigating. The man had apparently wanted to saw off a branch of an old cherry tree about


meters high in a private garden with a


As he pulled on the branch, the whole tree suddenly fell towards him. The root ball of the cherry tree was completely rotten, as has since become apparent. The man tried to dodge the falling tree backwards, stumbled and hit the back of his head on a paving stone. [..]



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Schweiz führt Digitalwährung ein *




EU started digitale ID




WHO Cleaned Up Ebola Rape Scandal With $250 Payoff For Congolese Victims: Documents
When the World Health Organization went to the Congo between 2018 and 2020, nearly two-dozen workers for the UN agency preyed on more than 100 Congolese women - with dozens of staffers raping, sexually abusing, and otherwise harassing local women. One of the victims, identified in a UN report as "Jolianne," was believed to be 13-years-old. Other women say their attackers used no birth control, from which several pregnancies ensued. Some of the women were forced by their rapists to get abortions. [..], internal documents reveal that the agency paid 104 victims some $250 each, an amount which is less than a single day's expenses for some UN officials working in the Congolese capital - but which can support more than four months of survival in a country where many live on less than $2.15 per day. [..]

On this occasion we recall the total Covid and mRNA vaccine fiasco of the WHO. These €250/rapey guys are endowed with literally totalitarian power over Nations by your leading political clowns. In other words they're selling you away to them in order to secure their own asses. Just go ahead. Just go.





I have to give it into another hand.  |  21.11.23 Update




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'Will Kill Them All': Israeli Children Sing Shocking Song On Gaza; Video Sparks Outrage

26.11.23 (translated)
"It's no coincidence that a month ago $6 billion was poured into Iran and now their main ally against the US, Hamas, is waging a coordinated attack on America's main ally Israel," says Kash Patel. Patel is a former Chief of Staff of the Department of Defense and a former terrorism prosecutor. [..]



Israeli soldier bulldozes civilian cars in Gaze
= several Hamas fighters more


Poland Issues ALARM Over EU Takeover



27.11.23  ECB Balance sheet

"Can you sleep at night when you see this"

"Of course I have to sleep at night."

There are others that should no longer sleep at the sight of this.

"Können Sie nachts schlafen wenn Sie das hier sehen."

"Natürlich muss ich nachts schlafen."

Es sind andere die bei diesem Anblick nicht mehr schlafen sollten.




Technokommunistischer Fraß

Laborgezüchtetes Fleisch & Co



02.12.23 Global censorship


Redacted with Whitney Webb 'exposing the WEF false flag plan to carry out a massive cyber attack in 2024 that will pave the wave for a regional war in the middle east'
".. the second in command of the WEF announcing* that we are going to see a massive cyber attack hitting before the year 2025.. how do they know" (without being the drivers or co-drivers themselves)
"they can put others fingerprints in a hack they actually commit themselves"

* reminds me on Biden announcing Nordstream elimination




Referendum in Venezuela considering invading Guyana disputed region after huge oil reserves findings.
Brazil, US, Canada preparing for possible military intervention.


An overwhelming majority of Venezuelan voters who took part in a referendum voted in favor of claiming sovereignty over most of the oil-rich territory of neighboring Guyana. [..]


Former Conservative MEP David Campbell Bannerman on Redacted.
Van der Leyen and Co globalists trying to take over the existing national armies and even the policing structures of the EU member states, including UK.
That would be the historically unprecedented definite takeover and submission of several dozens of Nations and their people by these unelected unloyal globalists without shooting even one single shot.
Aren't they in a panic mode. Yes they're.

Wie wärs mit Myanmar als EU-Modell



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Explosive Analyse des NZZ-Interviews zum WHO-Pandemievertrag mit der Schweiz

Putin "They took and dragged Finland into Nato."
"Did we have any disputes with Finland ?"
"All disputes, including those of a territorial nature in the mid-20th century, have long been resolved"
"Russia does not actually have territorial disputes with any Nato member state."
"There was no trouble. Now there will be."








over Roen

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The (western) anti-Russia paranoia invades Poland.


UN manipulation.




Why this hypocritical excitement over a Russian VIP-party during wartimes, when the West is in war too with the discos overloaded.




This night moms emergency bell ringing twice near my bed, at 06.24 am. So I went upstairs to see what happened. Underway however the display light of my heating regulator situated in the floor went on right while me passing by, then, me passing by the main door I found the outside sensor light in the backyard on too. Finally upstairs while me passing by at mothers heating regulator in her floor even this one display switched on instantly.

Mom was sleeping and well even though surprised by my appearance, asking me what happened. She assured she hadn't activated the alarm bell even once.

Later when I checked the situation I found her safety bell even well preserved inside her bedside cabinet.


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FAA Temporarily Grounds Dozens of Boeing 737 Max 9 Aircraft Following Alaska Airlines Incident
The Friday night mid-air incident occurred around 6 minutes into the flight. [..] The FAA estimated that around 171 airplanes will be affected worldwide by this order. [..]




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Is Alibaba Selling Kamikaze Drones?


The WHO Pandemic Treaty will change EVERYTHING, good thing it's in deep SH*T | Redacted News

Bauernprotest in Hamburg sollen von der Polizei aufgelòst werden.

Polizei zu den Bauern "Bitte halten sie unbedingt ihre Ausweispapiere bereit."
Hamburg ist politisch linkslastig. Einschüchterung hart arbeitender Bürger die deren demokratisches Protestrecht wahrnehmen, ist ebenso linkslastig und undemokratisch.

27.02.24  Jannis.28 kommentiert
Es ist wirklich erstaunlich, wie der Scholz einen Mist nach dem andern verzapft hat und er zur Belohnung auch noch zum Kanzler gekürt wurde.'









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