The Millennium of the TRUTH


[6] Sinister







1-10  |  11-20  |  21-30  31-50 until 04.2020    |  from 04.2020                    







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passing by

at the bar CHRISTian



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A Protest From France: "Rule By (pre-selected) Experts" Is A Grave Error.



Trump, Erdogan und Putin bereiten den Sturz von Assad vor
[..] dreht sich der Wind zu Ungunsten von Damaskus Assad.. Ein Sturz der syrischen Regierung im Rahmen einer Kooperation zwischen Russland, der USA, Israel und der Türkei gilt als sicher. [..]

[..] Non ci libereremo molto presto del Coronavirus e la pandemia durerà ancora per molti mesi: questo il risultato dello studio eseguito dal “Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy” (Cidrap) dell’Università del Minnesota.
In un articolo pubblicato con il nome di "Covid-19: The Cidrap Viewpoint" , il team di esperti spiega che la malattia continuerà probabilmente a diffondersi nel mondo per altri 18-24 mesi, fino a quando almeno il 60-70% della popolazione umana non sarà venuta a contattato con il virus. [..]



"Lockdowns Ending But Their Politics Still Rule"




2|66|2     2|9

It doesn't just look like. It is.




437   27

No Christian representative, no Buddhist, or else. But radical Muslim censoring all the rest.


"Consumers Have Never Been More Bullish On Stocks


66886    480 px




Ending in the hands of the bankers

(Note: Politics goes always the easy way.)

75 years ago Germany surrendered to allied forces finally ending the ravages of the Second World War.

Today, as the world celebrates the 75th anniversary of this victory, why not think very seriously about finally winning that war once and for all?

If you’re confused by this statement, then you might want to sit down and take a deep breath before reading on. Within the next 12 minutes, you will likely discover a disturbing fact which may frighten you a little bit: The allies never actually won World War II…

[..] Bush Prescott’s (=The predecessor of Americas two Bush-Dynasty Presidents) Nazi bank itself was the spawn of an earlier 1931 merger which took place between Montagu Norman’s family bank (Brown Brothers) and Harriman, Bush and Co. Montague Norman was the Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944, leader of the Anglo-German Fellowship Trust and controller of Germany’s Hjalmar Schacht (Reichsbank president from 1923-1930 and Minister of Economy from 1934-1937). Norman was also the primary controller of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) from its creation in 1930 throughout the entirety of WWII.

Although the BIS (The Central Bank of Central Banks) was established under the Young Plan and nominally steered by Schacht as a mechanism for debt repayments from WWI, the Swiss-based “Central Bank of Central Banks” was the key mechanism for international financiers to fund the Nazi machine. The fact that the BIS was under the total control of Montagu Norman [..] The BIS was, in fact, his creation.

The founding members of the Board included the private central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Belgium as well as a coterie of 3 private American banks (JP Morgan, First National of Chicago, and First National of New York). The three American banks merged after the war and are today known as Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase.

In its founding constitution, the BIS, its directors and staff were given immunity from all sovereign national laws and not even authorities in Switzerland were permitted to enter its premises. [..] 





(N.b. Die EZB kauft nicht nur Staatanleihen die ohne deren Aufkäufe wertlos wären, sondern auch Schrottanleihen von Bankrottunternehmen in ganz Europa.)




"Crisis" or hype ?


Kannst du dich erinnern
Die Welt geht unter wegen saurem Regen 


Kannst du dich erinnern
Eliten komplett aus dem Häuschen vom Islam (teils bis heute)


Kannst du dich erinnern  
Die Welt geht unter wegen Russland, bzw weil sich die russische Krim mit nahezu 100%iger Zustimmung via Volksabstimmung ihrer russischen Heimat angeschlossen hat nachdem der Obama-Merkel-Westen die Ukraine geputscht hatte. Regelrechte Kriegshetzte in westlichen Medien, weitreichende Sanktionen gegen Russland u. westliches Passagierflugzeug vom ukrainischen Geheimdienst abgeschossen Putin in die Schuhe geschoben.

(Update 30.05.20 Jetzt hingegen wo Hongkong von der Pekinger Mafia gegen den Willen der Hongkonger und gegen die Verträge unterworfen wird, schwören sie auf zuschauen und 'Dialog'. Was dürfen die waschechten pekinger Totalitaristen gegen die betroffene Bevölkerung was der im Vergleich liberale Putin für die betroffene Bevölkerung nicht darf ?)

Kannst duch dich erinnern
Die Welt geht unter wegen Trump dem Höllenmeister.

Kannst duch dich erinnern
Die Russen kommen !

Aber der gesamte Wesen hinter China her.

Kannst duch dich erinnern
Europa geht in Staub und Asche wegen Brexit: Hunger u. Totschlag!

Kannst duch dich erinnern
Der Mensch braucht bis zu 60 Geschlechter

Kannst duch dich erinnern
Massenmigration über alles

Kannst duch dich erinnern
Die Welt geht unter wegen Klima. "I want you to panic!" Wir werden bei lebendigem Leibe verbrennen


Kannst duch dich erinnern
CO2 ist ein "Klimakiller" 

Kannst duch dich erinnern
Die Welt geht unter wegen ( in der Regel völlig natürlicher u. notwendiger) Waldbrände

Und nun
Die Welt geht unter wegen Corona

Jeder dahergelaufene Terrorist der "Asyl" ruft genießt heilige Pseudorechte, aber eine schnelle Grippe reicht für die flächendeckende Hygienediktatur u. Entrechtung der eigenen Bürger.

Liebe Gäste, hiermit möchte ich euch allen mitteilen, dass das Dingens bis auf weiteres geschlossen bleibt. Bei einer Öffnung bin ich u.a. GESETZLICH verpflichtet, von allen Gästen deren Namen und Adresse schriftlich hinterlegen zu lassen. Auch ist eine Mundschutzpflicht bei Betreten der Gaststätte bis zum Sitzen am Tisch gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. Ich werde diesen schwachsinnigen gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen NICHT nachkommen, da ich weder Stasimitarbeiter der Regierung bin, noch das Tragen eines sinnlosen Mundschutzes unterstütze. Bis die Regierenden wieder klar im Kopf sind, bleibt das Dingens GESCHLOSSEN.

Sag mal:
Merkt ihr nichts  

von diesem üblen Kartellisten- u. Globalistenlüftchen ?

Sind diese Herrschaften wirklich unentbehrlich ?

Abesehen von den ganzen Ungereimtheiten zwischen Panik u. Realität: Warum haben sie das Virus überhaupt über alle offenen Tore reingelassen wenn es angeblich so ein Weltuntergang ist dass man extra dafür eine neue dunkle beklemmende sozialistische Wirklichkeit konstruieren muss? Dann müsste man sie doch schon alleine deshalb allesamt den Preussen übergeben.

Aren't they




73|5      3698      5|79

[..] Prime Minister Stefan Lofven also informed reporters at the press conference: "There is a risk of a false sense of security, that you believe that you can't be infected if you wear a face mask."

The Public Health Agency's website states that wearing a face mask increases the probability of the wearer touching their face. 

"The virus can gather in the mask and when you take it off, the virus can be transferred to your hands and thereby spread further," Sweden's state epidemiologist Dr. Anders Tegnell told SVT. 

"Face masks can be effective against larger free-floating particles [connected to air pollution], but nothing suggests that they help protect you from airborne viruses," Tegnell said. [..]


So via decrees which are based on nothing else than on pure hypotheses, there are given orders and taken measures which revoke the most basic rights and laws. Hypotheses that may prove to be danger enhancer.
How is this possible?
Well, if the Chinese Communist Party does it, in tandem with their prolonged arm Dr.Tedros(WHO) ... then we will or can do it too. So, beside of a few exceptional Nations, the Chinese Communist Party determines what is legitimate in the rest of the world and what is not. You don't need a constitution for a communist takeover. You need panic, lies, manipulation, unscrupulousness.  


Da werden also durch Dekrete über die Grundgesetze hinweg Maßnahmen erlassen, die auf puren Hypothesen basieren, auf Hypothesen die sich möglicherweise als Gefahrenverstärker erweisen. 
Und warum ist das möglich ?
Nun, wenn es die Kommunistische Partei Chinas tut, im Tandem mit deren verlängertem Arm Dr.Tedros(WHO).. dann tun wir es auch. Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas bestimmt also was im Rest der Welt (die wenigen Ausnahmen ausgenommen) legitim ist und was nicht. Für eine kommunistische Übernahme braucht man keine Verfassung. Man braucht Panik, Lügen, Manipulation, Skrupellosigkeit.


Im Übrigen sind politische Entscheidungen aus dem Bauch heraus ein Merkmal ausgeprägter Unreife und Amateurhaftigkeit.

Professionellen Entscheidungen gehen Abwägungen voraus, unter Einbeziehung aller, auch rechtlicher, Aspekte. Hat man sich vor diesen Entscheidungen mit ausgewiesenen Rechtsexperten unterhalten ?  Wohl kaum möglich! Das soll ordnungsgemäße Politik sein ?


13.06.20  WHO is changing its mind: masks can higher the risk of a Corona infection

Read about Hypoventilation-effects of CO2overcharge.What now?


UK Chief Medical Officer: " And if enough people would wake up to the pea-and-thimble trick being pulled on them, then the most dangerous and far-reaching coup against human liberty we have ever seen would essentially be stopped in its tracks". [..]





So for those who don't see through or don't want to see through: The message is: Now that we realize that the current situation contradicts all proportionality: Immediately withdraw or accept the consequences Immediately means IMMEDIATELY.


Article 17.05.20  1|2|3|4

Article 17.05.20 1|2

Facts   18.05.20 1|2

Update 18.05.20 1|2

Die Ober-Trickerin sitzt im Bundeskanzleramt

 Update 18.05.20 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11



[..] So far at least 62 countries including Russia, and perhaps as high as 116 together with a block of African states, are co-sponsoring a motion for a virus investigation. China and its supporters are not. [..]



Coronavirus update: Global case tally at 4.9 million.

What is 5 millions out of 8 billions ?

Its 0,06% of earth population!

Some old and seriously ill people die as with every virus wave, while the large majority goes through it like through any influenza.

Most young people and children do not get any 

symptoms at all. Children may not transmit.

There were larger virus waves in the past, 

but then it was all part of normality 

without being hyped up



being abused for very bad political and social games.

Meanwhile the completely disproportionate 

and illegal measures are still in place.


Covid-19 is being around since about the beginning of 2020.

In this period 22,800,000 people have died worldwide,

out of which 330.000 allegedly from covid-19 ("allegedly" because counts include those who died by serious illnesses or by car accident or else but were coincidentally tested positive!) that is: 1,44|73|684|2 %

No one cares about the other 98,55 %

But everyone goes mad for the 1,44 %

It's a bad game, a very bad game.


These endless cycles of media producing one hype after the other, for the show, but also for panicking and the politics their games against the people, must come to an end.

This is a step by step process so that you don't realize how you're being robbed of your fundamental rights and your freedom on your way to a completely controlled individual without individuality, but with permanent muzzle and blinders.


last updated 22.05.20



Who the heck doesn't love freedom ?


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The heroes


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4.45   168   46

[..] And why wouldn’t Republicans blow $ 6 trillions more on cutting taxes to zero? Maybe they should. Perhaps they will. Anything is now possible. [..]


The complete irresponsibility, the most hazardous manipulation has taken over. Everywhere.


Breakthrough South Korean Study Finds Recovered COVID Patients Who Test Positive Aren't Infectious


95   137  143




Danger of censorship: Twitter's new "independent" director Li Feifei - the woman with the red contacts
Li Feifei is closely associated with foreign organizations of the Chinese Communist Party, is an expert in artificial intelligence and has now been hired for the Twitter directorate. Now Twitter users fear the spread of censorship in favor of the CCP in the microblogging service. The first accounts have already been blocked. [..]


Twitter 'Un-Verifies' Journalist One Hour After He Tweets About Obama Spying On Journalists

Twitter chief Mr Dorsey inspired by the methods of Chinese communist party and other sinister political organizations. The same with Google , Facebook & Co.

Why do these companies get federal funding. You will never buy them with money. What they need is clever competitors or splitting them up.


Wikipedia co-founder says site badly biased

[..] 'Be careful what you wish for'. To all those calling for more censorship of "the Other's" voices - urging Big Tech companies to become managers in the ministry of truth to rescue the world from dissent, disagreement, and dissolution - there is a simple message - it will ultimately backfire in ways even Huxley and Orwell could not imagine. [..]



Huawei und 5G: Politische Kehrtwende in England – Deutschland weiter im „Schlaf des Gerechten“


It this the next hype on the list ?

No, this is even not a hype. This is just insanity.

Western riots allegedly against racism and police brutality

(What about him. Wasn't he the right story ?)

(Did you see anyone of them during the indeed brutal crackdown of the Hong Kong freedom movement by the Beijing communist mafia ?)

6|22 x 4|16 px

'Black lives matter' is a racist ideology like feminism, playing the victim game and dividing strategy.

No one  goes out for 'white lives matter' or 'yellow lives matter'.

You live in a free country with maybe the best constitution on this world that protects EVERYONES rights, (at least as long as it won't be overtaken by sinister ideologies, which is exactly the real concrete danger since the democrats are no longer democrats but have badly radicalized, deranged, and have become Antifa)

9life matters | Blue life matters

Most democrat governed "cities are burning, but nobody dares to call it a Marxist uprising"

The fruits of mass migration/globalism + China's export + fiat banking system and politically completely corrupt gone sinister media.

USA: If there are some cases of racism among a 300 million (!) people Nation who had twice elected a black men as their president, how bad is that ? What do you want to do with that, create a perfect orwellian society of flawless communist soldiers ? Do you seriously think you would get a better treatment under the communists?

Please, get your stuff finally straight. There are so many much more important things going on out there which are firmly and constantly ignored by these same people, and that is dishonest behavior.

The Floyd-case isn't even about racism at all. The involved policeman Derek Chauvin was instead a mentally unstable individual, that is something different than racism, something much more common.


To the police and to the responsible for the public order and safety: No tolerance with rioters. Keep the balance. No force/violence against peaceful demonstrations. 



[..] „Wall Street Journal: In den USA gibt es keinen institutionellen Rassismus. In einer Analyse kommt das „Wall Street Journal“ aber zu dem Schluss: Es gibt keinen institutionellen und systemischen Rassismus innerhalb der amerikanischen Strafverfolgungsbehörde und der Polizei. Weder sei dies in der Obama-Zeit so gewesen noch heute. Der Tod George Floyds sei tragisch und die Aufnahmen seiner Verhaftung „widerwärtig“, aber dieses Ereignis sei nicht repräsentativ für die 375 Millionen Kontakte, die Polizeibeamte mit der Zivilbevölkerung jährlich haben. Der renommierten Zeitung zufolge gebe es keine Beweise, dass eine strukturelle Voreingenommenheit im Strafrechtssystem in Bezug auf Verhaftungen, Strafverfolgung oder Verurteilung gegenüber Schwarzen stattfindet. Bei Verbrechen und verdächtigem Verhalten werde bei den allermeisten Polizeiaktionen nicht nach Rasse eingeteilt, alle Verdächtigen würden gleich behandelt.

Das zeigt die Zeitung in einer Statistik auf: Im Jahr 2019 wurden in den USA 1.004 Menschen von Polizisten erschossen. Die meisten dieser Menschen waren bewaffnet oder anderweitig gefährlich. (Nur) etwa ein Viertel davon waren Afroamerikaner (235). Die Zahl ist seit 2015 stabil geblieben. [..]


17 people (between 18 and 77 years old) died 

until now due the Floyd protests. Do you mind


Intelligent person speaking


Cops are awesome







Pew Analysis Shows Only 1 In 6 BLM Protesters Are Black

Here you can see, it is all about hypes and the fascistoid ghost of (chaos and then) communism underneath. And it is always the same people. While they refuse to turn around they prefer to spend their life seeding chaos and confusion, for which any hype is just good enough. 

Study Finds Gap Widening Between Rich Pets And Poor Americans  [..] The report concluded by suggesting that the most viable path to prosperity for low-income Americans was becoming a wealthy family’s pet... [..]  This is the same social class that joins the hypes for their fig leaves.

27.06.20 update apropos "always the same people"

For the sinister media these people stand above everything else. They are like holy for them, because they play their game.(update 29.06.20)



This is how all systemic manipulation works.



07.06.20 [..]  Durch eine keynesianische Ausgabenpolitik zur Stimulierung der Wirtschaft in einem Umfang von 1,5 Prozent des europäischen Bruttoinlandsprodukts sollten nach der Wirtschaftskriese 2007-2008 Millionen von Arbeitsplätzen vor allem in den Bereichen Infrastruktur, Tiefbau, Verbundnetze und strategische Sektoren geschaffen werden. Durch diese Kraftanstrengung, so die Überzeugung der Politik, würden die Volkswirtschaften der EU-Staaten gestärkt aus der Krise hervorgehen. Doch das erwies sich als ein Irrtum.
Tatsächlich gingen in den Folgejahren 4,5 Millionen Arbeitsplätze in Europa verloren. Und während die öffentliche Verschuldung deutlich stieg, stagnierte die ökonomische Entwicklung. Kritiker gehen sogar davon aus, dass die staatliche Intervention die Erholung der Wirtschaft verzögerte, weil sie mit Steuererhöhungen und Hindernissen für die Aktivitäten privater Marktakteure einherging. [..] 

The politics - especially the sinister politics- generally tends to prefer the keynesian ideology because they can get the sensation to be the doers instead of servants. But there the manipulation and distortion begins and has consequences. In fact the doers are always those who are out in the reality instead of sitting behind the office windows (this shouldn't delegitimize the office work per se, but the systemic meddling, distortion and manipulation). Today not only the market is distorted but also the monetary system is badly distorted, and there will be the consequences. 

999.46   9638  79

371 px


This world shall not and will not become one gigantic socialist human stockbreeding installation, (i/e communist mice breeding) in order to keep an increasingly corrupt and eventually strangulating system alive. We will not allow this to happen. It is very important to be prepared, without panicking.

According to another paper (dated February 3) by a team of astrophysicists in Canada, a "mystery radio signal" was recorded as repeating based on a clearly discernible pattern. "The discovery of a 16.35-day periodicity in a repeating FRB source is an important clue to the nature of this object," the team said. A summary of some of the key findings are as follows: 
"Between September 16, 2018 (916 2|18) and October 30, 2019, (1030 2|19) detected a pattern in bursts occurring every 16.35 (163|5) days. Over the course of four days, the signal would release a (1)burst or two(2) each (1)hour (121). Then, it would go silent for another 12 days.

EU-Parlament unterstützt offiziell die „marxistische“ Bewegung „Black Lives Matter“


UN in full support of Antifa DE




139  4|33   24  73





Corona virus in old Spanish waste waters ?
Who has had the abnormal idea to look out for corona virus in old wastewaters ? What version of it has been allegedly found ? Do you know about the socialists / communists totalitarian need to always wash their hands white, whatever manipulation it requires ?  No doubt, there are political forces in Europe and the West who are more than willed to help out in this.



Black Lives Matter Leader Threatens To “Burn Down The System”

[..] in the protests organized by the group, the activists also sang chants such as: "'Pigs in a Blanket, Fry, Em Like Bacon'". [..] 

[..] the Democrat Mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio plans to paint “Black Lives Matter” on the city streets.
The worm.




As with such a Nation like China on this globe today there is no way of a coming together for the global way forward. 


Time for

696 px

 RED Action


Get (*) your safe place

(update 29.06.20) (update 23.07.20)


Car on the precipice of a parking garage roof:
A car with six young people almost fell from the top deck of a Wolfsburg 


car park. According to the police, the 


-year-old driver had lost control of his vehicle on the roof on the fifth floor on Sunday morning.

The car crashed into the safety barrier and would have fallen a 


meters, but just came to a stop - half protruding over the abyss.
"All vehicle occupants escaped with terror and remained unharmed," the officials reported. They suspect that the cause of the crash was too high speed and a subsequent "bow ride" that ended in the border-protection. The accident driver must now face criminal proceedings because of the risk to road traffic. (dpa)





NOTHING matters



"Extremely Worrying": Nearly 90% Of Discharged COVID-19 Patients Have Symptoms Two Months After Falling Ill
32% had one or two symptoms and 55% had more than two...




Obese People Are Twice As Likely To Die From Covid

Flu Complications
Most people who get flu will recover in a few days to less than two weeks, but some people will develop complications (such as pneumonia) as a result of flu, some of which can be life-threatening and result in death. Sinus and ear infections are examples of moderate complications from flu, while pneumonia is a serious flu complication that can result from either influenza virus infection alone or from co-infection of flu virus and bacteria. Other possible serious complications triggered by flu can include inflammation of the heart (myocarditis), brain (encephalitis) or muscle (myositis, rhabdomyolysis) tissues, and multi-organ failure (for example, respiratory and kidney failure). Flu virus infection of the respiratory tract can trigger an extreme inflammatory response in the body and can lead to sepsis, the body’s life-threatening response to infection. Flu also can make chronic medical problems worse. For example, people with asthma may experience asthma attacks while they have flu, and people with chronic heart disease may experience a worsening of this condition triggered by flu. [..]
The most common complications include viral or bacterial pneumonia, dehydration, and ear infections and sinus infections, especially in children. The flu can worsen long-term medical conditions, like congestive heart failure, asthma, or diabetes. [..]


42|7|3   42|73

424 px



651  92  2





5|78   686   5

2|99 px

Stone Mountain - North C. 

2 (miles deep) 5,1 (magnitude)




11:46         388|7       15             7|57








1-10  |  11-20  |  21-30  31-50 until 04.2020    |  from 04.2020                     




DeXter [9]




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