THE CRUSADES ETC OGMIOS As to the Crusades. What would you have suggested. Answer! [alleged] ATHEIST EX MUSLIM As to the Crusades is very easy to give you an answer. The Crusades should not have made because Jerusalem does not belong to the Christians but to whom lives there. The Crusades were used to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre from the infidels, Jews and Arabs. And to free Jerusalem from the infidels was necessary to exterminate them all. For your Nazi mentality (False holy) this is all ok because just made for the good of humanity. You're really disgusting! OGMIOS First:Do not put things into my mouth i have never said, this is just the sinister individuals their sinister game. There is only one good in the universe that is Godfather. Second: Before the crusiades it was no longer possible for the christians to pilgrimate to Jerusalem. Imagine if Christians invaded the Arabian Peninsular to block pilgrimage of the bloody fuehrers apostles to Mecca. If you were a honest person you wouln't hide the reality. You would say that Christian lands should not have been invaded by the bloody fuehrer's apostlesbecause these were not their lands. All the rest of taqiyya of an sinister individual without credibility. OGMIOS In plain words you said that Christians have no right of defense and liberation and do not hide behind the details of the story which is never rosy by any part in any war, your principle is that the bloody fuehrers apostles have the right to kill, invade, subjugate Christians which latter do not have the right to defend them or even for liberation. OGMIOS And do not sell yourself as a defender of the Jews while you defend the doctrine of the bloody fuehrer which already in his first battle has anniented a complete jewish tribes beheading 700 Jewish men and taking to bed that night one of the victims wife after she had to assist the beheading of both her husband and son. To you the hebrews smell like the plague, but in your mind they are still good enough to be abused against the Christians. [alleged] ATHEIST EX MUSLIM Someone like you who justify the Crusades and the Inquisition deserves nothing but a fart in the face. OGMIOS For one like you who chooses and proposes the principle of the bloody fuehrer, warrior, conqueror butcher, cut off head, legs and arms, pull out eyes, drink urine, abuse of slave girls and concubines etc ... one like you who chooses and proposes this principle for the future of humanity, while rejects the principle of Christ, is not necessary to be commented. [alleged] ATHEIST EX MUSLIM You're right, it's much better to propose the principle of the genocide and massacres to spread Christianity and hold Jerusalem free from the infidels. OGMIOS I'm not talking about the details of Islamic invasions and Christian liberation, but I'm talking about PRINCIPLES TO BE PROPOSED! Your empty words filled with lies have no value. Our spirit of Christ and his principles are represented by Christ while your principles are represented by the bloody fuehrer. On which side you stand. Answer !!! OGMIOS Also, a part of the fact that the hebrew and christian victims just make you happy, they can nicely played out against each others for your wicked purposes of an apostle of the principle of the blood. Only.. that religion is not the matter of the past but of the future and is not a status but a perspective/prospect. So what's the PRINCIPLE TO BE PROPOSED for the mankind future: My one of Jesus Christ or your one of your bloody fuehrer. ANSWER! [alleged] ATHEIST EX MUSLIM On July 15, 1098 was conquered Jerusalem where over 60,000 people were killed, including Jews and Muslims, men, women and children! From an eyewitness, "and there (in front of the Temple of Solomon) was carried out such a blood bath that Christians are dragged in the blood of enemies until the knuckles of the feet. " OGMIOS I wonder why you dont compare the 60,000 with the hundreds of millions slaughtered by you apostles of the bloody fuehrer before the liberation by the crusades. I did not understand why all of a sudden you as an functionary of the bloody fuhrer have a problem with blood?? You build on the principle of blood and now all of a sudden it disturbs you?? [alleged] ATHEIST EX MUSLIM Why do not you ashamed to defend genocide? Answer my question! OGMIOS How it comes that fo you son of the principle of genocide all of a sudden the genocide is annoying. ANSWER! [alleged] ATHEIST EX MUSLIM Jesus has never used force against his tormentors, he even urged his disciples not to respond to violence. OGMIOS A part that Christ was no goodist at all, but a calibre of a revolutionary, he blew down the stalls in the temple, and has been crucified for rising his voice against the false and wealthy powerful one... Christ has asked not to use force not only to his disciples but to ALL HUMANITY, TO YOU AND TO YOUR EXAMPLE, YOUR BLOODY FÜHRER INCLUDED. Now what. Do we want to apply this universal logic YES OR NO; or stay with the doctrine of blood. ========================= ATHEIST EX MUSLIM From an eyewitness of the cruciades in Jerusalem, "and there (in front of the Temple of Solomon) was carried out such a bloody melee that Christians are dragged in the blood of enemies until the knuckles of the feet." So much that Albert writes: "Women who had sought refuge in tall buildings and turreted mansions were torn down to the sword, children and infants were kicked and pulled from the mother's chest or from the cradle and then bumped into walls or thresholds. OGMIOS My principle is not that one of blood, my principle is that one of the defense. Its YOU that are sanctifying THE PRINCIPLES OF THE BLOOD! And you're even not ashamed about. You do not have any scruples! ATHEIST EX MUSLIM NOW you pissed! TO KILL WOMEN AND CHILDREN IS NEVER DEFENCE and you know it! DO YOU WANT TO SELL ME FOR STUPID? Do you want to make me believe that the crusaders massacred babies for DEFENCE?? OGMIOS You will never be able to justify your PRINCIPLE OF BLOOD, barbarianism and pedophilia hiding behind the bloody details of the battles of liberation, whil you keep silence over the hundredfold more brutal barbarianisms that the subjugated one had to bear during the preceding centuries. This calculation will not succeed, indeed youslef take offe your pants of a liar and deceiver by demonstrating us the tactics you follow on the shoulders of the victims, WHILE YOU KEEP HOLDING UP YOUR BLOODY BARBARIAN AS THE EXAMPLE TO BE FOLLOWED !!! For God's sake, what the hell do you want?? ATHEIST EX MUSLIM I just said that if Mohammed massacred innocent people I will judge him on a par with the Crusaders. But I do not care what he did. I am interested that Muslims today are behaving well, that's what you do not understand! The liar deceiver is you, I do not deceive anybody. OGMIOS We quote with: "if it is true that Muhammad massacred innocent people judge him on a par with the Crusaders" You gambler will not sell us for stupid. We all have learned and well understood how to islamic "peace doctrine" works: There exists no innocence or innocent people outside of the umma. By the mere fact of not being Muslim everyone is classified GUILTY and has 3 options available for his choice 1] Converting 2] Subjugate in dhimmitude 3] Being massacred Second thing: Currently there are 75 battles going on around the globe. In 72 of them are involved the withnesses of the bloody barbarian with its "religion of peace". When will you finally stop selling people for stupid. ATHEIST EX MUSLIM I used the example of the Crusades just to let you know that you're the last person in the universe that has the right to judge alleged evil mohammed seen that you justify the genocide of the Crusaders. You're the liar and hoaxer, you took your mask from your face! OGMIOS No, you did not do any example, but you abused of those people by selling you as their friend while actually you hate them like pest. You play the game of the gambler. It's too logical that some things are inexcusable. It's even more logical that if there is ANYONE who has the moral to criticize certain barbarism then it is he who follows the principle of civilization, but certainly not that one who sanctifies the PRINCIPLE of killing children in battle. - It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: "They are from them." (Sahih Muslim, Book 019, Number 4321) - Now: seen that your prophet sanctifies the slaughter of children in battle, just tell me where do YOU want to take the moral to criticize such an attitude from ANYONE?? ================================= [alleged] ATHEIST EX MUSLIM If it were true that a non-Muslim has three possibility, namely to convert, submit or die I wonder why all the Muslims I have known have never tried to convert me, but ... they respected my atheism as civilized people. The uncivilized in case are you speaking evil of atheists and muslims. OGMIOS First: Do not mix the doctrine with the people, which YOU betray while I tell them truth. To tell truth doesn not mean to speak evil, even if the truth may hurt when it comes to the lie, it is still better than to continue to betray as YOU do! Second: THIS is the islamic doctrine. Do you WANT to deny it??? Go to a well islamized country. To go Saudi Arabia, or Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan, Sudan etc, if you want to test it. What is that what kind of arguments what you bring forward. Tell me if you know about nazis currently engaged in gassing of Jews. And since there are none such, would you seriously use this fact as an argument to justify Nazism?