The Millennium of the TRUTH


[6] Sinister







1-10  |  11-20  |  21-30  31-50 until 04.2020    |  from 04.2020                       








Kiew: USA haben „keine Einwände“ gegen polnische Kampfjet-Lieferung
[..] Die USA haben nach ukrainischen Angaben „keine Einwände“ gegen die Lieferung von Kampfjets durch Polen an die Ukraine. Das teilte der ukrainische Außenminister Dmytro Kuleba der Nachrichtenagentur AFP am Samstag schriftlich mit. Er fügte hinzu: „Der Ball liegt jetzt im Spielfeld der Polen.“ [..]
Again: The proxy-idiots.

27.03.22 (nicht für zart besaitete)

Video soll Misshandlung russischer Kriegsgefangener durch ukrainische Truppen zeigen (verstörend!)
Ein besonders schockierendes Video, das zurzeit im Netz die Runde macht, zeigt mutmaßlich ukrainische Soldaten an einem unbekannten Ort in der Ukraine, die russischen Gefangenen schwere Schläge verpassen und Gefangene mit Schusswunden im Bein. Auf den ersten Blick könnte man denken, die russischen Militärs wären verwundet gefangen genommen worden. Am Ende des Videos sieht man jedoch, wie Männer in Uniform neu ankommenden Gefangenen gezielt in die Beine schießen. [..]
Man möchte meinen dass es in einer zivilisierten Gesellschaft möglich sein sollte dass verbrüderte Ethnien friedlich koexistieren und falls dies nicht möglich ist, dass man friedliche Wege findet damit jeder zu seinem angemessenen Teil an Recht und Gerechtigkeit kommt bevor es zu spät ist.
Ich kann bis heute nicht verstehen warum bis heute keines der diesbezüglichen bereits bestehenden Abkommen von der Ukraine jemals auch nur ansatzweise umgesetzt wurde.
Waren es die ukrainischen Nationalisten die das verhindert haben oder waren es die Amerikaner, sprich Biden & Co mit ihren von den Strippenziehern abgesegneten zutiefst korrupten, kriminellen Machenschaften. Wahrscheinlich waren es die einen wie die anderen.



[..] Putin is most certainly a bad guy, ruthless in his consolidation of power, serious in enforcing his beliefs through political or military measures, and willing to use any means necessary to achieve his aims. But he is only one of many bad men leading their countries across the globe. The Panama Papers show Zelinsky to be a corrupt puppet of Ukrainian oligarchs. He was a two-bit actor installed by the US, Soros, and NATO to play a role. As a reward, he has millions parked in offshore bank accounts and a $35 million mansion in Florida. [..]
The truth tastes herb.
Why does the West believe the Ukraine is functioning differently than Russia, a part of the fact that thanks to the western plot the Ukraine has got a "Navalny"-type personality, fitting the western propaganda, but the same corrupt than those before him.

So, the good one against the bad one ?



I must warn the West, specifically the United States. I don't see any signs of peace affords at all. What is the conclusion of that. There will be a high price if there is not a radical change, right now.



Ospedale di Fiemme

2|,68 MB (2|.819.|118 |byte)

2|,69 MB (2.|8|22|.144 byte)


2,61 MB (2.742.637 byte)

2,61 MB (2.744.320 byte)



15  2|9  94

2,95 |MB (3.102.687 byte)

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2|,51 MB (2|.640.9|30  byte)

2|,51 MB (2|.641. 9|20 byte)


3,46 MB (3.636.505 byte)

3,46 MB (3.637.248 byte)

heading toward the ambulatories


512   37   31

3,73 MB (3.921.102 byte)

3,74 MB (3.923.968 byte)



2,|60 MB (2|.731.|698 ||byte)

2,|60 MB (2|.73|2.|03|2 byte)


the way back


3,84 MB (4.034.301 byte)

3,84 MB (4.034.560 byte)



4,30 MB (4.5|14.283 byte)

4,30 MB (4.5|17.888 byte)


3,74 |MB (3.929.027 byte)

3,7|5 MB (3.932.160 byte)


2|,96 MB (3.105.412 byte)

2|,96 MB (3.108.864 byte)



3,40 MB (3.570.589 ||byte)

3,40 MB (3.57|1.7|12 byte)



2|,86 MB (3.004.354 byte)

2|,86 MB (3.006.464 byte)


692  424  269

2,78 MB (2.922.894 |byte)

2,78 MB (2.92|4.544 byte)


3,02 MB (3.176.340 byte)

3,03 MB (3.178.496 byte)



2|,80 MB (2|.944.794 byte)

2|,80 MB (2|.945.024 byte)




2,48 MB (2.607.884 byte)

2,48 MB (2.609.152 byte)


3,02 MB (3.172.495 byte)

3,02 MB (3.174.400 byte)



3,42 MB (3.594.109 byte)

3,42 MB (3.596.288 byte)


2,65 MB (2.789.220 byte)

2,66 MB (2.789.376 byte)



3|,17 MB (3.326.543 byte)

3|,17 MB (3.330.048 byte)




2,78 MB (2.923.266 byte)

2,78 MB (2.924.544 byte)


3,35 MB (3.521.754 byte)

3,35 MB (3.522.560 byte)



2|,36 MB (2|.483.0|3|0 byte)

2|,37 MB (2|.486.2|7|2 byte)

approaching crossroad


2|98  73|2

3,19 MB (3.349.798 byte)

3,19 MB (3.350.528 byte)



2|,57 MB (2|.69|7.5|94 byte)

2|,57 MB (2|.699.|2|64 byte)



2,95 MB (3.094.745 byte)

2,95 MB (3.096.576 byte)



2|,9|2 MB (3.066.927 byte)

2|,9|2 MB (3.067.904 byte)



2,95 MB (3.103.541 byte)

2,96 MB (3.104.768 byte)



2,79 MB (2.929.864 byte)

2,79 MB (2.932.736 byte)



3,18 MB (3.344.665 byte)

3,19 MB (3.346.432 byte)



3,24 MB (3.405.667 byte)

3,25 MB (3.407.872 byte)



3|,12 MB (3.2|73.110 byte)

3,12 |MB (3.276.800 |byte)

Inside pharmacy


2,40 MB (2.525.937 byte)

2,41 MB (2.527.232 byte)


4,07 MB (4.2|74.|580 byte)

4,07 MB (4.2|76.|224 byte)


2,2|8 MB (2.395.145 byte)

2,2|8 MB (2.396.160 byte)


2,|90 MB (3.042.833 byte)

2,|90 MB (3.043.328 byte)


2,|8|2 MB (2.964.759 byte)

2,|8|2 MB (2.965.504 byte)



3,7|2 MB (3.909.611 byte)

3,73 |MB (3.911.680 byte)


2,36 MB (2.478.012 byte)

2,36 MB (2.478.080 byte)

near crossroad



2,96 |MB (3.114.599 byte)

2|,97 MB (3.117.056 byte)



3,|2|8 MB (3|.439.888 byte)

3,|2|8 MB (3|.440.640 byte)


2,|9|2 MB (3.06|2|.886 byte)

2,|9|2 MB (3|.063.|808 byte)

The medication



2,57 MB (2.704.085 byte)

2,58 MB (2.707.456 byte)


Just for the case that I wasn't clear enough:

The game is over.

The Nations have to come back to earth.






8 years back:

We have been living in a world where decent,

straight, respectable people do not have a say anymore.




Selenskyj bezeichnet Ukrainer die mit Russen kollaborieren als Gauleiter.




Butscha (Bucha) Bilder wurden erst am 4. Tag nach dem Rückzug der russischen Truppen veröffentlicht. Da wurde wieder mal was 'arrangiert'. Wäre es authentisch hätte es nicht 4 Tage sondern keine 10 minuten gedauert. In vier Tagen lassen sich tausende von Leichen zusammentragen. Aber alle diese Kasper hüpfen wie üblich sofort übers hingehaltene Stöckchen. 

Der Krieg ist per se ein Verbrechen. Und zwar ein kollektives.
Die Frage ist woher das Verbrechen kommt, wie es dazu kommt, und was dahintersteckt.


In midst while opening this one vdeo and me noticing

this tape type a helicopter flew by, drawing a circle

above Traubenhof, then leaving,

immediately followed  ..


2,96 MB (3.111.684 byte)

2,96 MB (3.112.960 byte)


2,38 MB (2.496.684 byte)

2,38 MB (2.498.560 byte)


2,25 MB (2.366.600 byte)

2,25 MB (2.367.488 byte)


2,62 MB (2.747.638 byte)

2,62 MB (2.748.416 byte)


2,82 MB (2.960.582 byte)

2,82 MB (2.961.408 byte)


1,52 MB (1.594.568 byte)

1,52 MB (1.597.440 byte)

.. by an emergency vehicle


3,67 MB (3.855.613 byte)

3,67 MB (3.858.432 byte)

Me, back to the laptop: screenshot


2,|6|2 MB (2.|75|2.1|29 byte)

2,|6|2 MB (2.|75|2.|512 byte)

Same tapes seen in several more videos

of captured Russian soldiers.

(most of those videos now removed,

but some similar left * )

So it goes with hurrah and conviction

into the world war. Realize what is

going on and turn around!


Once more: Selenskyj



Bucha | Butscha

Toni Capuozzo, experienced war reporter expresses perplexity:

" -On March 30, the Russians withdrew from Bucha.
- On March 31 the mayor of Bucha gives an interview in front of the town hall, in which he expresses his satisfaction that the Russians have finally left the city.
- On April 1 there is another interview and no one mentions the dead in the streets.
- On April 2nd a film of the Ukrainian police emerges showing the devastation of the war in Bucha, but shows only one corpse.
- On the 3rd, instead, images of all the dead people we have seen begin to circulate. Where did all these bodies come from? Is it possible that after 4 days no one has put a blanket on these corpses?"
"I'm sorry to be crude, but when you kill a person with a bullet to the temple, as long as the heart is still beating, it's a pool of blood. Have you seen any near these bodies ? I have seen them how bodies look like after a few days. But if (on the other hand) this victims have been on the street for 3 weeks they would not be in that condition !"


06.04.22 (translated)

Satellite photos strengthen war crimes allegation - Kremlin speaks of "forgeries" 

[..] U.S. satellite images released Monday apparently confirm that some of the bodies found in the Kyiv suburb of Butsha were there before Russian troops withdrew. The "high-resolution" images "confirm recent videos and photos on social media showing bodies lying in the street for weeks," said a spokesman for U.S. satellite imaging firm Maxar Technologies. [..]

Beobachter (376.698.99) comments  (translated)
Whether this is evidence of war crimes, or collateral damage is open to question. See the permanent comments on US drone strikes. In addition, the evidence seems somewhat questionable, because supposedly the Russians murdered civilians just before they left, but the bodies were not found until 14 days after the shooting. With today's technology with cell phones, Twitter, etc., it is surprising that photos did not appear on the net shortly after the time of the corresponding satellite images. It will depend very much on how the commission of pathologists will look, see the case of alleged suicide Epstein. For the matter to be credible, an expert from Ukraine, one from Russia and a neutral observer would have to give their opinions and explain their conclusions. Actually, the question arises whether the offense of incitement of the people is given, if politicians without validated evidence in essential questions for a national economy assign blame and make preliminary convictions in order to be able to quickly enforce serious decisions with massive damage to the people in their country, this applies here in particular the top of the EU. The same applies to the media.
We have seen in Iraq and elsewhere how intelligence services forge documentations, alleged proofs, in order to justify a planned war. In the case of Bucha it is not hard to understand which side can profit from provocations and which side has nothing to gain from it.

Bucha *

06.04.22 From bottom to top

body 1 on the image the body is laying straight in line with the direction of the road. Not so in the video.

body 2 the image is clearly figuring a complete body while on the body that appears in the video the legs are missing (could be a victim of bombardment/explosion). Moreover even here the orientation/alignment of the body in the video does not fit with the image.

body 3 on the image one feet is leaning over the curbstone, but not so in the video.

body 4 this one is the most obvious case: that something on the image has a distinct rectangular shape, can't fit the video scene in no way. Its position (left of the line) even less authentic (right of the line). All in all on the sat image it looks more like a vehicle.


Conclusion: Full of discrepancies. Either the bodies themselves have been doctored around (for instance they originally could  have been dead soldiers then been replaced their clothing with civilian ones, or even completely replaced by civilian corpses. Or the sat image is doctored. Or both.

One more thing: This sat.image is worse than the quality of google maps imagery although we know that the original high resolution images of high precision satellites have far better resolution than google maps. So the question is, why they lower the resolution of the original image, making the details of the scene less recognizable before publishing it, while still keeping it enough high resolution to base their claims on it ?


Bucha | Butscha

Stratege Schultze-Rohnhof, Generalmajor a.D.: [..]  "Mit dem Butscha-Vorfall ist eine Schwelle zur absoluten Unversöhnlichkeit der Kriegsparteien überschritten worden, einschließlich NATO, EU, USA und Russland. Zuerst ist zu bemerken, dass Desinformation, Propaganda und Täuschung zu den legitimen Kriegsmitteln zählen, die sowohl von den Russen als auch von den Ukrainern angewendet werden. Massaker aber gehen gar nicht.Bei mehrmaligem Betrachten der Fotos und Videos aus Butscha fallen Fragwürdigkeiten auf. Die dortigen toten Opfer tragen schwer erkennbar, aber eindeutig weiße Armbinden. Sie waren also Russen. Russische Soldaten haben sie sicherlich nicht hingerichtet. Wer sonst? Ein Video zu Butscha vom ukrainischen Fernsehsender „ESPRESO.TV“ zeigt einen ukrainischen Militär-Pickup, der zwischen den Toten hindurch fährt. Der Kamerawagen fährt hinterher. Die Kamera blendet auffälligerweise bei naher Vorbeifahrt bei jeder neuen Betrachtung immer ein und dieselbe Leiche mithilfe eines Grauschleiers aus. Als ich bei mehrmaligem Suchen auf verschiedenen Kanälen auch ein Video dieser Szene ohne Verschleierung fand, sah ich, dass dieser Tote eine breite, sehr auffällige weiße Russenarmbinde trägt. Als ich den Film an dieser Stelle sofort zurückstellte und ihn ein zweites Mal betrachten wollte, war er sofort gelöscht. Stattdessen las ich „This page is not available“. Bei einem weiteren Versuch kam „Link not found“. Wer hat ein Interesse zu vertuschen, dass hier ein toter Russe liegt? Technisch ist eine automatische Löschung möglich, wenn ein schon zensiertes Bild noch irgendwo im Netz unzensiert auftaucht.
Ich fand außerdem ein Video mit einem Soldaten, der eine Leiche an einem langen Seil auf einer Straße an eine andere Stelle zieht. Das passt zu dem Verdacht, dass die Leichen von Butscha erst Tage nach ihrer Tötung in das „Bild“ von Butscha gezogen worden sind." ..  [..]





[..] Es gleicht einem Wunder: Im Ahrntal konnte am frühen Sonntagmorgen ein verletzter Tourengeher von der Unteren Rötspitze geborgen werden, nachdem er dort auf


Metern Meereshöhe und bei

minus 16

Grad Celsius die Nacht überstanden hatte.


Tourengeher aus dem Ahrntal wollten am gestrigen Samstag auf die Untere



hinteren Ahrntal

aufsteigen, mussten jedoch aufgrund der schlechten Sichtverhältnisse umkehren, bevor sie den Gipfel erreichten. Bei der Abfahrt kam einer der Tourengeher zu Sturz und brach sich den Unterschenkel. Weil es

keinen Handyempfang 

gab, fuhr einer seiner Begleiter ins Tal ab, um die Einsatzkräfte zu alarmieren. Kurz nach


Uhr wurde die

Bergrettung   Ahrntal

dann zum Einsatz gerufen. Aufgrund der schlechten Wetterbedingungen war nicht an den Start eines Rettungshubschraubers zu denken – weder von Südtiroler noch von österreichischer Seite. Daher machten sich


Bergrettungstrupps zu Fuß über das Windtal auf den Weg zum Verletzten. [..] Bis


Uhr wurden so insgesamt


Rettungsversuche unternommen, leider ohne Erfolg. [..] Um


Uhr war es dann endlich so weit: Der Notarzthubschrauber Aiut Alpin nutzte einen Wetterumbruch für einen erneuten Rettungsversuch. Tatsächlich konnten die Einsatzkräfte an Bord den Verletzten auf etwa 2750 Meter Meereshöhe entdecken und mittels Seilwinde bergen. [..]


(video file)


2,68 MB (2.815.835 byte)

2,68 MB (2.818.048 byte)


2,80 MB (2.946.290 byte)

2,81 MB (2.949.120 byte)


2,65 MB (2.785.208 byte)

2,65 MB (2.785.280 byte)



2,45 MB (2.569.591 byte)

2,45 MB (2.572.288 byte)


2,73 MB (2.866.060 byte)

2,73 MB (2.867.200 byte)


2,32 MB (2.435.234 byte)

2,32 MB (2.437.120 byte)


3,53 MB (3.710.047 byte)

3,53 MB (3.710.976 byte)


U.S. Treasury seeks to drive Russia into default
[..] The U.S. Treasury prohibits coupon payments from Russia. However, if payment is not made, it is considered a default. [..]

There are many kinds of war.



NATO’s Mission Was to Prevent War in Europe, and Now It May Have Played a Role in Starting One *


06.04.22 (translated)

Nato General Secretary Stoltenberg: "Urgent need" for more weapons for Ukraine

It's the same clown who only few days back asserted the Ukraine entering Nato was never on the table. Now he is giving orders as if Ukraine would already be a Nato-state.

Just go ahead with your false gods, just go..

48   343   2|94




Pentagon Foresees Very Protracted Ukraine Conflict To Be "At Least Measured In Years"
[..] But the dangerous reality is that the longer this conflict endures, the greater the likelihood of it cascading into a direct Russia-NATO clash, which both sides have admitted would be recipe for World War 3, involving nuclear-armed powers. [..]

07.04.22 (translated)
7:46 Welthungerhilfe: Ukraine war exacerbates famines
Maybe is was better to have ears.




Russland erklärt nach UN-Votum Austritt aus Menschenrechtsrat
[..] Die Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen hat Russlands Mitgliedschaft im UN-Menschenrechtsrat wegen des Ukraine-Kriegs ausgesetzt. [..] Russland erklärte unmittelbar nach dem Votum seinen Austritt aus dem Menschenrechtsrat. [..]


Pope In Strongest Statements Yet Kisses Ukrainian Flag While Decrying "Massacre Of Bucha"
From globaliist to nationalist. From one ideology to the other ideology. How imbalanced is that and how unworthy of a Pope.

Slingshot course


396   167|5

2,90 MB (3.050.870 byte)

2,91 MB (3.051.520 byte)


16|,2 MB (17.058.727 byte)

16|,2 MB (17.059.840 byte)


439    6|1331

3,07 MB (3.|22|3.|136 byte)

3,07 MB (3.|22|3.5|52 byte)



2|,76 MB (2|.898.|7|96 byte)

2|,76 MB (2|.899.| 968 byte)


2|,85 MB (2|.99 |1.306 byte)

2|,85 MB (2|.99 4.1|76 byte)


2|,65 MB (2|.78 3.406 byte)

2|,65 MB (2|.78 5.280 byte)



3,09 MB (3.|2|43.185 byte)

3,09 MB (3.|2|44.032 byte)



2|,98 MB (3.12 |8.003 byte)

2|,98 MB (3.12 9.3|44 byte)


2|,36 MB (2|.47|5.7|25 byte)

2|,36 MB (2|.47|8.080 |byte)


2|,54 MB (2|.670.027 byte)

2|,54 MB (2|.670.59|2 byte)



3|,36 MB (3.5|2|3.70|3 byte)

3|,36 MB (3.5|2|6.6|56 byte)


61|7   167

3,10 MB (3.|2|60.1|05 byte)

3,10 MB (3.|2|60.4|16 byte)


3,41 MB (3.5|78.|966 byte)

3,41 MB (3.5|79.|904 byte)


3,5|4 MB (3.7|22.|3|36 |byte)

3,5|5 MB (3.7|2|3|.2|64 byte)



3,16 MB (3.3|21.|313 byte)

3,16 MB (3.32|1.8|56 byte)



2|,88 MB (3.02|9.4|37 byte)

2|,89 MB (3.0|31.040 |byte)



3,40 MB (3.569.502 byte)

3,40 MB (3.571.712 byte)



3,69 MB (3.8|71. 5|48 byte)

3,69 MB (3.8|74. |816 byte)



3,09 MB (3.|2|4 1.2|54 byte)

3,09 MB (3.|2|4 4.03|2 byte)



3,27 MB (3|.43|8.88|5 byte)

3,28 MB (3|.440.||640 byte)



2,94 MB (3.09|2.|703 byte)

2,95 MB (3.096.||576 byte)



3,19 MB (3|.35|2|.777 byte)

3,19 MB (3.354.624 |||byte)



3|,12 MB (3.280.431 byte)

3|,12 MB (3.280.896 byte)



2|,83 MB (2|.97|1.2|04 byte)

2|,83 MB (2|.97|3.6|96 byte)


2|,64 MB (2.7|73. 289 byte)

2|,64 MB (2|.777. 088 byte)


HOME T  67

3,30 MB (3.4|64.||668 byte)

3,30 MB (3.4|65.|2|16 byte)



3|,87 MB (4.068.040 byte)

3|,88 MB (4.071.424 byte)



3,86 MB (4.055.898 byte)

3,87 MB (4.059.136 byte)



3,|2|3 MB (3|.390. 7|44 byte)

3,|2|3 MB (3|.391. 4|88 byte)



3|,53 MB (3.70||7.069 byte)

3|,53 MB (3.710.9|7|6 byte)


478  89 

3,23 MB (3.391.975 byte)

3,23 MB (3.395.584 byte)



3,55 MB (3.723.525 byte)

3,55 MB (3.727.360 byte)


3,60 MB (3.779.417 byte)

3,60 MB (3.780.608 byte)


3,28 MB (3.443.308 byte)

3,28 MB (3.444.736 byte)



3,5|2 MB (3.69 7.9|15 byte)

3,5|2 MB (3.69 8.6|88 byte)



3,55 MB (3.728.288 byte)

3,55 MB (3.731.456 byte)



3|,73 MB (3.91|8.8|53 byte)

3|,73 MB (3.91|9.8|72 byte)


2|64 px

3,70 MB (3.88 2.4|43 byte)

3,70 MB (3.88 |3.008 byte)



3,6|2 MB (3.803.3|23 byte)

3,6|2 MB (3|.805.184 byte)



2|,67 MB (2.802.051 byte)

2|,67 MB (2.805.760 byte)



3,38 MB (3.548.445 byte)

3,38 MB (3.551.232 byte)



3,20 MB (3.365.823 byte)

3,21 MB (3.366.912 byte)



3,45 MB (3.6|2|5.665 byte)

3,46 MB (3.6|29.|056 byte)



3,5|2 MB (3.700.||889 byte)

3,|53 MB (3.70|2.|784 byte)


2,82 MB (2.|96 2|.315 byte)

2,82 MB (2.|96 5.5|04 byte)



2,91 MB (3.053.504 byte)

2,91 MB (3.055.616 byte)


318 px

2|,67 MB (2.804.747 byte)

2|,67 MB (2.805.760 byte)



3,50 MB (3|.676.983 byte)

3,50 MB (3|.678.208 byte)



2,56 MB (2.688.918 byte)

2,56 MB (2.691.072 byte)


7  14  X

2|,87 MB (3.010.804 byte)

2|,87 MB (3.014.656 byte)



2|,70 MB (2|.834.|039 byte)

2|,70 MB (2|.834.43|2 byte)



3,00 MB (3.156.617 byte)

3,01 MB (3.158.016 byte)



3,28 MB (3.4|42.39|2 byte)

3,28 MB (3.|444.73|6 byte)



3,06 MB (3.|2|13. 73|2 byte)

3,06 MB (3.|2|15. |360 byte)



3,20 MB (3.363.363 byte)

3,21 MB (3.366.912 byte)


38|2   15

3,05 MB (3.|205. 777 byte)

3,05 MB (3.|207. 168 byte)



2|,83 MB (2.|9|73.418 byte)

2|,83 MB (2.|9|73.696 byte)


2,42 MB (2.541.565 byte)

2,42 MB (2.543.616 byte)


2,|3|2 MB (2|.438.2|85 byte)

2,|3|2 MB (2|.441.2|16 byte)


2|,31 MB (2.4|22|.986| byte)

2|,31 MB (2.4|2|4.83|2 byte)



12,4 MB (13.067. |791 byte)

12,4 MB (13.070. 3|36 byte)


2,|5|2 MB (2|.64|7.575 byte)

2,|5|2 MB (2|.65|0.112 byte)





The Ukraine is ready for the big battle

This isn't a war between Ukraine and Russia, it is the proxy-proxy war of the West (Nato) led by the USA against Russia. They worked toward this for a long time knowing very well that Russia would have left no other choice than to react. Now that they have achieved it, the USA let the dirty job do the Europeans and the Europeans let the dirty job do the Ukrainians.

Average people evaluate the things merely based on the happenings of the last 3 days, yet from behind the filter of the establishment media. That makes the big strategic games so easy to this worlds manipulators (which individuals are very well aware of this fact and know how to take advantage of it). Only those who watch from a higher position (read the red pages and follow their advice to get there) can at least partially see what is really going on.



2|12   2|6




37 | 333 | 316



Österreichs Bundeskanzler Nehammer, einer der ukrainischen Kriegspilger: "..aber es gibt niemals einen Grund dafür (für Krieg) weil irgendein sicherheitspolitisches Problem aus einem eigenen Standpunkt heraus nicht gelöst ist, ein anderes Land zu überfallen."

Hat das der Nehammer auch den Amerikanern so erklärt zb in Bezug auf Afghanistan, Syrien, Lybien, Irak, etc.. you name it, oder der Nato im Bezug auf Serbien. Es geht immer um die Sicherheit. Manchmal als Vorwand, andere Male gerechtfertigt. aber selten so eindeutig wie im Falle Ukraine/Nato/Russland.  Obendrauf auch wegen des grossen Anteils der russischen Ethnie innerhalb der Ukraine. In anderen Worten: Ein Krieg fällt selten von Himmel, er wird produziert. In der Regel von Heuchlern und Strippenziehern. Genauso ist es mit der Enteignung über globale Inflation. Sie fällt nicht von Himmel, sie wird produziert. Nach ein paar Jahren mit 10% Inflation (**) ist der Wert eurer Ersparnisse um die Hälfte reduziert. Wo ist dieser Wert hingegangen ? Er ist in den Taschen der Reichen gelandet. Der Hochzocker und der Großspekulanten. Und zwar lange vorher schon. Sie haben dank der herrschenden Zentralbanken- Geld- u. Finanz-Politik die Löcher aufgemacht die jetzt mit eurem Ersparten wieder nachgefüllt werden sollen. Und wenn in ein paar Jahren alles das doppelte kostet sind eure Gehälter sicher nicht um das doppelte gestiegen. Eher wird deren wahrer Wert um die Hälfte reduziert sein. So läuft der Hase. Und was wenn die Inflation außer Kontrolle gerät, wonach es aussieht ? Die andere Variante ist jene wie in Zypern: Am Freitag schließen die Banken und wann sie wieder öffnen sind 80% der Ersparnisse weg. Auch Immobilien sind nicht sicher. Nichts ist sicher. Oder den künstlich aufgeblasenen  Markt zerstören um ihn zu "retten" *. Und was ist mit den Zombies dann. Weitere Variante ist jene der Digitalwährungen. Diese werden vom gegenwärtigen System der Manipulation hin zum buchstäblich totalitären Zwangsjacken-System mit social credit Überwachung führen (siehe China) und sie werden die Tendenz zu großen Kriegen noch wesentlich erhöhen da ihre Bewertung sich wegen ihrer unlimitierten Vermehrungsmöglichkeit zusehends und zwangsweise von Produktion und Wirtschaft abkoppeln wird müssen. Um diesen Verlust an gesundem inneren Wert auszugleichen und den Zusammenbruch zu vermeiden, müssen Macht und Einfluss um jeden Preis erweitert werden. Das versteht auch ein Kind und trotzdem wird dieses System von einer Mehrheit unterstützt, weshalb es auch für den einfachen Mann auf der Straße keine Entschuldigung mehr gibt für die Konsequenzen, denn Jeder der sich nicht aktiv wehrt gegen den so offensichtlichen Betrug, ist Mittäter.

 (**) vergiss die offizielle Inflation deren Berechnung ist in den letzten 10 Jahren

bzw in der Merkel-Era nach unten manipuliert worden.

Zurück zu Selenskyj & Co können sich nach alledem was ich bisher gesehen habe keineswegs als die heldenhaften Opfer hinstellen. Dieses Märchen bleibt ein vom Westen produziertes lupenreines Märchen.




602 px

8|189  63



Certi "esperti" in radio e/o TV vi racconteranno che l'avanzamento della Nato sia solo una scusa del cremlino per la guerra in Ucraina, e che se fosse così la Russia avrebbe già agito prima, vi racconteranno che la Nato ha gli armi defensivi e la Russia ha gli armi offensivi, vi racconteranno che noi siamo i buoni, e loro i cattivi e blablabla. Naturalmente troveranno come sempre dei cosidetti esperti che vi diranno queste saggezze..  quindi rendetevi conto che siamo in tempi di guerra e tempi di guerra sono tempi di propaganda. Informatevi da soli, e fatevi i vostri pensieri propri, tirando le Vostre conclusioni anche se inconfortevoli.



above the big stone



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Chefankläger des IStGH bezeichnet gesamte Ukraine als „Tatort“

Die ganze Welt ist ein Tatort. Es kommt darauf an wo man die Messlatte legt -dort wo es anfängt oder dort wo es endet- und wie weit der Durchblick reicht.




"The West Needs WWIII" - Martin Armstrong Warns "There's No Return To Normal Here"
In civilization people do talk to each other rather than go for escalation. But evidently the West has gone out of control.


Finnland und Schweden erwägen einen Nato-Beitritt.
Atomwaffen im Ostseeraum: Düstere Warnungen aus Moskau


Clare Daly, Irish politician *(63|22 36) and MEP for the Dublin constituency, has exposed the EU's duplicitous approach to the crisis in Ukraine.


US Treasury Secretary Led Walkout Of G20 Meeting As Russian Official Started Talking
[..] The stunt is the latest example of the Biden administration refusing to engage with high-level Russian officials. [..]

For the independent attentive observer it is too obvious what is going on: This war is part of their world domination agenda and so called great reset which is nothing else than an expropriation and theft of basic rights agenda, which is the war against the people.

The West is not the only place where the hut burns. So, be prepared.

[..] In his memoir, Duty, Robert M Gates, who served as secretary of defense in the administrations of both George W Bush and Barack Obama, stated his belief that “the relationship with Russia had been badly mismanaged after [George HW] Bush left office in 1993”. Among other missteps, “US agreements with the Romanian and Bulgarian governments to rotate troops through bases in those countries was a needless provocation.” In an implicit rebuke to the younger Bush, Gates asserted that “trying to bring Georgia and Ukraine into Nato was truly overreaching”. That move, he contended, was a case of “recklessly ignoring what the Russians considered their own vital national interests” [..]

The worst part of the story is that they did it willingly,  in full awareness of the probable consequences.


18.04.22 (translated)
[..] "According to confirmed information, the German side in the field of biosafety has closely coordinated its work with its American allies, who have created a network of at least 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman in Moscow Maria Zakharova told state broadcaster RT. She said that "dangerous scientific research" had taken place in the laboratories. [..]



Marine Le Pen tweet in 2014:
"I support a free Ukraine which is not submitted to the United States, nor to the European Union and even not to Russia." 

24.04.22 Update



The ball comes always back.




In Major Reversal After Warning Of Nuclear War, Germany Approves Tanks For Ukraine


555|6   66



US vows to move 'heaven and earth' on bolstering Ukraine
No comment.



Putin droht anderen Ländern mit blitzschneller Reaktion bei Eingreifen in Ukraine.
[..] Die Bundesregierung plant einem Bericht zufolge einen weiteren Ringtausch, um die Ukraine mit Waffen zu beliefern. Nach Slowenien sei nun auch Tschechien ein entsprechender Vorschlag unterbreitet worden, berichtete die „Welt“ am Mittwoch. Es sei eine „Liste mit möglichen für einen Ringtausch infrage kommenden Waffenmaterial“ an Tschechien übergeben worden, zitierte das Medium aus einem vertraulichen Papier aus dem Verteidigungsministerium. [..]




Scholz: Verteidigung gegen Putin ohne Waffen „aus der Zeit gefallen

Die gesamte westliche Politklasse ist ganz offensichtlich von allen guten Geistern verlassen. Es sieht doch ein Binder aus 3km Entfernung dass in der Ukraine völlig kompromissunfähige Leute am Werk sind die nicht nur von ihrem Drang nach Westen besoffen und in ihrem Verstand geblendet zu sein scheinen  und dabei vergessen -oder so tun als ob- dass in ihrem eigenen Land nicht alle mit dabei sind.

Wo der Wille da ein Weg:

Dem Westen ergeht es nicht viel anders. Hier scheint man vergessen zu haben dass man es bei Russland nicht mit irgendeinem Bananenstaat zu tun hat. Der Westen, allen voran Westeuropa selbst hat mit dem Kreml auf Augenhöhe zu reden - direkt, und Tag und Nacht, denn jeder Tote ist ein Toter zuviel - anstatt das Schicksal dieses Kontinents den paar Hanseln in Kiev zu überlassen. Und das hätte längst schon geschehen müssen. Die Frage ist deshalb in wessen Interesse dies alles so geschieht wie es geschieht.



Völkerrecht: Ausbildung von Soldaten kann Kriegsbeteiligung sein


Azov & Co




To hate, discriminate, or even kill each other for the games of those in power is a sign of immense blindness and disorientation.

And to put such people into power and then follow them in all their falsity is not less bad.

Better let drive this one *, at least he will do less damage.




Finland and Sweden on their way to quickly join Nato.

Do you really think that the same stupid appied medicine (=relentless and massive Nato military rearmament at the eastern Nato flank which is going on for years and its expansion up to the gates of Russia) that has devided Ukraine and provoked this war is now the medicine for peace and safety ?

Erdogan Slams Door On Approving Sweden, Finland NATO Bids: 'Nesting Ground For Terrorist Orgs'

So, how can the Finns host Kurdish terrorists as freedom fighters in their own country wile Russian freedom fighters seem to be terrorists for them. I mean, if you're so just and at such a moral hight, can you explain to the world what is better with the Kurds than with the Russians.






USA help Ukraine killing Russian generals



Like in Irak ? Like in Afghanistan ?  Like in Syria ?  Like in Libya ?

This is a declaration of war.

Here is the real victorious one!


In preparation: Oil embargo against Russia, in order to buy it from some of the dirtiest regimes on the globe. Today's Western policy may be some of the dirtiest policy this world has ever seen.







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22  1|926











2|3   36     127

"there were 22 of them, each with 12 surrounding things,

42 m in diameter, 420 m apart, at longitude 4'20 east."




Norway: Biometric digital identity is coming
Beware: Biometrical digital identity is a tool for the totalitarian control. There are lines being crossed. The normal citizen has absolutely zero profit from it. In contrast to those in power. For the citizen the chain on which he is hooked only gets tighter and in future every your move will be known by those in power.





Great Reset Quasselclub hin oder her, Putin verteidigt die Interessen Russlands, des russischen Volkes und natürlich auch die seinigen. Das ist es was er tut, im Gegensatz zu manch anderen noch halbwegs glaubwürdig.




"Facebooks fact checkers come from the intelligence community. Fact checkers who come from the military industrial complex that facebook has hired. So just giving you a frame of reference where facebook is getting their fact checkers. "




[..] Big Brother: Norwegen überwacht Lebensmitteleinkäufe der Bürger
[..] Imanuelsen zeigt sich höchst alarmiert: „Stellen Sie sich das vor! Norwegen wird die Zahlungsdaten von Kartenzahlungen mit den Quittungen von Lebensmittelgeschäften verknüpfen, um genau herauszufinden, welche Art von Lebensmitteln die Menschen kaufen und wer sie kauft. Mit anderen Worten: Norwegen wird genau verfolgen, welche Art von Lebensmitteln die Bürger kaufen. Wir sprechen hier von einer neuen Stufe der staatlichen Kontrolle.“  [..]
Das Statistikamt dagegen argumentiert, dass man die Daten verwenden könne, „um die Entwicklung des norwegischen Lebensmittelkonsums zu berechnen und zu sehen, wie dieser in verschiedenen geografischen Gebieten variiert.“ Es sei wichtig, „regionale, demografische und soziale Unterschiede im Lebensmittelkonsum“ zu ermitteln. [..]  Warum.
Außerdem können diese Zahlungsinformationen verwendet werden, um Statistiken darüber zu erstellen, welche Bürgerinnen und Bürger private Gesundheitsdienste in Anspruch nehmen und wie viel Geld sie dafür ausgeben. [..]
Wie war das mit der Privacy ? Das sind dieselben die auf der anderern Seite ein riesen bürokratisches Ptivacy-Theater veranstalteten.


17.06.22  Putin, St.Petersburg *  engl




[..] Baltic EU/NATO member Lithuania has implemented a ban on all rail transit goods going to Russia's far-western exclave of Kaliningrad, after transport authorities initially announced the provocative measure on Friday. ".. Alikhanov said the ban would cover around 50% of the items that Kaliningrad imports," Reuters wrote. [..]


update 29.06.22


update 30.06.22 

EU Walks Back Hard Line On Kaliningrad Standoff As Russia Places New Missiles On Baltic Coast  that is what you call a quick reaction
[..] If the traditional route for Russian goods to Kaliningrad, first via allied Belarus and then Lithuania, is not restored, the Baltic state fears Moscow could use military force to plow a land corridor through its territory, the person said. [..] Germany, meanwhile, has troops stationed in Lithuania and could be drawn into a confrontation with its NATO allies if that were to happen. [..] "We have to face reality," said one person with direct knowledge of the EU discussions, calling Kaliningrad "sacred" for Moscow. [..]








"Nato Sicherheitsbündnis"
Wenn man vor lauter vermeintlichem, lückenlosem Absichern selbst zum Sicherheitsrisiko (zur Bedrohung) wird dann erreicht man das genaue Gegenteil von dem was man vorgibt erreichen zu wollen.

Nato security alliance
If you become a security risk (a threat) yourself because of your supposed complete protection then you achieve the exact opposite of what you pretend to want to achieve.



"Die neue Weltordnung unter amerikanischer Hegemonie wird gegen Russand, auf Russlands Kosten und auf Russlands Scherbenhaufen geschaffen. Die Ukraine ist für uns ein Vorposten des Westens gegen die Restauration der Sovietunion." Zbigniew Brzezinski, langjähriger und einflussreichster amerikanischer Presidentenberater "and perhaps the world’s most influential political scientist"

“A new world order under the hegemony of the United States is being created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the wreckage of Russia. For us, Ukraine is an outpost of the West against the restoration of the Soviet Union.”  Zbigniew Brzezinski most popular American presidential counsellor and "perhaps the world’s most influential political scientist"

Hegemony = Manipulation



"Nato is expanding (with Finnland and Sweden) -

Russia threatens to respond with nuclear missiles."



Joe Biden by mistake makes Swiss to Nato candidate *, then says
"I am getting really angshious there about expanding Nato"
Make a step back. You're not entitled to dominate the world. You're just making everything worse.
No one of this world is entitled to dominate the world by force. Leading the world is the job of those who are entitled by bringing the living word, (not the empty shell) and have the tool.


What is the U.S. actually 'supporting' here ?
George Soros: "I set up a foundation in Ukraine, before Ukraine became independent of Russia, and the foundation has been functioning ever since; and it played an important part in events now."



1818|4   464


[..] "..the point is, the United States does not want any country in the western hemisphere to invite a distant great power in with its military forces. Whether Canada is gonna do that or Mexico is gonna do that is largely irrelevant. We just don't want anybody to do it. Period. Because it is a threat for our survival. This is where I started off, describing realism. Realism operates on the assumption that great powers are very sensitive about their survival. They worry greatly about their neighbors doing things that could threaten their security." [..]
If the USA take out this privilege for themselves, Russia isn't allowed to do so ? How it comes.




Russian Official Threatens 'Doomsday' if Ukraine Attacks Crimea



Ukraine's first lady asking for more weapons to stop the killing of babies.

Remember Iraq and the incubators.




"Sie unterstützen einen Presidenten der seine Wahlkampagne mit seinem milliardenschweren Raubvermögen und einem eigenen Fernsehsender betrieben hat, ein Oligarch der dem früheren Staatschef Janokovich an Korruption und Gänstertum und krummen Geschäften in nichts nachsteht, und übrigens auch mal sein Minister war."

Zelensky Renting Beachside Mansion Sparks Italian Media Frenzy
[..] The villa in Forte dei Marmi of the Presiden of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, was rented to a couple of Russian citizens who live in London for work. The news has been circulating since mid-August in the glamour capital of Tuscany. Since a Russian woman posted some photos of her in the villa park, located in Vittoria Apuana. Not a random villa, exactly the one of the politician who, at the beginning of the war against Russia, had made a precise appeal: "Do not host Russian tourists in Italy, and block their yachts." [..] Zelensky recently convinced Europe to suspend the 2007 visa facilitation agreement with Moscow to curb Russian tourist inflows entering the bloc. [..]




About Arab Nato.




China and Russia Want to Replace US Dollar With BRICS Currencies
Who dictates his money (over others) is the boss. But when this support falls apart, things may get serious for the boss.



21.07.22 (translated)
Putin in 2017 on artificial intelligence: "Whoever leads in AI technologies will dominate the world"  [..] The future of Russia and humanity lies in artificial intelligence, says Russian President Vladimir Putin. And whoever takes the lead in this field will dominate the entire world, the president said. [..]


21.07.22  (translated)
Beijing to test loyalty of KP officials with artificial intelligence

And the West follows.

It's the way toward the most totalitarian system. /  and wars.


Russia And China Officially Announce A New Global Reserve Currency   [..] And once again, as happens often with consequential news in the United States and the West, no one has noticed and no one seems to care.  [..]
A real historic game changer which the Western system media will leave you in the dark about.


Mit verbündeten Staaten: Russland will ein eigenes internationales Kriegstribunal schaffen
[..] Als Antwort auf den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag will Russland ein eigenes internationales Kriegstribunal schaffen. Mehrere andere Staaten haben bereits Interesse an einer Teilnahme bekundet.  [..]
A real historic game changer which the Western system media will leave you in the dark about.


Biden and Xi talk in long telephone conversation about the hot topic Taiwan - Xi threatens
[..] The phone call between U.S. President Biden and China's leader Xi lasted two hours and 17 minutes. One topic that is causing particular tension is China's dealings with Taiwan. [..]
So, why to talk to China's leader but no American President and no European President ever talked to Putin over Ukraine before it was too late. ( I understand that Trump didn't do so, because of the left their already ongoing fake Russian collusion narrative that prevented him to do so ).










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Ukraine's Zelensky Seeks Direct Talks With China's Xi Jinping
Zelensky on a quixotic quest to drive a wedge between China and Russia, whose cooperation has only grown stronger
In front of the new reality this looks like an act of desperation.

Anger From Ukraine's Backers After Damning Amnesty Report Spotlights 'Human Shields'



Protesters in Argentina: "Cristina [Kirchner, former president of Argentina] told us we had to go to work instead of receiving social benefits. Going to work, that's right-wing politics."

I can only warn Antifa, Che Guevara fans etc: With people who do not want to work there has never been a prosperous country. If you're not working you're looting (unless you're handicapped). You put yourself at the same level of all the big looters on this world. With more and more dire consequences.

The best and most sustainable results have been and will be achieved in Nations with FREE, NON-MANIPULATED market.


Inflation: Deutsche Erzeugerpreise steigen um 37,2 Prozent

Major fire in the Unterland: Warehouse of NewDrink GmbH in flames  |scr .shot 444,1kb|
Already at


o'clock a small fire in the camp had been announced, short time later the Kurtatscher fire-brigade increased then the alarm stage on


(=large fire). At


o'clock howled on Thursday in the Unterland the sirens: In Kurtatsch a large fire was reported, the warehouse logistics south of the


GmbH is in flames. The company has its headquarters in

Sand in Taufers

and distributes beverages. In addition to several volunteer fire departments trying to cope with the flames on the Etschweg, the

White Cross

and the authorities were also alerted. A small fire had already been reported in the warehouse at


p.m. Shortly afterwards, the fire fighters of Kurtatsch then raised the alarm level to 3 (major fire).


Droughts across Europe and America
Die wärmere Erde: Was passiert: Feuchter oder trockener.
Terrestrial stilling. What happens

Wir sitzen alle im selben Boot. Könnte es sein dass angesichts dessen was auf dieser Welt abläuft die Gesetze des Schöpfers durch die Erde zu uns sprechen ?




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Sun above Traubenhof


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27.08.22 (translated)

137,000 more soldiers called to arms: how Putin prepares for endless war

Growing Risk Ukraine Nuclear Plant Could Sputter Radioactive Substances: Operator
[..] Energoatom, the Ukrainian operator over Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which is Europe's largest, is warning Saturday of the risk of a radioactive leak at the site, which since March has been occupied by some 500 Russian troops. [..] Energoatom further claimed that Russian troops "repeatedly shelled" key infrastructure at the plant - a charge rejected by Moscow. Instead Russia's defense ministry countered that it was the Ukrainian side that "shelled the territory of the station three times" in the past day, saying "a total of 17 shells were fired."  [..]

Guess who is lying. Why should Russian troops be repeatedly shelling their own controlled territory. (Update)



Taiwan fires Chinese drones after warnings, tensions rise: 'Beijing is warned'
Bunch of sleepyheads in the White House and Pentagon.
The deeper in trouble the Chinese systems gets the more likely the Taiwan invasion becomes.


Western Allies Led By UK's Johnson Sabotaged Tentative Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal... In April
Mounting evidence suggests war in Ukraine could have been over by this point
07.09.22 (translated)
[..] Behind the war, there was an essentially political issue between Russia and Ukraine. On that political issue, how did we intervene? I have the impression that Europe has shown an impressive display of superficiality and subalternity to the United States that has not been manifested in at least these proportions for many years. [..]


One thing has to be clear: If the European Nations (now a place where those 'kaspers' who are elected do not have a real say at all because they're all bound at this centralist system of functionaries the EU has become, and they're all together under America's doctrine of globalization and world domination (the same btw applies to China)) are democracies, almost everything on this world is democracy, especially including Russia, where at least the President is elected directly and he can make decisions, as it shall be.

The most striking twist is however that those who call Russia a demonic dictatorship are the same that at least until now were sitting in one  boat with the Chinese  regime.



08.09.22 (translated)
Excalibur, Pentagon sent its highest-precision artillery shell to Kiev
08.09.22 (translated)

"We will not leave our European friends in the cold." U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this at NATO headquarters in Brussels. "However, now is the time to choose: to leave behind dependence on Russian energy, which Moscow will never stop using as blackmail, and to proceed with the energy transition," he added.

Ask Blinken: WHO for so many years has shown a complete inability to find an acceptable solution for the special situation with and in the Ukraine.

Ask Blinken: WHO imposed the sanctions.

Ask Blinken: WHO is interested in selling even more American energy to Europe at a much higher price than Russia.




What is that blue flag in the background.




So, due a Russian error Ukraine forces in a great compact afford have made some gains in recent days. No journalist in war zone, no credible reports. But lots of propaganda. Indeed, the move is relatively meaningless, but an optimal propaganda action, and the western propaganda drums around this move are sooo transparent to the critical eye, while their asses are burning.

War = Propaganda = lies from A to Z

[..] “La controffensiva di Kharkiv non può essere replicata”
Ma soprattutto quella propulsione tattica non cambia in modo significativo le sorti del conflitto in Ucraina. Piuttosto, a parere di Bertolini che è coautore con Giuseppe Ghini di “Guerra e pace ai tempi di Putin”, riapre uno spiraglio negoziale. Spiraglio che conviene cogliere. Per Bertolini insomma deve essere Volodymyr Zelensky a sfruttare questo successo tattico ma non sul campo, bensì per sedersi al tavolo delle trattative da una posizione di maggiore forza. Ma se le cose non andassero così c’è il rischio di una escalation del Cremlino e Kiev sarebbe nei guai.  [..]

Zelensky involved in car accident. Missiles on the dam. *




"The weakening of Germany *

or its demolition ?

How about "unprovoked" invasion ?

Quote: "The prerequisite for Germany to fall into this trap is the leading role of the Green party and ideology in Europe."

(RAND-think thank paper, first published in January 2022,

ahead of Ukrainian invasion)

Die meisten Leute werden das sowiso nicht glauben.

Sie können es und wollen es nicht wahrhaben.





[..] Accordingly, the fast-approaching dark, cold winter of stagflationary collapse in Europe is not being done in heroic defense of the grand principles proffered by Washington and NATO. To the contrary, it amounts to the pointless and grubby business of preserving a vile status quo ante that was confected on the lands north of the Black Sea, not by the ordinary course of historical evolution and nation-state accretion, but by the bloody-hands of Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev. [..]

In einem Ausnahmegebilde wie der Ukraine die Grenzen zu einem unantastbaren Altar zu erheben -egal welche Umstände dort herrschen- ist ganz offensichtlich von Anfang an eine Strategie um einen großen Krieg auszulösen.



Russia Secretly Gave $300 Million to Political Parties and Officials Worldwide, U.S. Says
So why do you care (for your war propaganda) about 300 million from Russia to somewhere while China is taking you over at home, buying your lands, infiltrating your institutions and your companies, stealing your data and technical know how, corrupting your universities, swallowing Hong Kong and threatening Taiwan with invasion.

And if you once publish a respective list of recipients, don't forget to include regimes you support (resp.update 17.09.22) openly and secretly with money, trade, intelligence and militarily + respective costs.


And keep your hands off the Kremlin !



Sieg hin, Niederlage her, so reden nur blinde, zu 100% charakterbefreite A-löcher and the trap people. Und die gibt es massenweise auf dieser Welt. Die oberen Etagen und nicht nur, und allen voran die großen Medien sind heute derart vollgestopft damit, dass das ferngesteuerte Idiotentum aus allen Löchern pfeift (Ausnahmen ausgenommen) und droht  alles zu überwuchern und demolieren.
Im Krieg gibt es keinen Sieger, nur Verlierer. Dafür ist gesorgt.
Für den Menschen gibt es nur einen Sieg: 1 !



So the new German and European gas supplier will be Azerbaijan.
The Muslim Azerbaijan is in a


fresh war of -in this case indeed unprovoked- aggression  against the Christian Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh, means without preceding daily bombardments of the Armenians against the Azerbaijanis for many years or similar preceding continuous provocations, in contrast to Ukraine.
So, is this the good war of aggression of Azerbaijanis in contrast to the allegedly "unprovoked" course in Ukraine ?

Further, when Russia sends its troops to help and to save Russians on their own soil it is called occupation, when west-backed proxy-Ukraine sends troops into the same regions (Kharkiv & elsewhere), so that Russians are fleeing in tens of thousands into the motherland Russia then they call it "liberation". Liberation from .. ?  More than half of population has already fled from their homes during the 8 years of being permanent shelled by the new West's outpost in the East, acquired via coup in 2014.


Here you can see how far from the truth the media narratives are and how radical their lies. But the lies are on the table. So, in a lack of arguments they will  fall back on the classic leftist strategy of simple categorizations like "anti-Americans", "Putinlovers" etc to 'defend' their position because they can never admit to be wrong or on the wrong side. This is as unthinkable for them as it seems unthinkable to them that some individuals could be out to just dig out the truth beneath the surface of lies and bad games.

And this their attitude is the reason why, once they have set up a trap, they will never go back or turn around, until the disaster is total.  (Update 21.09.22   *  *  >  ).



Ukraine: "5 year prison sentence for anyone who goes to vote in Donbass." | Redacted



Donbass referendum, first data from pro-Russians: "97% of Ukrainians want annexation to Russia"



27.09.22 (translated)
Ukraine, Italian observer: "Russia referendum anomalous, but no threats"
(Adnkronos) - [..] A vote that was certainly "anomalous," but "I didn't see anyone voting at gunpoint, although I don't know then behind what happens." Graziarosa Villani is among 13 Italian observers who traveled to the Donbass and Russian-controlled regions of Ukraine where a referendum on "accession" to Moscow has been taking place since September 23. A vote called a "farce" by Kiev and branded illegal by the international community West [..]


Now that Donbass &Co have voted the EU-democrats are sanctioning them for.



28.09.22 Preannounced demolition or the promised false flag if you so will. Nordstram Pipelines Sabotage |

All the usual would-be analysts will again get lost in their woods, while ignoring Pres.Biden's own words "I promise you we will be able do it" (need one more by  * ?) could not be clearer than this and do not leave ANY question open. The Americans have been against the Nordstream pipelines since from the beginning (btw including Trump in total contrast to Putin who has never stopped to offer a back to business), and the whole strategy goes along with the Ukraine provocation against Russia. (update 02.10.22 Moscow looking forward to possible reparation of Nordstream pipes)
update 11.10.22 Gazprom: Nato ordnance found in 2015 during inspection at Nord Stream pipeline  Nato-linked explosive devices were found in 2015 during an inspection of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. This was reported by Gazprom spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov. Specifically, Kupriyanov explained, a Seafox destroyer, which NATO had reported missing after some exercises (?) , had been discovered in the 2015 inspection. "The military device was located right under our pipeline," Kupriyanov said. )
Does anyone of the horde of political clowns in Europe have the courage to speak out the truth? 

No doubt, most European leaders, especially EU; will go with the devil and sell you out to him. (→update 30.10.22) 

Now as you know, if you do such an operation it must be precisely planned in all details (rel. update), perfectly timed and most probably you would also lay some false tracks or traces yet you will make your arrangements in regard to which party and which individuals will take over and lead the so called "official" investigations. Everything must be planned from the beginning to the end, just as it was with 9.11, unless you're an amateur. Anyway, you don't play these games with us. Not with us

(update 03.10.22 Blinken Calls Sabotage Attacks On Nord Stream Pipelines A "Tremendous Opportunity")

(update President Putin offers gas supply via Nord Stream 2. "All you have to do is turn on the tap," Putin said during an appearance at the Russian Energy Week in Moscow. The pipe was probably not so damaged that it could no longer be used, he said. ..) This is what in the Western propaganda is propagated as 'the energy-war unleashed by Putin against Europe'.














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US-citizen invited by US-ambassade in Moscow to leave Russia immediately.


So, here we go with the leaders of the colour revolutions.

Soon many Nations will experience and find out how corrupt their own systems are.



These numbers speak an absolute clear language.

To accept this reality would

be the only chance left for peace.



Kiev, 5mila militari russi circondati a Lyman



All those who use the words "win" or "victory" in connection with war while playing the moralists are very poor people in their mind, of course these 'journalists' and their media included.




Defending the centimeters

So Biden, Scholz and Co are "defending" the territorial centimeters. They never lose one word about the people to which this territory indeed belongs, to which this territory is their own home. So, Biden does not care about the people at all. He doesn't care about the history of their suppression. He and his media prefer to "defend the centimeters" on the shoulders of the people. Then they (the classical left) claim to be 'on the side of the heart'.



Kissinger Warns Washington Warmongers: "Not Wise To Include Ukraine In NATO"
[..] Well the 99-year-old has doubled-down on them now, bluntly telling the Council on Foreign Relations that any attempt to remove Russia's historic "safety belt" was unwise. [..] As Caitlin Johnstone succinctly noted earlier in the year, Henry Kissinger is warning about the dangers of US warmongering not because he has gotten saner, but because the US war machine has gotten crazier: [..]


[..] The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is opening police departments outside of China. These offices are allegedly meant to monitor Chinese citizens living abroad and are the latest chapter in operations from the regime to export its persecutions of dissidents. [..]
Still no ears for the big bell ?


05.10.22 (translated)

Kremlin accepts musk proposal on Ukraine deal, Kiev opposed


05.10.22 (translated)

Ukraine, Zelensky: "We advance rapidly against Russian troops in the south"
Can't comment this


05.10.22 (translated)

Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree barring any possibility of entering into negotiations with the Kremlin. The decree even bans negotiations. Let's say it could be interpreted as a furious and dismissive response to the pope's appeal to Moscow and Kiev two days ago. In addition to the pope, Elon Musk has moved on the pacifist front .. [..] He launched a peace proposal that apparently pleased Moscow and disliked Kiev and the Americans. [..]

06.10.22 (translated)

The Eurochamber calls on the EU to prepare a response in case of a Russian nuclear attack.
[..] Moscow warns that the creation of a military training mission for Ukraine by the EU effectively gives Europe a role as a party to the conflict. The Eurochamber calls on the EU to prepare a response in case of a Russian nuclear attack." [..]


Jeffrey Sachs on Mainstream: "Europe (*) is in a very very sharp economic downturn.. (Secretary of State Anthony Blinken: 'a tremendous opportunity'!) ..the main factor is that the European economy is getting hammered by the sadden cut off of energy, and now to make it definitiv the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline which I would bet was a US action, perhaps US and Poland." [..]
A person of character. He knew he will never be given a voice again by the narrative-media. So, what is it worth fighting for and will bring mankind forward, a party- and drag-queen-society, or a character society.

Ukraine, Finnish premier Sanna Marin: "the way out of the war ? Is for Russia to withdraw"
This isn't the way you lead. Nor is it strength. It is pol.correctness and that is nothing. This is the language of the new Hitlers, protected and led by an armed up to their teeth American mafia (And they know that it is a mafia!*).  It is ideological language. Totalitarian language.

(*) Just as in the Ukraine and in Russia it is a mafia, let alone in China or Iran.

but in regard to Dombass (and not only) the Russians are right.


.. and what about the European mafia, actively involving in war at the Russian border with arms and large scale training of Ukrainian soldiers, while releasing their 8th sanction package against Russia, tearing up a new iron curtain in the east for all the false reasons you can imagine.

All these warlords are being fed up through the fiat money system and the people will pay a very high price for it. Just go left, just go socialism.

This is the same EU that still promotes the hijab while in Iran girls/women are being killed by the hundreds in anti-hijab protests. They are trying to lure the people into their ideology of diversity which is nothing else than the religion of the nothing in which they can play the godhoods. Damn what kind of godhoods are they.


You do not tell me Europe was under direct threat from Russia at any time since the fall of the iron curtain. The truth is, Russia has never attacked Europe, but has been attacked by Europe more than once. The truth is also, Putin has always shown a great interest in a closer cooperation with Europe.  Think about. Though the strategists in Washington have their plans, and in that plans there is no room for a politically independent Russia anymore.

Does anyone claim that a foreign war-machine of the size of Nato (=the biggest one in the world) coming directly to Russias border does not represent a serious threat for Russia ?


Anyway, who are the biggest gainer in this very bad game - China and USA.

Who are the grand loser in this very bad game - Europe and Russia.

In other words, Europe is -if at all- to be defended with Russia not with the Ukraine.



Es wird sich bald herausstellen wer der Herr ist auf dieser Welt.


  24 HP


08.10.22 (translated)

The long arm of the Chinese police in five continents
What looks like an unassuming Chinese restaurant could turn out to be a kind of "illegal service station" for the Chinese police. There are 37 of them in Europe.



Confirmed US has boots on the ground in Ukraine despite Biden administration denials


08.10.22 (translated)

Crimean bridge hit: 'Ukrainians did it. Kiev: "Happy birthday Mr.Putin. It's just the beginning". (*) (UK involvement) Nice game financed by the Westerners pockets, in the case of the Europeans, for their own painful, long-term downturn. (Update 09.10.22  The Tsar's revenge: the Russians blow up the "glass bridge")  













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take the Nord Stream VX   

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Dave Smith Breaks Down the Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine
[..] Basically Burisma was in bed with the old government that had aligned with Russia. And so when that government was overthrown, they were very worried, because they were in bed with the old government and now there is this new government. Who is in there ? And so instead of bribing the new government they just went right to the source, and bribed the son (Hunter) of the sitting (American) vice president. Joe Biden when he was vice president was in charge of Ukraine policy. [..] Just paying them money (*), just like 'hey keep us with you'. And then Trump was telling them to investigate all this shit.(**)

.(*) 50,000USD/month
(**) which was never done


Professor Sachs: "Ukraine Needs To Stop Bombing Nuclear Power Plant And Blaming It On Russia"
[..] Professor Jeffrey Sachs stated Sunday that the U.S. should be demanding that Ukraine stops shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and blaming it on Russia, otherwise the world will face a nuclear armageddon on two fronts.  Sachs, a prominent public policy analyst, made the comments on a recent podcast, noting “Our media says they don’t know who is shelling the plant. And they can’t put one and one together to say that if Russia is in control of the plant, maybe they’re not shelling their own plant. Maybe it’s Ukraine who is shelling the plant.”  [..] The plant has come under sustained shelling in recent days, with the Ukrainian government blaming Russia. “It is almost surely Ukraine shelling the power plant and we can’t bring ourselves to express a simple truth and that hurts because they continue to shell the power plant with impunity,” Sachs further declared. “We don’t know ever with our government what is really going on because they don’t tell the truth,” he further warned, adding “That just goes with the business of government, the way that it is viewed in Washington.” [..]

12.10.22 (translated)
Kiev, allies will close our skies, historic move
"Another Ramstein. This is a historic event, because the decision is made to close the skies of Ukraine. Strengthening airspace and missile defence systems is what we need. [..]
That would make Ukraine to a de facto Nato state. Anyway the Ukrainian army as it was at the beginning of this year does no longer exist. There is no such thing as an Ukrainian army anymore. Half of the soldiers gone, all their original arms and equipment gone. The remaining soldiers are now trained in many different Nato states, and all the arms and equipment is now Nato equipment.

So, it's a Nato army.

update 15.10.22



[..] Während der Westen gegen Russland einen kalten Energiekrieg als Antwort auf die russische Invasion in der Ukraine führt, freut sich das kommunistische Regime in China über die gute Chance, seinen Einfluss in Europa zu vergrößern. Denn China liefert Erdgas nach Europa, russisches Erdgas. .. [..]


Al Qaeda and ISIS fighting in Ukraine *
"Al qaeda fighters arriving by the busloads into Ukraine from nordern Syria."  "Nato has been paying these al quaeda fighters a few thousand dollars a month."

Al Qaeda is indeed and de facto a mercenary army of the USA, created by the USA (Brzezinsky * strategy) for their games of global power and influence. Watch.



Kherson, Russian population fleeing, governor wanted by Putin warns citizens: 'Leave your homes'

The "liberators" are coming




14.10.22 (translated)

Council of Europe, Russia to be defined as terrorist regime
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe calls on all member states to "declare the current Russian regime as a terrorist regime." [..]


14.10.22 (translated)
Russian comedians elicit explosive statements from Ukrainian foreign minister
[..] Pro-Kremlin comedians used a fake phone call to elicit explosive statements about Crimea and warfare from Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. "If you ask me who is blowing something up in Crimea or Belgorod, I will tell you in private, yes, it was us," Kuleba said in the phone call, [..]. The Russian caller on the other end had posed as ex-U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul. [..]


14.10.22 (translated)
Nukes against Ukraine? Borrell: "We would destroy the Russian military."
They have gone too far with their lies and manipulations so that they can't step back anymore without losing their faces. How it comes that mankind, -first of all America- has put itself into the hands of so many of these sick-minded, sinister a-holes. We all know that you can't destroy the Russian army without ending in Armageddon.


Elon Musk Alarmed After Apparent Inclusion On Well-Known Ukrainian Myrotvorets 'Kill List'


















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